*+*+*+*+cLEAN weekend! *+*+*+*+

I'm sending you birthday ((((hugs)))) and yes I have been disappointed by friends, family, etc. But don't let it get you down; have FUN! It's your birthday!

Robin and Kate, I had a few extra treats today too. I love your line, Robin. BTW My menu was not good today because of kids and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Me too, me too!)

The new TK peeps are FUN! The energy in the class was high which makes for a great class!

A friend in fitness,
Shirl, Glad you enjoyed your new students. There's a place downtown that has cardio classes you can drop in to. I would love to go but no one is very friendly there. Everyone my age is very click-ish and basically won't talk to me. I chalk it up to that they hate I can step circles around them even though I hardly ever come! haha! Plus their "heavy" weights....not so heavy. The 40+ crowd will talk to me but I'd really like friends my age that are into fitness. Other than you guys I've got no one! My youngest sis likes to work out with me occasionally but she's 16, gives up easily, and thinks I'm too fanatical about fitness/nutrition.

What would I do without you guys?!?!

I just finished HST - not nearly as bad as I remembered it to be. I actually really enjoyed it. Would've preferred a little more cardio, but I guess I'll have to settle for my Denise Austin this morning!!!

Be back to tell the stair story!
Just finished Chinese for dinner. I got steamed tofu with steamed veggies. I had Wonton Soup too. I wanted some soup and it was too late to make any.

Steph, sorry you evening did not start off better. I didn't enjoy my birthday from a young age (I was crying and my sister was the life of the party) but I got over it. Hopefully the rest of the evening goes well.
Kate, sorry the people at the gym downtown aren't more friendly. I just bought HST with STS. I haven't tried but I can't wait to try it out.
Robin, the kids always make you do things you don't want. The good thing is that there is always tomorrow :) Don't go to Tracey's website. Your credit card won't like you.
Shirl, I am glad you got some good energy from your new students. It's always to great to go to a class with lots of energy.

Gotta run - DH won't stop coughing and I need to find some medicine for him for my sanity. He doesn't want to take anything :)

Colleen, Your dinner sounds delish! Hope you like HST! Those leg presses start off not too bad, but by the 5th round...ohmy!

Okay, the stair story...

Back in High school I was goofing around with a friend and we thought we'd try to somersault going UP the stairs. (no, alcohol was NOT involved!) I think we were 13...and stupid. Well, we discovered that we could do it. You get a little bit of a running start (similar to a cartwheel) put your head about 5 stairs up with your hands to support you and FLIP your body UP. You can use the railing to help yourself out of the upside down position. Mind you, this is done on carpeted stairs..never tried wood!

Well, last year I was just finishing my workout super late at night. My 2 youngest sisters were spending the night and we were goofing around. I told them about the stair trick and they were like "yeah, right". So I stupidly had to prove it to them that I could still do it. I get a running start, get my head on the step and my hands on the steps too. Somehow I lost momentum and ended up stuck in a head stand ON MY STAIRS. I was laughing so hard thinking "Do I keep going over or try to come back down?" Gravity and laughter spilled me over to finish my somersault. I landed with such a THUD that I woke up DH out of a dead sleep. To make matters worse my laughing sent me sliding down the stairs and I landed on my head at the bottom of the stairs. I was wearing a tank top from working out and my poor shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the sliding down, had the worst carpet burn you've ever seen. It was purple immediately and bleeding right away. I was laughing and crying from the pain. DH was not pleased (very scared I would do something to injure myself), although he laughs about it now. My sisters nearly split their abs in 2 from laughing so hard. BUT! I proved I can still somersault up the stairs.

And I will never try it again...

...unless we all get to go on a Cathe RT this year! I will do it at the hotel for you all! (But I might have to be liquored up this time!)
Happy Sunday! Is this the last day of the weekend for you? Or do you get Monday off too?

The girls have Monday off so I'm looking forward to that! They are too - pajamas and Barbies all day!

today's menu:
b - Kashi, banana
s - won't happen - church
l - we *might* go out to lunch - grilled chicken salad
s - apple maybe??
d - ......

We're having company for dinner. A family w/ 2 little girls the same age as ours. DH wants me to make a big spiral ham dinner. I really hate how salty ham is. I'll be making lots of healthy sides to go along with it so hopefully no one notices if I don't take any ham. I'll be making dessert too - a bundt cake with chocolate chips. I really want an apple dessert but this won't fly with the kiddos. Maybe I'll make 2? No, I'd just eat more! We'll see...this might have to be my cheat meal!

Workout will be KPC - I've never done this one! I've had this DVD for a while. Looking forward to it.

Need to go make bfast to get the troops ready. Hope you all have a nice morning!
Good Morning Kate and all who follow,

Kate, I love the roll up the stairs story! You are a nut! Dinner sounds good; make sure to eat enough protein if you don't have any ham. I hope you enjoy KPC - I love this one and there are great premixes of L&G + KPC.

Today is an active rest day for me. I have to practice PiYo for Tuesday night's class. I might jump on my rebounder for a little while; my eating was off the charts yesterday. :(

b-french toast - request from family
s-cheese stick and orange
l-taco salad
s-celery and nat.pb

A friend in fitness,

I haven't ordered anything from Tracey but I want to. I can't decide; I truly want them all but I do not need them all. I know I want StrikeZone - that sounds fantastic. I decided not to get the step b/c I have enough step workouts. I need to decide about the other 3. Decisions, decisions. :)

A friend in fitness,
Shirl, What is PiYo?? Sounds interesting and I bet it's fun if you're teaching it!! Wish we could all come take one of your classes! I love french toast, esp. made with homemade bread........

Steph, How did last night go?????

Kate "Somehow I lost momentum and ended up stuck in a head stand ON MY STAIRS". Girl you had me cracking up :7 :7 :7

I'm glad you had a great class yesterday Shirl.

Too late Colleen I went on tracey's site and I can wait until I get paid on Friday.

Sorry about the disappointments yesterday Steph. People are people because no matter how organized you are someone always does the wrong thing. It's hard to have an adult get together. I think it is easier to have a children party. This is why I may go to a spa for my birthday this year.

(Q)Ladies how much water should I drink per day?

My w/o was laundry max and Amy's Step II and GS legs timesaver premix. I still can't get that last Amy step combo (#5).

s-pear and nuts
l-chicken soup
d-chicken and veggies
Hi ladies,

Steph Happy Birthday, hope all turned out well.

Kate your story is too funny. Too bad no one had a video camera you could send it in to Funniest Home Videos and make some money. :7

Shirl glad you enjoyed your class with your new recruits. Shirl is piyo pilates and yoga mixed. I used to go to an all ladies gym a while back and they had a class called piyo. I tried it. It was good but I can't shut brain my off long enough to enjoy a stretch or yoga or pilates. I feel like I'm always thinking about something.

Robin I also have laundrymax on tap for today. I'm thinking of Traceys cardiokickfest and glute camp.

I only did two wo's last week that is a shame. This week will have to be better with everything. I feel like such a slacker.

Colleen I two am planning on ordering Traceys. I like her style a lot and she's easy to modify if I need to. I'm also planning on ordering both of Amy's new ones also. But I don't if I can swing the early bird presale it might have to wait.

b- egg and english muffin
s- ?
l- ??
s- ?
d- steak for dh and dd put unsure for myself.
w/o glute camp and kickbox.

Last week I felt was a total failure for me, so I think I'm ready to start over. My brain knows what I should do but my body seems to want no part of it. I shouldn't say I think I'm ready I should say I know I'm ready to start over. I need to kick my excuses to the curb and put my arse gear. I am in control.

Hi again!

We're in the midst of a snowstorm; unable to make it to church. I really enjoy going to church; but you can't see your hand in front of your face!
PiYo is a pilates and yoga fusion style format. I wish you were able to attend my classes - we'd have FUN!

Robin, here's a link to a quiz to calculate how much water you should drink - http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm

Jenn, I like your attitude - you are in control! It sounds like you have a great kickbutt workout planned!

Well, we have to rethink our gameplan for today. I'll be back later.

A friend in fitness,
Hi Everyone,

I have been running around all morning and the rest of the afternoon will be cleanmax, finish laundrymax and pay the bills. Not a very exciting Sunday but it is cold outside and I am happy I don't have to go back out again.

Shirl, sorry about the snowstorm, but I am glad you decided to play it safe and stay in. I would love to try you PiYo class. Too bad we live so far apart.
Jenn, great attitude - just remind yourself of that every morning and you will stay on track.
Robin, glad you got to Tracey's site. The good news is that we will all have new workouts to look forward to in the next couple of months.
Kate, your somersault story is so funny. I just hope the stairs at the RT are carpeted :-D
Katie, how did it go at David's?
Steph, how was your birthday?

w/o was HISM 2 Circuit Mix & Glute Camp
b: pancakes and veggie bacon
l: leftover Chinese
s: celery w/ nat. pb, orange
d: ranchero beef, southwestern corn and brown rice

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

Glad I could give you all some comic relief!:7

Robin, Go for the spa!!! Is your bday coming up? Good menu and workouts. I need to get my head into Amy Step 1. Hoping to learn it 1 combo at a time. This last week has been so busy - hopefully I can work on it more this week.

Jenn, Good luch this week! Try to think if you;re really hungry or just have mouth hunger. Drink lots of water too!

Shirl, We've got some nasty weather too. Its 3 degrees and WINDY!

Colleen, I love just staying in to get things done! Hope its relaxing for you. Sounds odd for it to be relaxing, but I can't rest until things are all picked up.

Steph, Are your recovered from girls night out??

Katie, Anxious to hear about you weekend!

I just finished KPC. I don't think I've done it before but I was getting some strange deja vu. Maybe from previewing it. Most of the music wasn't very motivating for me. The ab work is tough tough!

Lunch was not as planned. I ordered this chicken dish at Friday's. It was okay. Achin' for a nice fresh salad now!

Need to go get things ready for company. Have a nice afternoon!
Hi ladies,,

Shirl I don't have nasty weather but it is super cold.

Went bowling this afternoon and to Friendlys for lunch.
I had a buffalo chicken salad, not super clean but I did not use all of the dressing and I had no ice cream.

I think for dinner I will either have a frozen dinner or tomato soup and 2 breadsticks.

Hey ladies, I am home! Is it okay with everyone if I go ahead and start the Monday thread, so I can post there about my weekend? I have lots of pics too. I guess I just want everyone to see it!
Jenn, Hey, you worked your forearms bowling, huh??:7

Katie, Not sure if I should post to you here or on Mondays...posted for you on Mondays.

Hello Shirl!

Steph, Did you recover????? We miss you!

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