DO WHAT YOU WANT! JUST GET IT DONE!" for April 7, 2009


Good morning girls,

I couldn’t take it anymore and I saw an ENT doctor yesterday. I have sinusitis, which is blocking my nasal passage. The ENT doctor took an allergy test (good news, I have No allergies!), he also did an ultrasound and more x-rays. He had to go in with a very long needle and poke a whole through the cavity itself. It was awful and painful; I thought he was going to flush the cavity. I was shaking when he broke the bone in my nose! DH watched, he said he had to look away, lol. My eyes started watering and a stream of blood and huge mucus came out. I am still very stuffed up and still bleeding. I have never had an infection like this before. I ask the doctor what caused it, he thinks from a lot of sinus infections or an infected tooth. I had a lot of sinus infections lately. My throat is hurting on top. I hope this clears up, I truly miss my workouts. I am so concered with my STS 6 month rotation, I don't want to start it all over again.

Thanks for all your concern and get well wishes. You girls are the best!

Have a great day!

Belinda- I cringed when i read your post...he had to break a bone in your nose? OMG:confused: he would have to knock me out beforehand:confused:. My hats off to you for going through something like that without passing out:confused::). I hope it clears up for you soon,my goodness...HUGS to ya! I hope you plan on taking a rest day today?

Well,my cold has moved to my chest:rolleyes: i don't have insurance,so i refuse to go to the mom has some antibiotics she going to give me this afternoon. I would go to my doctors(where i work at) but i really don't feel like dragging my DS with me up there. Besides,im not crazy about the one who is working this week(my favorite one,DR Pag, is on vacation this week;))

anyhoot,im not going to let it stop me from my workout;). I haven't decided yet what im doing..bbl to report it. I know im doing a CC and a weight workout.
OMG Belinda! I hope you are ok! That sounds awful! :( You sound like you really toughed it out though - your husband is probably thinking that Cathe has turned you into steal! Unstoppable!

Amelia - it sounds like your cold may be on its way out. Usually for me when my cold "moves" that means its improving.

Today was a mix - I did the first part of KPC then the 3rd section of SB, and some abs from I'm not sure what - Supersets? Anyway, I felt good. :) I slept really well last night.
Hello to you all,

Belinda: You poor thing! That sounds terrible! Why did the doc break your nose? Just to clear the sinuses? Gosh that is just awfully painful!
Wishing the best for you in your recovery!

Amelia: Get well soon too! Don't over do it when your body is rebelling with a cold. It might get worse! Take Care!

Karen: Nice to get a good nights rest to have extra energy the next day! Nice job on your workout! ;)

today was a run on the TM. 3.5
abs from Tracey: standing abs 1-3
extended stretch: this felt great!

Off to shower and work!
I finished my workout! Did a thirty minute run(my mp3player was dead:rolleyes: so no cardio coach) then i did 4DS all upper body premix. I burned 730 calories in an hour and a half. Felt good to finally get in a good workout. I guess i dont' have a chest didn't bother me during my run,i feel good right now. Im just coughing up junk now(sorry if your eating)

Hey Heidi, Great job on your run and abb work. Do you do a video of an extended stretch?I ran 2.2miles( i hope thats not overdoing it before my race?,it felt good!) man,just love running. How can something so simple be so much fun? I was thinking of that while i was running:D:p. I love that feeling i get while im running and my breathing is just right,my pace is just right. i call it my 'happy place'. LOL:D

Karen-high fives with your workout, mixing it up really helps,when i get bored i will do that.

Hey to Jay,Steph and anybody i missed?

Amelia: A 2.2 mile run is ok. ;) Just save your energy on friday for Saturday's race.
I am sure you will do fine and have a great time. :)
I look forward to hearing your experience!
My race is on the 18th in Ipswich MA. I wish it wasn't so early a start however. Race starts at 9AM so that means I need to get up at least by 6am to get ready. Light breakfast with no coffee otherwise I will be running to the porta john instead of running the race. :)

Hello to everyone.
Have a great evening and keep well!

Amelia: A 2.2 mile run is ok. ;) Just save your energy on friday for Saturday's race.
I am sure you will do fine and have a great time. :)
I look forward to hearing your experience!
My race is on the 18th in Ipswich MA. I wish it wasn't so early a start however. Race starts at 9AM so that means I need to get up at least by 6am to get ready. Light breakfast with no coffee otherwise I will be running to the porta john instead of running the race. :)

Hello to everyone.
Have a great evening and keep well!

My race is pretty early..its at 8:30 on saturday, i will wake up around 6am too, i gotta have my coffee. I will be cheering you on the 18th!

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