Couple quick questions Cathe


First of all, I must keep saying how much I am loving STS. It is amazing how the results of taking the 1RM tests makes us up our game. I am only in Meso 1 of a 6 month rotation but lifting what I already am is heavier than I was doing before on some things. Just when you think you are lifting all you can....
Anyway, I throw in Plyo Legs to give me an extra leg day during the week since that is a particular problem area for me. On disc 29 you do close stance front lunges. I found I could do those much better and deeper than a regular front lunge. On one foot I have a toe that just plain hurts when it is being bent for the lunges. Do they work the muscle differently. I feel it more in the quads on those and more in the rear on regular lunges. Can i substitute or should I do both. It is not an injury thing, just a wierd toe thing.
My second question is the tubing for pull ups/chin ups. I bought the red one and I honestly don't feel I get much out of it.I can do 30 and not really feel a burn at all. The first one I bought was a different company then I bought yours which I do like better but it is still not a challenge. I don't want to buy another one for cost reasons (gotta save up my money for all your workouts!!!) I am fairly tall at 5'8" and I am wondering if the door height maybe is my problem. Since i have a farther reach with my arms do you think I should find something to secure the band too at a higher height (did that make any sense?)
Thanks in advance for any advice.

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