Hi, I do all Cathe but I do change off not with videos though. I either do weights in my basement or ride the bike, go jogging, ect.
I do pretty much all Cathe. SO glad she's got the Low Max vid in this next series and I just ordered a kickboxing workout of hers. I think within Cathe there is the necessary variety, but I think I will add some walking in to be easier on my joints...

I do Cathe workouts about 99% of the time-but noone I have tried is better or even close. I debated once about getting some Christi Taylor or Mindy Mylrea but I'm waiting till my Cathe collection is complete:) Once in a great while I throw in a Karen Voight but only when I want an easy day. I haven't even been running or bicycling lately because I'd much rather be working out with Cathe-even though I know I should mix it up more.:)

I only use Cathe for strength. I do like variety for cardio. I use Cathe as well as Christi Taylor,Janis Saffell,Mindy Mylrea,Donna Read and other CIA instructors. I get bored really easily with my cardio and prefer a lot of complex choreography.

Now I only do cathe and sometimes I add some kickbox of Jannis Saffel.For my weight training I only uses Cathe.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
i have an eliptical trainer and a rebounder. i have some other videos too. i do hill walking and climb flights of stairs where i work...yesterday did 284 steps!!!thats a butt kicker!!..and of course i own all the cathes which are my mainstay.
Since I like working out to Cathe only which is 99% of the time I try to mix things up b/c the body will become efficient to the same thing, so I will incorporate a gym style weight workout using machines, smith machine, stair master, etc. or I'll do a 4 mile walk tape with Leslie Sansone or Xtreme Ball Workout with Gin Miller.

Mostly Cathe for strength & cardio but I do switch off to P90X for my strength training. I always do Cathe for cardio but sometimes will also do Terri Reeves, Janis Saffell & Debbie Burns for my kickboxing & switch off w/yoga instructors too. Kathy:D
Hi MaryKay,
KathyH and I are almost twins. I swtiched off of doing ENTIRELY Cathe (except for yoga and Pilates, and treadmill)for over 3 years, and did P90X. I loved the concept of that Beachbody series. At the moment I'm doing all Cathe (except for Janis Saffell, Karen Voight, Ana Caban, Mari Winsor and Jennifer Kries yoga and pilates, treadmill). I will alternate my P90X in with my rotations from time to time as I like the extra strenght training, but Cathe is definately my main source of workouts.
I mostly use Cathe, but there are some other instructors/outfits that I like too.

I use my Powerstrike tape pretty regularly, as well as Gin Miller's stuff. I've also been incorporating a lot more Yoga into my workouts - Bryan Kest, Erich Schiffmann, Eion Finn, Yoga Zone.
I use all Cathe, except for Winsor Pilates Power Sculpting for abs. That's going to change once I get the Hardcore Series. Core Max looks like it has a lot of Pilates and Yoga moves in it, so it may become 100%

I'm in the middle of the P90X Classic Rotation, but before that, I used Cathe for all of my strength and most of my cardio. I used Christi Taylor sometimes to mix things up and I incorporated yoga and Pilates into my rotations too.
I use mainly Cathe, but also do cardio work at a nearby gym. Occasionally I throw in Gin Miller, Karen Voight, Janis Saffel, or pilates. Currently use 100% Cathe for weight work. Looking forward to the Hard Core series.

I do 95% Cathe for videos/DVDs. The only nonCathe I still own is Gin Miller's Intense Moves. I did it last week, in fact.

But I also run once a week in cool weather, and sometimes ride my Airdyne bike, go to spin classes at a gym, or ride my bike outside.

So, for exercise, I'd say I do 80% Cathe.
I do mostly Cathe, but sometimes do Billy, Mindy, or P90X. Every once in a while I'll get nostaligic for an old Jane!

For resistance training, I use about 60% Cathe, 40% others (P90X--my new favorite, Tracie Long Productions, Kathy Smith's "Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2, for example). For cardio, it's about 30% Cathe, 70 % others (Powerstrike, Tae Bo, Contender's Club, rebounding, spinning, Gin Miller) since I don't like step that much, and many of Cathe's moves are too torquey for my knees. No matter how good Cathe is, I would get bored with the same instructor all the time. I also like to try different things, which is obvious from my now-200+ workout collection (only counting those I currently own, and not the several hundreds I've gone through over the years!)

I also have quite a few Yoga workouts (someting that Cathe doesn't do).

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