Dairy and Acne


After a recent vacation to the east coast to visit my Gram, I came home and my husband noticed that my face looked really good.

I thought about it and tried to pin point some causes. We had a lot of lobster and tea but I realized after jotting down what meals we had, I noticed we hardly had any milk or cheese.

My husband loves pizza and we usually have it at least once sometimes twice a week. So after I came home we had pizza and the next morning I had a zit! My face is very acne prone so one zit is no big deal but my face had cleared up so it was pretty noticeable.

So, I would be interested to know if anyone here experiences a connection with dairy and acne or any other foods.
My face has always broken out, I am in my late thirties, and it never improved from my teen years, the type of acne just seems to change every now and then.

For a couple years I was getting bad cystic acne, when I moved to a diet that cut out sugar, flour, and processed foods, and limited dairy (small amounts of high fat dairy was ok, even cheese, but I chose organic when possible) the cysts stopped. I returned to crappy eating, and in a couple of months they came back.

I am currently 1 month into eating a paleo/primal style diet, and I still have some small break outs, but (knock on wood) no cysts.
I've had acne for 20 years. Last year, I went on a vegan diet for 9 months. It didn't affect my skin at all. It seems the only thing that helps my skin is glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

I hope you guys find something that works for you!
Yeah, agreed, I still use Benzoyl and Glycolic products, but if I am eating well, I barely breakout, and the cysts seem to go away, if I'm eating sugar and bad carbs, I still breakout, but I assume the face washes and toners reduce the breakouts regardless of how I am eating.

For me, it seemed the sugar caused the breakouts worse than anything, my husband always says pizza makes him breakout, but he does not have frequent issues with acne.
Yes, I figured out several years ago that dairy was making both my skin and my seasonal allergies worse. I cut it out completely about four years ago, and my skin and health are much better.
I'm in the same boat with having it 20+ years. I use the Benzoyl and Glycolic products too.

I've heard it isn't dairy specifically, but the hormones that are now so common in dairy livestock. You might try dairy products that are from cows that aren't given hormones. That's hard enough to find at the grocery. I have no idea how you'd find that out about local pizza places. Maybe a good reason to make your own homemade pizza!
I wish my acne problems were that simple! I realized I was lactose intolerant nearly 17 years ago, and have barely touched dairy since. I have since given up fried foods, processed foods, sugars, breads, corn, soy, wheat, gluten, and many other things that I am sensitive to.

I eat vegetables and fruits, with lean proteins every once in awhile. My skin is the nastiest piece of garbage you'll ever see. Don't even get me started on the fasts and cleanses and treatments I've done.

I think dairy is not great for most people nowadays, but it certainly isn't the solution for all of us. Sadly :(
i have adult acne too. i havent found a connection between food and acne, but i no other real allergies. actually what works the best for me is uncoated aspirin. i dont use it for pain. i only use a small amount on my face.
simply wet 1 pill, then hold it in your palm mixing it with your reg. face cleanser. then rub it on your face, or just the affected areas. then wash off as normal. then i feel clean and exfoliated. my fav. part is its only $2 for a bottle that will last a long time.
a few notes: make sure its uncoated aspirin. be careful. its very drying. i use on my whole face only when its very oily. u make want to test it on one section first. don't leave it on as a 'mask'. wash off right away. dont use with face wash that has acne med. prob. be too drying. i only do this a few times a wk-once a day. i also use clearasil acne treatment, but the aspirin prevents and fixes already there acne.
i wish someone had told me when i was a teenager. hormones also affect the acne. more when u get the monthly gift. less when preg. now i have implanted birth control, and have no 'gifts'. and dont miss them.
a pimple takes about 2 weeks to form so its probably not dairy. For me, my skin is calm when I cut back on sugar. The sugar affects my insulin levels which then sends my hormones out of whack which pumps up the oil in my skin and TADAAAH! a zit :mad: And it really gets out of hand around my period.
I used to drink milk with almost every meal and was always battling acne. A few years ago, I switched to tea and did notice an improvement in my skin. I missed my cereal and milk so much that I started drinking milk again about 2 weeks ago, and sure enough I started breaking out. For me, it seems simple enough to cut out the milk, but I will sure miss it. I LOVE an ice cold glass of milk. Oh well...
I've been mostly dairy free for close to 6 years now, and must say that my skin is under control for the first time since my early teens (now mid-30's)...I also crave an ice cold glass of moo-juice every now and then, but make it a short one, and no more than once a month...
MJ in MN

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