Excused from Jury Duty


The jury I might have sat on was for a young man accused of possessing 12 pounds of methamphetamine for distribution and I was exuised since I have a 19 year old nephew who has been addicted to the stuff, in and out of jail and rehab for nearly two years now and I would not have been an imprtial juror. One day I would like to sit on a jury. The process is facinating. Thank heavens, it was not now.

I have a house and a guest room to get ready for this weekend when our guests arrive! Ali is in Germany this morning and we are awaiting word on how her day of travel went. Rich tracked her flight from Phoenix to Frankfurt and she'll be staying in Brandenburg for the next three weeks.

All's well that ends well! Thanks for all the support! :) You guys rock!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Bobbi, can you get me the name and number of the meth guy?;)

I'm glad all went well. Please let us know that Ali arrived safely. I'm sure she'll have a blast and a half:)
Big sigh of relief, I bet. Have a great weekend.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
I'm glad it all worked out for you.

Sitting on a jury can definitely be interesting, but it can be quite stressfull (and at times extremely and painfully dull). It's nothing like you see on TV, that's for sure. Earlier this year, I was a jury member on a murder trial. It lasted two weeks and we deliberated for three solid days until 9 or 10 p.m. each night. It was one of the most stressful situations I was ever involved with. We had armed guards walk us to our cars each night. It took me weeks before I didn't think about it about 50 times a day. I'd definitely be willing to do it again, though. I'd prefer a nice slip and fall case or a McDonalds hot coffee sort of case, but if I heard it was another murder trial, I would probably do my best to talk myself out of it.

Ali emailed me she arrived but her luggage didn't! It's on it's way. She was tired but happy. Her phone card wouldn't cooperate so I have not heard her voice but she sounds happy in email format. I have been cleaning her room since about 8:00 this morning and I believe she may be the sloppiest teenager on the face of the earth. I have never seen such dust! And I got an email that my guests are arriving tomorrow night! Thursday? Since when is Thursday Memorial Day weekend? My house is, of course, a wreck but I have most of tomorrow to pull it into shape, I guess. Oh my! I promised Sydney a movie so I'll be getting it into high gear when we get home. Thankfully, I work best under pressure. Shelley, I didn't get much information on the meth guy but you could contact him through the Pima County Jail, I do believe. ;)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
I am glad you were excused from Jury Duty.

I cant understand why anyone would make and use meth (Ice). I do research on Parkinson's Disease and the one chemical that kills dopaminergic cells faster than ANYTHING other chemical is methamphetamines. WHy would anyone give themselves parkinsons disease is beyond me.
Ice is actually a very pure form of meth. The messy awful stuff is crystal meth. And many people who do the drug are young. They're invincible. They don't see past next week, so of course they're not thinking about Parkinson's. They can stay awake and party for days on end. Ain't it grand?

Bobbi, I'm glad Ali arrived safely, though luggageless. It will give her an excuse to shop immediately;) And I'm sure your house is divinely wonderful, and the dust is all in your imagination.:)
Shelley, she did go shopping already and is clamoring for me to put the rest of her moola in her account. :) I thought I could wait until she headed up the Rhine. That's my girl. She finally called this morning and she sounds fine. One of her schoolmates spent a bit of time crying yesterday. What a baby! ;)

My house is getting there! I worked until 10:00. Ali's room produced massive amounts of laundry. And she says she has no clothes. Ha! I never dreamed it'd take me half the day to find Ali's room under the dust and debris. She has porcelain dolls which had little gray heads from the layers of dust on them. She'll be coming home to a nice clean, streamlined room. I boxed the papers I was uncertain if I should dispose of and I packed her remaining clothes and stashed them in the garage. Right now I have to tackle her bathroom and go over my floors. With a house full of guests, I am not going for immaculate which is an illusion around here anyway since I can never bring myself to bind them with duct tape until I am finished. My sister Mel wants to come over and bring her 3 youngers kids to say hello to Evelyn and meet Jessica. Mel's off to Michigan on the 1st of June. I don't know if that's a good idea though. I was unprepared for 3 extra guests until Saturday or Sunday. That's why I thought I could tackle Ali's room and turn it back into a guest room over several days time. As is often the case, the day after I have cleaned like a maniac I just don't have the focus, so, I'll do the best I can and hope they are coming to see me and not my house. I have to go buy plastic hangers and groceries for dinner and pick up Rich's shirts from the dry cleaners so I had better fly. Have a beautiful day! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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