
BTW Kate the ice cream came out great. I tasted it this morning.

I have some strange dOMS in my lats.

klaudia I hope you get some rest after your w/o.
robin, the oreo??!! i hant started it yet! guess ive got a project for later!:D
i loooooove sore lats! love em!!!

ugh.... my mom just called. she's having the dog put to sleep (seizures, etc) so we're headed over there. yuck.:(
{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} Kate. I'm so sorry!

Robin, who does cardio burn interval? I'm not familiar with that work out.

Klaudia, I vote for the bouncey castle. It will wear them all out, right?

Oops, gotta run.

We're goin' bouncin'! Danica's friend and her mom are coming with us, too so we have plenty of babysitters-ha!

Kate, so sorry about the dog:(

Robin, hope the DOMS isn't too bad! I'm thinking I may need to see a neurologist-this tingling in my trap/rhomboid isn't going away and I don't want to permanently damage any nerves.
Workout DONE! For my 20 minute cardio I did the sporty step section of Mindy Mylrea's Cardio Toolbox. She doesn't mess around- good stuff. I was thinking of picking up her Strength Toolbox too. You know, cause I don't have enough DVDs. :rolleyes:

Kate: I'm so sorry about the dog. Our family dog is old and blind and I dread the day I get that call from my mom. :(

Klaudia: We have a bouncy place around us that I haven't even taken the kids to yet. Have fun and thanks for the CTX reminder. I like that cardio, haven't done it in a while.

Robin: I get weird DOMS in my lats from STS- especially from all the push ups, which is weird. I don't usually get chest DOMS from push ups, only from bench presses. But I get sore lats. Oh well.

And er, Kate, LOL at the long chat in your hot tub. :D These days we're lucky to get in short chats!! ;)
Hey, Kate, did you ever talk to m about me driving down to meet Kl at DZoo? Just wondering.

Also, I just remembered I volunteered to coordinate a Midwestern get together didn't I? What do you guys think? Late August? I'm wondering if we should meet in the Irish Hills.

Hey all,

We told the girls we'd take them out to celebrate their last day of school and they picked McDonalds... they really don't have anything else. We like subway but there is a huge concert going on this weekend with coldplay, lenny kravitz, etc and so there are people all over the place so subway wasn't happening.

Anyway, I behaved and had my salad so thankfully I don't have regret and don't feel like junk.

Kate, sorry about the dog!:( And I wish I could come bsit this weekend for you! The hot tub sounds fun though ;)

Klaudia, have fun bouncing! That should tire them out!

Patti, none of us has enough dvds! Obviously...

Anne, midwest meet up - end of October and I can come!!

Ryan's making milkshakes for the girls tonight so they're pumped about that!

Angie: Way to resist McDonald's!! That's great. Now for the milkshakes tonight...that would be a tough one for me. Love Lenny Kravitz, btw.

I noticed I am getting my UB definition back from my set backs in the last month. MUST keep it up!!!
Patti - ^5 on the muscle definition. I like your cardio idea.
Angie, I could use a milk shake right now. My throat is a little sore.
Klaudia, glad you have lots of babysitters. The bounce house sounds like a good plan. Hope the weather clears for the 4th.
Kate, sorry no babysitters for this weekend. I would babysit but it is a long drive.
Robin, I never thought of getting wings at Costco. Good plan.
Anne, busy day at work?

So my coworker asked me if I wanted to go to lunch today. I agreed and after we got to the restaurant she told me she had to be back by 12:30 for a conference call. How rude is that? I don't mind rushing through lunch but I would appreciate knowing before we get to the restaurant so we can pick someplace that is quick.
colleen, sorry for the rude coworker. send her abck without you!

kate, no sitters? what about your sisters, mom, dad, inlaws.... maybe plan a date next week?

klaud, have fun bouncing. that is the perfect activity.

patti, thought you could help, but what netflix wo should i try for some strength variety? i like lifting heavy but love endurance too. i already have amy bento, but no one else.

katie, how were the donuts?:p

angie, have fun at mcd's. someday my boys will want to go there.

anne, how is work today?

well, gotten a lot done - house is clean, shopping is done, ub work is dpne. now i need to upload some pics and take a nap. oh, and my dad is coming over tonight:confused: hope it goes okay. bbl
Thanks for the thoughts about the dog! My mom is a mess!:(

Hi Anne! Hope work is going well!
Geez Louise - I havent talked to Mike at all!:eek:
What is Irish Hills?

Klaudia, Hope you're having fun bouncing!

Patti, There have been no chats here either!:p Good job w the WO! Hooray on the definition!

Angie, WTG @ McDs! Good luck w/ the milkshakes!:eek: That would be my downfall fo' sho'!

Colleen, What a woerd lunch!:eek:

Nina, My sisters are going out of town together, Inlaws have company, and my mom just inst able. Ah well! There's always next yr!:p
WTG on a productive day. Good luck w/ Pops tonight!:confused:

Clean eats, CS.... I'm on a roll!
Morris: Honestly, I think Netflix is better for cardio options than strength training- there are a lot of 10 minutes to a perfect body kind of things on there and those aren't usually my interest. But hey, I still add them to the queue from time to time (I have a kettlebell one in there right now) b/c you never know when you might strike gold.

Having said that, I have a few suggestions- Kelly Coffey Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness is available. I like her kick stepboxing workouts and I have her 30 Minutes to Fitness KB and BC DVDs and like them. I have heard that this one has some good premixes for UB/LB. She is probably more endurance based. Joyce Vedral Complete Bottoms Up interests me but I don't know a thing about her. Sculpt Sweatfest Tracey Staehle is on there- I love her cardio and her weight training is good but again, endurance based mostly. Karen Voight has one on there- The Great Weighted Workout. I lurk on VF and they have a thread on it over there right now. I guess the outfits are dated but it is supposedly a killer WO with good form pointers. Mindy Mylrea has Awesome Strength on there- I love her cardio but don't know much about her strength training. Lynn Hahn Advanced Strength Training is in my queue- it states that it fewer reps / heavier weight kind of thing so I thought I would try her.

I also have a few circuits in my queue from Patrick Goudeau- try Hard Work Conditioning or Hard Work Conditioning 2- it's fun. His cardio is very basic in it and I actually add intensity b/c he isn't Cathe. But the strength moves are a nice change- tend to have a balance element to them and are sort of functional fitness oriented. They are hard workouts.

After reading this I realize I am a total workout DVD whore. Ha!
ha ha patti. thanks for the tips!

kate, well, you do have a busy family. and i am so sorry about your mom's dog. it is so hard to let them go, but sometimes it is a kindness. does that make sense? great wo's today!
Chatty bunch here!

Patti - I got married at 23 almost 24 and I think that's young too now. Isn't that funny? I've been married 12 yrs now, but I think I would be a little freaked if my kids wanted to get married at 23, 24. Now I know who to go to on WO DVD reviews!

Morris - I'm totally bad about uploading pics. I have a bunch still on my camera. I'm always on my laptop which is for work so there is no pics on here and by the time I get home, I hardly have time to get on my desktop where all my pics are stored. Your wo's would never leave me thinking you had little sleep. You rock those wo's for sure!

Kate - Sorry about your mom's dog. We did that last year with our 15yo dog. It was hard, but she was dwindling. Gluten-free huh? Just no bread products maybe? Too much gluten makes me get nasal/congestion issues. DH is looking at a 4Runner which is almost close to purchasing.

Katie - How is the beach? I'm still jealous of your vacation!

Klaudia - I wish we had a bounce house here. Have fun!

Robin - DOMS in your lats huh? I don't think I've ever experienced that. Good luck with the chicken.

Anne - Getting through most of Imax2 is still a good wo. I like the sumos actually, but don't care for the higher impact stuff because of my knees.

Hi Angie, Colleen!

Thanks for all the suggestions on the wo's. Maybe I'll do LIC and see if I can get through that. Slept a little more last night which felt good. Pomai is pounding on my laptop. Be back in a bit. Bfast was cherries. Need to go eat something else.

Back from bouncing-girls had fun:) The fish flies were so nasty and stinky-the parking lot was like a skating rink! Had lunch-another turkey wrap with cheese and mustard w/1/2 sweet potato and a few pretzels:eek: Nevena's napping, Milla's playing, and Danica's back at her friend's. I need to workout and get to the allergist and Target later. Finally-I see a glimmer of sunshine! Hope it stays!

Anne, I'm so in for a Cathe get together-the Irish Hills in autumn would be beautiful:) And we're runnning together in September, yes?

Kate, my friend is coming solo with her two kids-a boy who's 4 and a girl who's 2-should be a blast-unless she brings along the crack-Doritos;) I haven't seen her in almost a decade! Can't wait! Irish Hills is south of Jackson/Ann Arbor:)

Angie, great job at McD's! We were going to go there for lunch today but they had hot dogs included in the admission to the bouncy place-way easier to resist! Good luck with the milkshakes-yummo!

Patti, woo hoo on the definition! Keep it up!

Colleen, what a bummer about lunch! Why would she bother then? I don't get people sometimes!

Morris, can't wait to see pics! Hope everything goes smoothly with your dad tonight.

Gotta go step!
Okay, my office closed at 3:30. I'm kind of waiting to finish up one thing, but I think I'll just head home and do it from there. I'll catch up on personals then too. See you soon!

klaudia, have a great wo! great lunch too. i saw those pretzels at the store and did not buy any yet as i was afraid i'd eat the whole package.

lisa,my stupid internet won't let me upload photos now. what a pain.

house is ready, wish it was not raining so we could go for a walk. dinner after will be fish, broc, and swt potato
Morris, glad the house is ready. I think I sent you a friend request on FB.

Klaudia, how was the stepping? That's my favorite form of cardio after bike riding.

Lisa, cherries, mmmmmmm....drool. I need to get some!

Patti, do you like Patrick G? He has some stability ball cardio stuff that interests me.

Kate, sorry about your mom. I know I should offer to babysit, but 3 kids intimidates me! Hopefully you and Mike can celebrate another night.

Colleen, I hope you get to relax this weekend. My office is closed tomorrow, too.

Katie, did you shop this afternoon?

Angie, I love milkshakes, but I can't remember the last time I had one.

Hi, Robin!

We have therapy tonight, oh joy. I'm sure it will be really fun. But, I'm going to run 3 miles beforehand, so that will be good. I was going to do a quick 2 mile interval run, but then I remembered I did intervals yesterday, so I'm going to go slow and easy. I'll do intervals tomorrow and try to do a longer run on Saturday.

I'm going to visit my parents tomorrow, so I won't be around. Happy Friday, everyone! I'll catch up with you on Saturday.

So I decided to do some kickbox instead-a woman's prerogative, right?;) I did 4DS KB. Now I need to get cleaned up and run my errands.

Anne, I like step, too. I don't know why I don't do it more often. Good luck tonight. And have a great run!

Nina, those pretzels are deadly-8 are 110 calories, I think!

Lisa, funny how we don't see ourselves as too young until we look back! My cousin just turned 24 and I keep telling her she's too young to settle down even though I was engaged, planning our wedding, and buying a house at that age!
grrr ... my internet is down again! just have time to read! m wants his pc back.


oh and anne. no worries on babysitting! dds would spaz for us to leave them w/ a "stranger"

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