Dumbbells vs. barbells; supine flat vs. supine incline?


Does anyone have any insight as to which is more effective for them - dumbbells or barbells? And whether, when doing supine weight-lifting, does anyone find laying flat to be different (more effective, less effective) than laying on an incline bench?

I'm a dumbbell bunny and do my supine work flat, but I'm starting to get a little stale. Any suggestions?

I think when you are at an incline it works the chest more at the upper portion. As far as DB verses BB I believe that anything you do different is going to work the muscles differently but if you do not intend to get a barbell I am sure the barbells alone will give you a good work out. It is always suggested on this forum that if you are not seeing continued results to change things up a bit. I love my BB and I do feel it differently than when working with the DB. Just my humble opinion of what works for me!! :)


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