fit with poor eating habits/New Years Resolutions

Are you like me?

You exercise religiously with hard videos (Cathe, Firm)

You drink 8 glasses of water a day.

You eat terribly, and justify your eating habits by saying "Hey, I workout!"

You are getting closer to age 40 (38) and are having a tougher time maintaining your fit (yet soft in the middle) figure?

My New Years Resolution is clean Eating? Anyone else?
Eat clean 6 days a week....and allow a pig out day once a week. Who can't handle that? It helps not to have bad stuff in your house, or to have someone hide it.

You can do it!!!!!!!! There are lots of good books out there, and I don't mean the fad stuff...the "you can live with this forever" type of book.

I got a bread machine, and I can bake really healthy bread with it......and IT'S WHAT WEIGHTWATCHERS USED TO CALL "LEGAL" FOOD!!!! Just slather some jelly on it......jelly has no fat.

Why am I going on like this????? I think it's because I'm glad to have a forum to read hints and get support. Just ignore me.
Fitnatalie! We are soulmates! I'm 37. I work out ('though I never think it's enough - always striving for more). I drink quarts of water a day - that's one health habit that's easy. But my eating habits are abysmal!!! When I'm on a binge I feel terrible, but I can't stop. I rationalize it, too, by the fact that I continue to exercise and because I (fortunately) don't gain weight easily. People say, oh, you don't have to worry about what you eat! But I do! I know my health suffers.

The old body doesn't bounce back like it used to. My new year's resolutions are to eat clean, exercise more regularly (I'm shooting for 4:30 a.m.), and drink green tea!

Let's keep each other motivated!

I love everyone's posts, and I've learned so much from Lex! I have the PS series, and I got a step for Christmas. I'm waiting to get Body Max and Power Max any day now.

Happy New Year FitNatalie and everyone! :D

Happy New Year everyone! FitNatalie and Cherlynb, ladies I'm with you. I too, am 38 and exercise religously, but because my diet is so bad, you can't see the results of my hard work (fat layer hiding it). Starting today, I've committed to eating more healthy. Since food happens to be my one weakness, it's going to be really hard for me. I'm going to be calling on you two for support.
Hi guys, i'm not near 40 but, I too have terrible eating habits. Actually I love to workout w/ Cathe, but my eating habits get in the way. The less healthy the food is, the less energy I get. It's a terrible cycle,that I plan to correct hopefully w/ this new years resolution. More protein/less carbs, for the new year!

What is the deal??? For me, if the food is there I will eat it. It has become especially tough since moving in with my boyfriend, who has no problem buying bags of cookies and other food I never would have thought of. For so many people the problem is getting the willpower to consistently workout. I'm very consistent with workouts, but just can't find the right formula for eating well.
My two biggest temptations are Ben and Jerry's ice cream and gummy bears (only the hard, German kind--nothing else will do). I'm happy to say that I haven't bought either in probably two months, and since then my skin has been clearer (I'm 29 in two days and I still break out!!!) That has been a great motivator for me to not buy those foods. A much better motivator than just saying "that's not healthy" or "that's too fattening", which never seemed to stop me. Also, I must admit that after two weeks without them, I seem to crave them less.
I love Honeybunch's idea of having one pig-out day a week. I actually started to try that a few weeks before Christmas, but had a little trouble sticking to it since the holiday goodies started rolling in at work. I did limit myself a lot more thatn I typically would have, but wasn't completely clean during the weeks.
I know Lex has recomended lots of good, informative books. I will do a search later, and check them out at the library. (a new years resolution from several years ago was to stop spending so much money on books, and use the local library. Boy did that save me some money! Of course, I ended up using it on other indulgences like exercise videos, but who's counting? ;-) )
Wendy (sorry for rambling!)
I'm 37(in 24 days) and have been having a really hard time with mindless eating patterns this past year. Being a type 1 diabetic I HAVE to count ALL of my carbs. I really do get tired of doing this. I will keep a food journal and graph my blood sugar levels in conjunction with exercise for a few days then I slack off.
I avoid processed food, eat my fruit & veggies, eat only whole grains, and use lots of soy products. My 2001 resolution is to work harder at keeping all my records up to par and to quit eating meat(not fish though).
I had no problems in the exercise dept. for 2000. At least I was consistent in that area. Looking forward to a fresh new positive year.

I need to join in!

My eating habits have been terrible the last few years and I have to make a change. I love to exercise - no problem with my commitment there - but I wind up reaching for empty calories too many times and eat WAY too much of them. My weight has gone up this year big time and I am not happy about that at all!! I'm not concentrating on weight loss - just eating more balanced and hoping the weight will come off as a result of healthier eating. It's definitely a challenge! I love honeybunch's approach - I may try that. It's nice to know that I have company with this struggle!!
RE: I need to join in!

Hello everyone,

Now that we're well into the new year, I was wondering how everyone was doing with their resolution to improve their eating habits. I'm struggling, but still trying. I'm keeping a food diary and finding it useful, but somewhat of a nuisence. Has anyone found something/anything that's working for them? I was just wondering how you all were doing.
food diary

I hear ya about the food diary being a nuisance. It got boring and repetitive to keep writing down basically the same foods each day, usually the same foods in different combinations or whatever. Since New Years Day I've instead just jotted down the time of each meal throughout the day. I try to eat 5 times per day, approx. 3 hrs. apart and usually never more than 4 hrs. apart. It is tons easier just to jot down the time of day rather than writing the same stuff (cottage cheese and fruit, chicken rice and veggies, protein shake, whatever) day after day. I keep it on the fridge and it's quick and easy just to note the time of meal each time.
RE: food diary

It may be a little more involved than you want to get but I log my food at It helps me keep track of calories, fat, sodium, protein, carbs, etc... I am trying to lose those last 10 to 15 pounds and this has really helped stay consistent. Just a thought!

Eating habits...

I am 32 and have found that every year since I hit about 27 my metabolism has continued to slow down. Eating clean in my 30's is a whole different ballgame than in my 20s. Plus I have a lot of food allergies so it isn't just eating clean, it's eating things that don't make me sick too. I have never stopped working out my whole life, but still my weight has been all over the board. It's frustrating.
The best you can do is promise yourself to try hard. Don't try to be perfect. Don't beat yourself up when you indulge.
I agree with the 6 days a week thing. I have one cheat day per week, but I don't go bananas on that day. I have a jar with little pieces of paper in it. On each piece is a cheat {pizza, coffee, cheesecake, bread, etc) and on my cheat day I get to pick one. It adds some excitement to the whole thing. I do not keep bad foods in my house ever.
If you set realistic goals that are achievable, you'll be better able to accomplish them and each success spurs you on to reach the next one. Good luck!
RE: I need to join in!

Here's my check-in: I was one of those who jumped on the fit-with-poor-eating-habits bandwagon on January 1st. Let's just say I'm doing better than I was during the month of December, but still not great! The past few days I've given in to emotional eating. This is something I never really experienced in my twenties, so it's kind of weird. I think having finally gotten rid of the all the holiday leftovers of candy and other sweets will help! (I know I should have dumped them on New Year's Day, but I just couldn't!)

Well, I'll keep trying, and I'm sure you all will, too! These check-in's really do help to remind me that I'm not alone in my struggle!
Love the cheat-jar idea, Kristina :)!!!

That is SOOOO clever!!! But.....I don't know if it'd work in my case cuz I'd wanna pick out 2 or 3 at one time!!:), or else I'd feel deprived for the things on the papers that were still in the jar. I've got a verrrry sick mind. ;-) Still, it's such a cute idea, I love it! And if it's working for you, more power to ya!
RE: Cheat Jar

You gals wanna hear something funny? One day I pulled out my cheat treat and my boyfriend had slipped in one that said..."relations with your loving man" Can you believe him? I laughed so hard I peed my pants. But then another week he put in one that said "dinner at Outback" so I forgave him.

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