Exercise & trying to become pregnant



Hi Cathe,

I have read that a woman who is physically fit produces less or no estrogen. I ask this question because my husband and I are trying to have a child and I love working out with you and your videos. I guess we have the attitude that if us having a child is the Lord's will, then things will work out "naturally"; however, at the same time I feel that I am not giving pregnancy a fair chance if I continue to exercise at the level of your intensity. Is the above statement only for professional athletes, etc. I know I should probably talk with my OB/GYN, but I wanted your opinion as you are definitely a model of woman being physically fit. Any comments would be appreciated.
Exercising & PG


I'm obviously not Cathe, but I wanted to just give you another opinion on this. I was working out VERY hard before I got pg, and although I did initially have troubles, it wasn't at all related to my exercising. In fact, I was "in training" for the last spring Cathe trip when I got pregnant, and was 6 weeks pregnant while on the trip (and I didn't change my routine at all - it was TOUGH!). Although it is true that women who exercise at *extremely* high levels, and therefore have very little body fat, may not ovulate, that certainly isn't true for the generally fit population! If you can verify that you are indeed ovulating (having regular periods is a decent indicator, although if you really want to know, taking your basal body temp for a few months would really verify it for you), then you should be able to do whatever you have been doing.

Take care, and good luck!

(EDD 12/24!)

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