Do you like your job?


Good morning everyone. Just curious. How many people out there love their jobs? I mean realy, truly, love going to work each and every day? I mean, I went to college, farted around, really, ended up picking a major (under penalty of death--from my parents--I guess they thought 5 years was to long to be in college)graduated, got married, had kids, and now I am doing something that has nothing to do with my college major and makes me feel like I am in total rut. I know I need to be greatful, I mean I get paid okay and most importantly my job is flexible for my family, but I kinda hate what I do. Okay, I don't hate it, you know how you do a job for so long you feel like the hamster running around in the cage at night. You sorta do it because your programed to do it. Maybe, I'm just hormonal? I'm turning 33 and I'm at a point in my life where I'm wondering is there a job out there for me where I can have a feeling of self worth? Or are jobs just supposed to suck for the majority of people. I mean, not everyone can be like Cathe. How lucky is she that she can inspire and do what she loves for a living? :)
Janie - I hate my job. I love my boss and my company (and my pay), but just hate being an admin. I'm really not cut out for a "desk" job. I would rather be working outside or with animals. I would LOVE to work at a zoo. ;) But here I am arranging conferences and doing paperwork and financial reports - just shoot me. I always wonder what it would be like to wake up and actually not dread going to the office. I've never experienced that. ;) If I didn't have a mortgage, I would totally quit, go back to school and finish up my zoology major that I ditched for "Business Administration".
I am a stay-at-home-mom, homeschooling mom, and wife and LOVE my job! :) ;-)

What types of things do you enjoy when you are not working? Maybe start looking into that and if there are jobs in that area? You still have so much time to change jobs and find something you love!

Good Luck! :)

I ♥ my job!!! At 38, a single Mom with 3 kids I moved to a new city and went to school for 2 and half year to be a massage therapist. That was 5 years ago and I truly love my work. I never know who will land on my table next, everyday is different and I am constantly challenged and learning. I love meeting and helping people, think the human body is the most fascinating machine and I am very rarely stressed by my work. I am self-employed and free to change my schedule when I want, I work part-time hours for a full time wage and feel very blessed. I have many friends with corporate jobs who hate their lives for 40+ hours a week but the 'golden handcuff' keeps them in. I say life is too short to dislike my job. Are you considering a change?

Take Care
I LOVE my job! Been here 16 years!!!! Love the work, Love the pay, Love the people!!! I know, shoot me huh?:7
I like my job. I'm not sure if I really, truly love it but I love parts of it, like parts and dislike parts of it. I think like anything else in your life, your job is what you make it to be. When I was in my 20's and 30's (I'm 46 now) I was looking for the "perfect job" with the "perfect boss" at the "perfect company". Well, guess what I found out? There is no perfect. It was what I choose to make it. I'm an Office Administrator for an Engineering Consultants company. Is the job perfect? No. Is the company perfect? No. Is the boss perfect? No. I have found that there are things I love about it namely the people and that I have the freedom to do what I want to do. I don't work long hours, get paid good money and am content where I am right now. I'm sure even Cathe has time when she wishes some things were different but there are always good and bad.

I think what you are feeling is normal. You are questioning your life and job. There is nothing wrong with that. If you don't question yourself you won't find out what you truly want to do. Your unhappiness with your job may lead you to research other career options that would direct you to something that will truly love or you may find out that you are content with what you have.

You feelings are valid. If you have a passion for something, see if you can turn that into a career. Hang in there!!
Wow, I'm so happy to hear that a lot of people out there love their jobs! Thanks everyone for the responses. It makes me feel like there is hope for me yet. Unfortunately I like doing a lot of things so it is hard for me to pin down just one thing. Sew, cook, clean-yes clean I don't know why but I love a clean and tidy house, draw, paint, read. I love animals, gardening, theatre arts, but I guess you would call of these things hobbies. I'm a type A over organizer so you would think an administrative job would be the job for me but I just get bored to death. I love my husband and kids and they are the reason I keep this job. I think that it is very hard to find a flexible job when you have kids. I like being able to volunteer at my kids Elementary school and take hikes with my hubbie, all of which are only possible with the flexibility of my job. I think in order to really pursue something I enjoy I would have to sacrafice that time with my family, go to school, get more training. I was thinking paralegal certification. I don't hate administrative work I just hate the kind that never really changes. I'm a dental insurance coordinator. Yawn! Any paralegals out there? Do you like your job? I guess this is my mid life crisis.
I'm a paralegal and I do NOT like my job. I like the "trappings" of it, the pretty good salary, the benefits, having my own office, I don't really hate preparing wills and trust and administering estates and trusts, but I REALLY don't like it much. It's a bore and I never get excited about it. It's just something I have to do to keep my job. I have friends who are litigation paralegals and while it seems like that would be more exciting, they complain about the long hours and tons of paperwork and short deadlines. My corporate paralegal friend is in the same boat as me, forming corporation is not great but she has a good job and doesn't want to give it up.

I'm 50 now, and when I went to paralegal school after college, I knew within the first WEEK that being a paralegal was not going to ring my chimes, but I just stuck it out. I had no other idea what to do with my life, my mom had already paid for the program, she had made it clear that I was on my own after college, she would not be supporting me financially. I was already living with my husband but he had a modest salary and I wanted to contribute equally. BUT looking back on it, I sorta wish I had quit the program and done something else with my life right out of the gate. My problem was I never had a burning desire to do any one career so I had no real ambition for anything. But sometimes I'm glad I did stick it out, I've had a good career so far, and mostly I enjoy the financial power of it, it's enabled us to have nice vacations, a nicer house, etc., than we would have if I were following my heart and working in a bookstore or whatever. I always thought at some point I would "break free" and start a second career, but I always feel like we can't afford it, I guess we're used to a certain standard of living now and I don't want to quit and make minimum wage. My fear is holding me back I guess. OTOH, we just had a plumbing disaster and I feel glad that we have emergency funds we can turn to while it all gets sorted out.

I really envy people who love what they do and/or just follow their hearts! Maybe someday I will screw up my courage and do that. BUT I wonder, if I quit and decided to work in a bookstore or Trader Joes, would I be bored with that as well as very poor in a year? I always decide to stick with the devil I know LOL...
Diane, that is so interesting. Yeah, if I did it I would want to go into litigation but I can see how it would require very long hours. I was even thinking special ed law because it tuggs close to my heart and my situation (I have an autistic 7 year old) and I've been through some legal turmoils with school districts. What is so funny about what you said is that I feel that way too (about wanting a low maintanence job). I don't know if you saw that movie American Beauty w/Kevin Spacey but the scene where he walks into a fast food restaurant in a suit and tie with all this buisness experience and says that he is looking for a job with the least amount of responsibility, was just classic. I actually would love, love, love to work at Whole Foods, the library, or a flower shop only it wouldn't pay the bills. Damn, I feel like I whore myself for money. :(
After close to 15 years experience in corporate sales & business development positions, I have had several jobs that I thought I loved. What I didn't love in any of them was being at someone else's beck and call, earning only a fraction of the profit I was helping to create, dealing with "office politics" and silly dress codes, dealing with what I now know to be hostile work environments, and also the fact that, unless you work for yourself, there simply is NO JOB SECURITY. In the past week alone, I have heard of no less than 10 friends and associates losing their job. I just lost my job a few weeks ago, and oddly enough, for the first time, I'm viewing it as a gift, as an open door, because now I know what I really want to do- WORK FOR ME.

Most people don't think this is possible. I think we all think we have to just ho-hum, accept some job that 'pays the bills' so we all stop thinking about what would we really LOVE To do?? When you really enjoy something and are passionate about it, you will be successful. You will earn money. When you read about incredibly successful people who are loving their lives and experiencing true financial 'freedom' they all say the same things ~ find something you LOVE and follow your dream. It won't always be easy, heck no. It won't always be quick. But YOU are in control of creating that future.

For me, I finally discovered something I'm wildly passionate about and now I have a company where I can share my passion with others (about better health and wellness, nutrition, weight loss fitness etc.), own my own days, decide how I'm going to work and proactively create my own financial freedom. I don't ever want to go back to that insane life again. And this is a total transition for me, its sometimes enough to make me nervous, but for the first time, I get up every day EXCITED about what's on my schedule and extremely excited about the future. I've made that decision to get out of my comfort zone, to start dreaming and then start chasing that dream!

I encourage anyone to really think about pursuing doing something you love. You know what they say, When you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life!!

Go for it!!
Kelly Olexa
I am also an assistant and honestly it is not my favorite job. I would offer for you to clean my house :7 ;) !
You would have long hours and not always appreciated. I don't want to discourage you but at least warn you. Money is decent which also keeps me lingering and the fact i am not sure what else I would want to do.
No, not really. I feel like that hamster running around in a cage sometimes! My job is exactly what I went to school for and got a degree in. I kinda wish I had a more general degree or went to a different college altogether so I could have more exposure to different things and maybe found "my true calling." I don't know, I'll keep at it until I get really miserable. The biggest drawback to quitting and doing something else is the pay. I don't know what else I could do to get my current paycheck. x(
I like my job now, but it wasn't always that way. There was a time when I felt trapped. Then I read something...a quote, I think...about finding finding value and compassion in your work. I started viewing my job differently, which led me to performing my job differently, which led to peaceful contentment.

I shall be at this job for at least another 9 years. Then I plan to start over, see where the wind takes me. :)
>No, not really. I feel like that hamster running around in a
>cage sometimes! My job is exactly what I went to school for
>and got a degree in. I kinda wish I had a more general degree
>or went to a different college altogether so I could have more
>exposure to different things and maybe found "my true
>calling." I don't know, I'll keep at it until I get really
>miserable. The biggest drawback to quitting and doing
>something else is the pay. I don't know what else I could do
>to get my current paycheck. x(

I second the hamster feeling!
I am one who really and truly loves my job. I didn't always know I wanted to become a teacher; it's a second career for me. I gave up a steady government job and took a considerable pay cut initially to pursue it, but I have never looked back. It's both challenging and fulfilling, and sometimes I'm still amazed that I get paid to do something I love so much.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
I am a case manager for an alcohol and drug rehabilitation program that is court referred -- basically probation for alcohol and drug offenders. I really like my job, but I don't know that I LOVE it. I am good at it, and occasionally I can tell that I have really helped someone make a positive change in their life. But there is still a lot of paperwork and BS. Also, working in a human services field, I don't make much money, but luckily I am just fine with living a smaller life (and my husband makes good money;) ). Best of all, my job is flexible and allows for me to always be a MOM first -- anything and everything with family comes first!
I was a computer programmer for many years and loved that job until I had to switch to a project mgr with no team and no authority and all the responsibility in order to stay in the corporate world with the same lifetime company. After a couple of bad years of really hating that job I took a leave of absence to spend time with my 2 teenage boys, during that time they decided to terminate me and pay me to leave. yahoo, just what I was wanting. Now I stay home, take care of house, husband, and kids. Sure they are teenagers, but still important to be there for them because when they do decide to talk, it's good that I'm available and not stressed. Yes, we miss my income, but do alright on one. It was an adjustment not working after working for 25 yrs but now we've settled in. I'm hoping that something doesn't happen that I don't HAVE to go back to a job and at one making a LOT less than I was. I feel like the weight of the world was lifted when I left that job and am a much happier person today because of it.
I am finally at a point in my life where I can say I love my job! I worked in real estate and property management for years until I just couldn't take it anymore. The pay was good but I DREADED going to work everyday. I know many people thrive in those positions but it was just not for me so I totally relate to how you feel.

About a year ago I made the decision to become ACE certified and now work as a personal trainer and also as a fitness coach for Beachbody. Doing what I love has made all the difference in the world to me and it such a rush to be part of people's health and fitness transformations.

I hope you find what's right for you!

I would give absolutely, positively ANYTHING to be able to say I love my job. I'd give limbs. I swear. I have no idea what I want to do--my only hobby is working out. I've tried to make a "job" or "career" out of things I love--including aerobics--but it always goes sour. As soon as I make it a "job" I just as soon detest it.

I have come to the conclussion that I'm doomed to be miserable in the job department. I even used to think that the only thing that would make me happy is being a Mom but I've since discovered that to be untrue. What an awful way to live. I'm so miserable. I've been in and out of school numerous times because I can't decide what I want to do. How do I overcome this? I feel like I'm trapped. I absolutely hate my job. But the horrible part is that I don't know what MIGHT make me happy. Only doing my Cathe workouts make me happy--honestly. How sad is that???


Sometimes you don't know until you KNOW, and that sounds silly...but what I mean is, you might be looking to hard for an ideal fit that might happen naturally on its own in the near future.

If anyone would have asked me that I'd be pursuing what I am doing now, I probably would have laughed. All I can say is keep your mind open to new things and to doors that might be opening without you yet being aware of it.


Kelly Olexa

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