Finally got a BARBELL!!


I was so excited to find a decent, reasonably-priced barbell set at Target Friday night! It was 100 pounds so I had to slide it on a mini-skateboard and then loop a jump rope underneath to pull it to the checkout counter! LOL! My daughter dragged about 15 feet behind me!

Now I can really take my weight training sessions seriously. I'm getting ready to buy PUB/PLB for the occasion!!! :7 :7 :7

OMG that is the funniest mental image of the day. I love it!!! How old is your daughter? I love it!! Soon enough, she'll realize how amazing you are to be doing this for yourself and your body.

As for me, I wimped out and asked my parents to pick one up for me when they were near the store... it took my dad I think about 4 trips to bring it into his house!! 110 pounds of impressed parents, I must say!! Good thing they are buff exercisers, too, otherwise I would have been concerned!! LOL

Tell your daughter you're both strong AND clever. She'll love it. ;)
My daughter is going to be 13 next Sunday so I'm sure she was sooooo embarrassed...especially if she saw someone she knew! I was cracking up!

The bad thing is, my boyfriend carried it in for me Saturday morning and it twisted his back so I felt really bad.

Wow, Amy, you have some pretty tough parents!! Invite them to the Cathe Road Trip! LOL!!!


Wow that's perfect!!! Almost 13!! I'm so glad you did that. I hope she remembers the scene for a long time. I wish my mom had been strong of character like that when I was 13, it would have been a great example.

Now we need to work on getting your boyfriend started on Cathe!! LOL. He sounds great to help you out.

My mom would DIE over Cathe's choreography. My parents are part of a community boot camp at Stanford campus near their home. They've been a part of it for several years. When the regular leaders are on vacation, my mom leads the group!! It's tough- I've gone with them a few days and it can be pretty intense! I do tease them about it, though. I should be nicer, I guess.

My mom did a Firm video with me once, but she didn't like it. I told her, no one likes the videos the first time around! So right now she has my fanny lifter and a few videos to play with. My dad's tied up with golf, so they are pretty active! But they aren't even close to old- my dad just turned 60 this year.
That's great, Angie! Once I got a barbell, my weight training sessions were never the same. I stopped feeling wimpy, with my 12's and 15's (the heaviest db's I had then), since I had enough plates to max out my barbell's capacity.

I like your very creative method of taking your barbell set to the checkout counter. Target prides itself in its "upscale" environment (as opposed to Wal-Mart and K-Mart) but good help is still incredibly hard to find in there.


Angie.... I want a barbell set really bad. I like the ones that Cathe has on some of her workout where it looks like she places a clip beside the plate to secure it. What brand did you find at Target. Any suggestions from anyone else on what brand to buy?

I have been using dumbbells and have 15 pounders. I have been holding 15 and 5 pound dumbbells in each hand to equal the 40 lbs load for the pyramids but this is very uncomfortable.
Thanks Amy... that is the set I was looking for. I wonder if you can buy them out in a sporting good store or if you have to order on-line?
I found when I was looking online that shipping for a 110lb set was $30-40. I'd try to find a set at Target or Walmart and go get it yourself!!
Good luck
It seems funny to me because our first Barbell set was put on the curb for the trash truck. Of course someone took it. After I got into heavier weights I was really sorry. I still have the dumbbells though. I have two of the 10 lb weight plates as well so the whole set did not go. Then a few years ago I got a wieder set and a friend gae me weight plates:) Enjoy your weights it is so much fun trying new equipment.
Diane Sue
I just broke in my barbell set with the upper body split from ME. It really makes a difference! The only complaint is that I have the "spin on" collars so to change the weights took a bit more time than I wanted. Plus, some of the paint chipped off of the collars and splintered in my fingers! Yuck! But with my barbell and gloves, I feel like a true Catheite!

Jane - the brand from Target is Prospirit but the plates themselves say "York".

Mine is the Weider with the star collars that you screw on. I bought some regulat collars that I squeeze on. It works much better for workouts like the pyramids where you have to change quickly. I also used Dumbbells for some moves like the step ups.

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