Dangly Bits (A PG-13 Poem)


In the men's locker room thou wilt see
Yon Dangly Bits on ev'ry he.

'Neath towels and jockstraps and leggings kha-kee
The Bits they do dangle, 'cept some secretly.

O'er sinks and drains and places to p**
Bits dangle e'en deeper - yet so happily.

Much like a garden this locker room be
With bulbs and stalks all dangling free.

God bless the Dear Bits! They will e'er enchant me;
May they Dangle forever in locker room harmony.

The End.

Annette Q. Aquajock
You should be writing for Mike Meyers! Start now to campaign to co-write the next Austin Powers movie.

Yeah, Baby, Yeah!

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