

I have been really depressed for quite some time after my moving and ending my relationship. I have hardly even been on these boards. I'm still exercising but its not lifting my depression and anxiety. I don't even know what would make me happy right now. I feel lost. I don' t know what I'm looking for with this post...maybe some advice, maybe just encouragement. Its been years since I've felt this bad and I can' t seem to let go of it.

T, have you thought about making an appointment to talk to your Dr? I don't know how you feel about taking medication, but it sounds like it would be helpful right now. Or maybe, you just need to talk to someone.

I delt with depression for years before I got help, so I know where you're coming from. If you need to chat feel free to P/M me.

¸ .• ♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
Oh man. ((((big hug))) The only depression I've really had is the post-partum version...twice...for weeks. I hope you make it thru.
Sending some positive thoughts your way.

But positive thoughts from us are not enough.

I think it's important to have someone to talk to help you find a way to get beyond this. A professional might be the best bet for someone objective who can help you not feel so lost.
I agree with the above suggestions -- I believe that medication and therapy work wonderfully together!

I am sorry to hear that you are going thru this. PM me if you need to!
Sometimes when you're in a downward spiral like that the only way to get out of it is to talk to someone. It might be a good idea to follow the suggestions of others and seek help.
I can totally relate to you. I was going to see if anyone had advice for me as well. My two teens are getting older. My son will leave for college in the fall and my daughter just got her driver's license so she also wants to be out and about all the time. I feel like I am losing my role in life. I have always been a very involved mom and now I just don't know what to do with myself. I have been pretty much crying straight for 3 days. I am going to try and get in to see my doctor sometime this week. I can't seem to get my head straight.

I don't have advice for you, and I am so sorry. I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. Hopefully we can both get through this together!
I am sorry for you Do you have anyone to talk to? I know Dh and I are having money issues He is not working (self employed crappy economy in Michigan). I have 1 more child home no educational background no money coming in and my hubby did not tell me we were 2 months behind in Health Insurance and It has been cancelled we all need a trip to the dentist I only have these boards and exercise keeping me sane at the moment but if he doesn't think about moving out of Michigan soon to a warmer climate where he can work year round I am going to crack myself.

I will be praying for you.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Hi T,

Maybe you need to start focusing more on what you've gained than what you've lost? There was a reason you took steps to have the freedom you now have.

I strongly recommend you finding an unbiased party - be it a counselor, pastor, mentor, etc. Someone that you can vent to - it is extremely therapeutic to get feelings out of your system.

And of course, we are always here any time you need to vent to us! :)
I was in your exact spot last year. In May I ended a relationship, my very close aunt was diagnosed with cancer and then died. I was still seeing my ex which was hard as I still wanted to be with him, even though I knew it wasn't going to work. We were my aunt's only family so we had to clean her house. I spent 11 weekends cleaning out the house. It was very hard to do. I also had to face the fact that my parent's were getting older and my dad, who just turned 85 was losing his memory. It was a chore to get up in the morning. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and pull the covers over my head. I cried almost every day. I kept telling myself that this would not defeat me and it didn't.

While I was going through this, I kept asking for help, not really to anyone but myself. I had realizations along the way and what I realized was the I was grieving. Grieving the lost relationship, misconceptions of myself, my aunt and my carefree life (as I realized that I had to focus more on my parents now). These realizations helped but it took a long while, from May until January really.

What also helped was to find something to challenge me. I started running in October and planned to do 2 races in February and April. It gave me something to focus on and a different challenge. It worked and I started to feel like myself again, only a better self.

I agree with talking to someone, but I disagree with taking meds. What you are going through is called life. It is during these dark times that we find our true selves and it will lead to a greater understanding of who we are.

You lost something, a relationship, expectations. You need to grieve. In time you will come to realizations and you will get stronger and feel like you again, only you will be a better you.

Please don't give up. Talk to someone that you trust. Talking helps. Take long walks and ask yourself for help. If you listen, you will find the answers.

Good Luck!
Well said, Jane. We all have to grieve sometimes. Your relationship had good and bad aspects, and you are grieving the loss. The most important thing you can do with this experience, in my opinion, is learn from it. Have you learned more about what you're really looking for in another person? This is the time to readjust your priorities. We can't be happy all the time. If we were, we'd never make important changes in our lives. Just remember that what you're going through is important, and will pass when it's time for it to pass.
ITA with Jane and Nancy.

Another strategy for getting out of your downward spiral is to look outside of yourself and help others. Find a charity that you're interested in or passionate about and volunteer for that. That can be incredibly uplifting, and change your perspective.

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