do you like body hair on a man?

YUCK!! Get rid of it!
I like a guy who has no facial hair, I prefer shaved armpits please - a least trim them. yuck again. Same with chest hair, get rid of it (unless it is just a little bit). Anything else absolutely must go. It also depends on coloring - dark hair just looks gross. Blond hair on the legs is a little better because it's not so visible. I guess that's why I tend to like athletes - they tend to shave everything thing off. It's just more hygenic.
Honey, at my age my only hair requirement I have for my date is that there be more on the head than on the back. }(
My SO is pretty hairy--chest, arms, legs, and even knuckles! EWW! But, ya know what? I actually love it and couldn't even imagine him without hair. Thank god he has no back, nose or ear hair, though. Cuz that would HAVE to go. :)

>I like men who are thoughtful, kind, and intelligent -- hair or no >hair. Some men have lots of body hair -- it's not a personal >shortcoming -- it's just a matter of genetics. I wonder how y'all >would react if Jerry, Dave, or Bill started a similar thread about >women.

Michele - I agree. :)

Bill - You're so funny!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Well, my dh who is blonde & blue eyed has very dark chest hair!! But he has reddish facial hair?? Strange... anyway... I do like chest hair. I find it strange that men shave their chest. My dh always finds it amusing in the before & after pics (like for P90X) that in the after shots almost all of the men have shaved & tanned!! }(

But yes, I'm with everyone else on the ear & nose hair is not attractive!!
I love my DH's hair!!! He has a wonderful hairy chest and legs, clean face ( and back, thank goodness!). I love it!!!!
I Like the Brad Pitt look too.:)
As for Hairy men: nope nope nope.
I like hair on mens heads, not bodies, nor faces.
I vote hairfree.
Shelly, thank you!!!! You made my day!

I vote hairless.

My dad's side is Lebanese and the men are so hairy. One of my uncles has so much back hair that his shirt puffs up! Gross! My own brother has tons of hair. Even though he showers daily it's sweaty and stinky.

DH is hairy on arms & legs. Chest, back, and smooth!
I actually love the Austin Powers look.

Just kidding! Thanks for posting this funny thread - what a way to wake up and drink coffee! It reminds me of Sex and the City when Charlotte makes Harry get rid of the hair on his back (it was Austin-like).

I suppose I don't mind hair...I'm not perfect but not too shabby, so he sure as hell better like this package - take it or leave it, honey. When it gets out of hand, a little "grooming" might be nice, like the creepy-crawlies out of the back of the shirt or nose. But, sometimes you gotta love what God gave you. ;)
I definitely don't. But lucky for my fiancee, it's what's on the inside that counts to me! ;)

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