

Does anyone have experience with Fitbit? I'm looking for a good device to measure calories burned. I've researched several products and this one seems to have good reviews and the price is reasonable.

yes..i have it, i like to challenge myself on how many steps i take daily..its a fun gadget to have
How dose it measure the calories burned from the workout DVD? Do you strap it to your body and it takes measurement after you're done? Thanks
I have both the Fitbit Ultra and Omron that has the computer upload software. I love, love the fitbit because it is so easy to slide over your panthouse, shorts or whatever and just like the Omron it can be put in your pocket.

But I will tell you the Omron is much better at counting your cardio activity than the fitbit. You are to presss the start button to start it and stop it when you are finished. Whereas, the Omron if the activity is over 10 minutes it automatically records it as aerobic. Also the fitbit does not count spinning at all and Omron does and it very accurate at it.

I do like that the fitbit has a food log (with searchable database) and weight log that holds you accountable. I also have the Fitbit Aria scale that is wi-fi connected and you can link to your Fitbit account. The Omron doesn't but if you aren't into all logging your food that would not matter. Overall the Fitbit is slimmer and not as bulky but honestly, I still prefer my Omron because it counts spinning. I wear them both (I know OCD) and they both pretty much have the same numbers except if you do spinning you're going to get more on your Omron and Fitbit doesn't even count that....hope this helps...leigh
Thanks Leigh. It's very helpful. I do like the fact that we can attached Fitbit pretty much anywhere and it's small. It's more discreet. So once I start the Cathe DVD I should press the Fitbit and it begins recording? It sounds like a cool little device. :)
Yes, when you start your activity hold down til timer starts to run and then when you're finished press til stop appears. It is definitely small and tool...leigh
To get fitbit to count spinning I wear it on the leg of my bike shorts. I think it might undercount "steps" this way since you are only getting one side counted, but it is more accurate than wearing the device at your waist. I know this because one day DH forgot his fitbit at home and I wore both devices, one on my leg and one at my waist, and the leg one counted probably 50% more "steps".

Fitbit does a much better job at counting calories of anything with steps (it is basically a fancy pedometer). So weight training, for example, it doesn't count well. You can override the time spent weight training on the website, but since I am not PERFECT on logging my food, I don't worry about the weight training days and just try to still get in my 5 miles. I believe it uses some sort of algorithm based on age, height, speed of acquiring steps, etc. to calculate your calorie burn.

I love my fitbit and would replace it if anything happened to it.

Instead of using the fitbit website to log food, I use myfitnesspal on my iPhone and it syncs with fitbit which is totally cool. I used to log exercise manually on MFP, but now the fitbit sends over the calorie burn info and I use that to figure out how many calories I can eat each day. DH uses the fitbit website to log food and I don't think it is as slick as MFP, also, not as good of a food database and he is constantly asking me how many calories I logged for dinner.

Between DH and me, we should get some sort of royalty from fitbit because at least 8 people now have fitbits on our recommendation! However, I will say that it is essentially a toy and I was able to lose the 15 lbs I lost mostly due to food logging. So I do consider the food log to be more critical to one's success as opposed to the fitbit, but I enjoy the fitbit more than the food logging!
I got a FitBit for Mother's Day, and I love it, but my goals for it were to get me moving more throughout the day. I workout a LOT, but for the rest of the day M-F, I'm generally sitting at a desk all day, and I know that's not good. So I wanted something that would make me get up and take a walk just to MOVE. This works perfectly for that. I pay no attention to calories burned, and don't log my food, but for steps and floors walked, it's a great motivator.
Interesting. Thanks to all who responded. :)
I have a desk job too so I need to get up and walk around more. I also use Myfitnesspal to log my food intake. I was hoping to find a device that can measure calories burned from weight lifting and cardio (kickboxing)workouts. Does a heart rate monitor do that? I'm guessing that weight training calories will be difficult to measure since the more muscles you have the more calories you burn. You can do it in your sleep. How can that be measured while you are performing the excercise?

Food is definitely important. I hear it's 80/20. 80% of your success is from the food that you eat and the rest is the workout. :)
Ok, guys, thought I'd let you know I am ordering my third ask why because they do not take sweat well. I am training for a marathon right now and they just can't take a lot of sweat. I looked up this problem on the help and it said they are not can look it up yourself to verify but seems to me a fitness gadget should be waterproof, it is probably made more for walking, but not hardcore.

I've never had this problem with my Omron....I am so glad I was wearing both the day my last fitbit bit the dust because I was doing a training run.

Geomom, you are so right the food log definitely helps lose the weight. I enjoy that part of the fitbit logs because I can see how many calories I have to go and be creative in eating to stay on track....I finally lost that last 10 pounds and I couldn't have done it without the fitbit logs....just wish it were more durable.....Leigh
Hi Leigh,
That's a good point. It needs to be waterproof. I sort of assumed all of gadgets should be. That's a disappointment. :(


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