
New Member
Holy duck!! Did I think I was going to die yesterday or what! Completed the first dvd in STS series and have never felt invigorated, energised or hypo in my life, at the same time feeling utterly drained and muscle fatigued! My mum was quite impressed and has decided to give it a lappy as well. Coming from Oz I wasn't sure if I would get the right region dvd etc but am so pleased that I have actually ordered some of the workout toys. Am so waiting to get the post from the USA to utilise my new Cathe gear. Today am feeling muscles i never realised I owned and lifting my arms above my head hurt like a bitch but boy am I glad coz it means i must be doing it right! Intend to check in every now and then just too vent and let anyone or maybe no one in particular know what is going on. Come from a small town in Oz with a population of 1000 spread out over 38 square kms. so not easy telling people you started a new lifestyle program coz rarely ever would they get enthused. keep up the hard work to all those folks out in the Cathe nation and I love reading the success and inspiration stories. Oz signing out for now ......
Great job on your first workout! STS is the best strength program---I love it! I just started Meso 2 this week (this is my 3rd time through the program and it never gets old) and Meso 2 is my favorite....I really start to see tone in this cycle!!

Good luck!

Excellent work there Shadowdazzler! Keep it up! We're here to motivate, inspire and keep you pumped up and going so you can achieve your goals! I hope you and your mom enjoy STS! I sure did and already have a plan to throw it back into my rotations again this fall!


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