Did anyone not use weights on the leg discs?


I am getting Sts tomorrow, and i do not like to use weights on my legs as they bulk up pretty fast when I do. I was just wondering if anyone used no weights or light weight on the leg discs in each mesocyle and still got great results?
I don't use weights for leg workouts.

I never use weights with the leg workouts- except for deadlifts.

I am overweight enough that I am lifting as much as I should without weights.

I got a little ambitious and tried in Hypertrophy STS to increase my weight by about 10% over the extra weight I just carry naturally. Since I could do Endurance part I thought that increase made since. This was about 5 lb, or 5 lb in each hand sometimes, really not much extra weight. However, I regretted it because my knee complained about it. I don't plan to try it again unless my knee has a long track record of handling these workouts.

If I loose weight in the future, I will increase my weight proportionately for the leg workout, and calculate a 1 Rep max for these exercises.

I introduced my friend to Cathe. She liked her but stopped using Cathe because she hurt her back using weights on her shoulders for squats. She said she didn't think she should be lifting like that - her body was telling her this but she did it anyway and was injured. It never occurred to her to do the squats without weights so she stopped using Cathe altogether. She said she was too old for these workouts.

I think our body often tell us what we should be doing. It is crystal clear to me not using weights in legs workouts it the right choice for me.

Sometimes I drop the deadlift weights over the calculated value because my low back is bothering me. I just left a little less than the computer says I can, and sometimes I leave off a set if it feels fatigued. If I think my low back is having a hard time, why risk it?
i am glad to hear that others did not use weights, i have been previewing them because i start sts on monday and the leg workouts look very challenging if you didn't use any weights with them.
this is interesting. without the weights, are you using these workouts more frequently like a freestyle method?
I use weights on some moves and not on others and I keep them under 15 pounds right now (except for deadlifts). I have weak knees, so using to much weight is just not safe for me right now. We'll see if that changes in the future. Frankly, I think these workouts are quite effective even withouth weights. Especially Meso 1.
I am getting Sts tomorrow, and i do not like to use weights on my legs as they bulk up pretty fast when I do. I was just wondering if anyone used no weights or light weight on the leg discs in each mesocyle and still got great results?

You have to do what's right for you! You already know what you need, so go ahead and do it.

I haven't taken my barbell above 40 pounds for any leg exercise, except deadlifts, for quite some time now. I mainly use dumbells, 15, 12, 10 or 5s. I find that a large variety of exercises done without much rest for an hour completely exhausts the muscles. Why would I use even heavier weights? Like you, I have no desire to have legs so huge I can no longer fit into my jeans and also I find, for the kind of cardio I like to do, I need leg endurance more than hulking strength.

When you use the sliding discs you are working on balance work and using stabilizer muscles to support the movement, so in fact no weights or very light weight is a better option, at least until you have worked to improve your balance.

How old is too old?

I introduced my friend to Cathe. She liked her but stopped using Cathe because she hurt her back using weights on her shoulders for squats. She said she didn't think she should be lifting like that - her body was telling her this but she did it anyway and was injured. It never occurred to her to do the squats without weights so she stopped using Cathe altogether. She said she was too old for these workouts.

I just have to ask: How old is your friend? I did STS twice through last year, at 47 (48 by the time I finished the second round). There are many people here who are older than that and going strong. I finished Meso 3 squatting 100 lbs.

It's sad to hear somebody say that they're too old for exercise. After that, it's downhill all the way.

Maybe your good example will motivate your friend to try again...

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