donating blood


I know strenuous exercise is to be avoided after donating blood but what about before donating? I was hoping to do Butts & Guts today but wonder if I'd be better off doing a something lighter, maybe a cardio w/o? Anyone have experience w/ this? I know about drinking extra fluids and eating well before. My w/o would be done 3.5 hrs before donating and I have to go to work after donating.

Go for it. I have been donating for years and working out before giving sounds fine to me! Thanks for giving!
I just Googled it and found that you're not supposed to exercise IMMEDIATELY before, but I don't see why you couldn't work out this morning and go this afternoon.
This might be a little late to be of much help, but here goes!

1)Yeah, I've both exercised (strenuously) and not exercised before donating and so long as you are well fueled and hydrated, chances are you'll be fine.

2)Having said that, there is a large chance that strenuous exercies too close to donating (for women) will cause your iron to be too low to donate that day. It's happened to me a couple of times so I usually try to schedule my donations on my days off.

Enjoy your cookie and juice:)

Exercise might raise your body can't give if you have a fever.....other wise go for it.....take a day off after you give...I just gave Sunday.....felt a little weak on Monday's workout....doing great today.
Ugh, what a nightmare! First time giving and I get the rookie phlebotomist, I only assume she was b/c I've had blood drawn and IV's and never a problem. She couldn't get into the vein, she only stuck me once but she kept moving it around until it was finally semi tolerable. She kept looking at the bag w/ a puzzled look on her face, said something about me being a "slow bleeder", and asked me to squeeze my hand more often which (I'm guessing) caused the needle to come out partially ruining the blood I donated because air got into it. So I filled a bag 3/4 full only to have it used for testing purposes only...grrr! Not to mention my arm is killing me from bicep to mid forearm, I had to have a coworker open my water bottle b/c I have no grip strength. I can only imagine how it will feel tomorrow x( Ok, I'm done ranting. She was apologetic and said she hoped it wouldn't affect my decision to donate again. I may try again at some point, but I will be sure to request an experienced phlebotomist.
Oh, I'm sorry! What a horrible experience!! I've had days like that giving blood and I walk around with a huge bruise afterwards. I hate it. But, even giving testing blood is a huge help to people. Don't let it make you not donate again - but absolutely when you do explain your old experience and how you want this to be a positive one. Where did you give blood? American Red Cross?
Wow-I've been donating since high school and I've never once had an experience like that:eek: I'm sorry that this was what happened your first time donating, but please do consider giving again! The worst I've ever had was a small bruise (about the size of a dime), once, and only once. Other than that each time has been very easy. When you go again, explain what happened the first time and ask for someone with a great deal of experience, there have been times when I've never even really felt the needle going in, staying in, or coming out---now those people have some talent:)


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