ever consider extras Cathe?


I'm not sure if you would ever do this- but I was wondering and I'm sure other fans are as well what goes on behind the scenes....maybe funny bloopers or extras or bits of you and the staff at a class or a bonus section with fit tips. Is there any chance of ever adding these extras in the dvd's like you see in movie dvd's? that would be so cool!!!
I can't remember which fitness dvd it was, but there were out takes at the end where things went wrong, cueing off, swearing, falling, etc...and i loved it. It made me laugh and makes everyone seem very human.

I also made this suggestion on the DVD Suggestion forum. I would love to see behind the scenes, interviews etc. of the cast and crew. It makes it much more interesting and we get to hear the others talking as well, not just Cathe - makes them more real.

That would be wonderful. I just loved reading about your preparation for the Intensity Series and found it inspirational and motivating. A "fitness round table" with your crew describing your prep and fitness in general would be fantastic!

Even on this website it would be terrific. I'm sure the prep will be similar for the Intensity series, but personal accounts of training are great fun to read!
Thanks Cathe,
Liz N
love the idea of extras/outtakes/behind the scenes/interviews

would be very motivating and so much fun to watch. i hope she considers it for the hardcore series!
In as much as I think the "extras" that have been mentioned would be fun, I'd hate to think I got interviews, etc., instead of the premixes that might be sacrificed!

That would be so cool! Of course, that is that there are any bloopers. Maybe Cathe and crew are really perfect and they get everything on the first take.;)

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