Criminal Minds TV show


If you are a fan of this show and did not see last night's episode and don't want to know what happened DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER.

I absolutely love this show. My favorite character is Dr. Spencer Reid. I just love that big brain of his. He is just full of information. I am angry that they've turned him into a drug addict. The minute that kidnapper shoved that needle into his arm I knew what direction his character was going to go in and then at the end when he grabbed the extra vials from the guys pocket. I understand they have to have drama but why did they have to choose him? Is it because he would probably have the most trouble getting over it? Or he won't admit it? I know it's just a show but I get into it. (I think in a former life I worked for the FBI).

:) I love this show too--I think it's better than any CSI! I knew they were going to do that to Reid, too. I think it's ok. It means he will have a big storyline the rest of the season. I also love Garcia. I saw her in an interview on TV Guide and she said she thought she was just going to "guest star" on four or five episodes so she kept going on auditions. The producers found out and wrote her a bigger part. I think she's awesome--funny and brilliant!
You are so GOOD to do this as a spoiler thread! ^^5!
Now about the drugs... LOL
I think they chose his character because there is data that shows that super intelligent - high level thinker types are a segment of population that have the hardest time admitting they have a problem. One reason is that they feel "superior" to addicts because of their intelligence and like you said they are so smart they hide it for much longer periods of time. I LOVE this show and am always amazed at how the story lines are rarely the same. Great writers!!
Kim - how weird that we both posted about this. LOL

I was upset too that they did that to his character. It will be interesting to see the upcoming episodes.
Last nights episode was some of the best tv I've seen in a really long time!!! It was gripping...and terrifying. It's funny, I'm a huge Dawson's Creek fan (don't laugh...heehee), and I've gotten hooked on it again as they run all of the episodes on TBS (I think??) every morning, so I've been watching it from the beginning again. It was crazy to see James Van Der Beek in such a villanous role!! He freaked me out. Far, far removed from Dawson!!!

I thought James did an awesom job! I love the scene where Reid and JJ are walking around the house because they've figured out that Tobias was the unsub and Reid is looking in the window (you know what's coming) and the camera swings around and there is Tobias standing at the window with that look on his face. I actually screamed it freaked me out so much. Season one is out on this show but it's $50 and I'm waiting for the price to come down a bit before I'll buy it.


I didn't get to see last night's show yet but the scene you just decribed from the show on Sunday was so scary. I was sitting there with my husband and I jumped and sqeezed his arm. That part was so freaky the way he looked in the window. I yelled "RUN". We have watched Criminal Minds since the very first episode it was ever on and it just keeps getting better and better. The stories are never the same and it is so great to watch!!

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