

My shoulders/upper back/neck area have been sore and tight recently from sitting at a desk at work. I've been there 4 months and it's starting to bother me now- I think because I hunch over more, which I know isn't good.

I got a massage yesterday, but that was only a temporary relief. Would seeing a chiropractor help? What happens when you see one? I have this fear of seeing one because years ago a friend went in feeling fine and came out feeling worse with a 'messed up' back.

I think like with any profession there are good, bad and better chiropractors. I'd try to find someone you know who is going to one they like and get good results from and get a referral before going. I have chronic neck pain from 5 car accidents and I swear by my chiropractor. I have at various times had to go to other chiros and have not had the same results.

You might also try physical therapy/rehabilitation and ask for some exercises to help you out.

And accupuncture is another alternative.

I am a new woman since beginning to see my chiropractor! I've been going since January. I have no more neck pain (except when I've slept wrong or am totally stressed out) and no more lower back pain. I didn't realize how bad I was until I got better. I can't believe I lived in pain for so long.

He has also helped with shoulder and upper back pain. My pain in that area was not as bad as the others, but I have seen great improvement.

I have also seen great improvement in my overall health. I get sick much less often (in fact, only once since seeing him) and he has inspired me to live a more healthy lifestyle. I got my eating back under control and started working out again when I started seeing him.

I agree that there are good chiropractors and bad ones. I found mine on a referral from a good friend whom I trust. Our whole family goes and we have all benefitted. I don't know what we'd do without him!:)

When I went for my first visit, he did a computerized nerve scan on my neck and back to see where the nerves were being interfered with. He also took one X-ray of my back and one of my neck. Then we consulted about my condition and began treatment. When I go in now, he checks my neck and spine with his hands and makes adjustments as necessary.

Find a good one and give it a try. I don't think you'll be sorry.

Chiropractic can be great, and I wish you luck in finding a good practitioner. However, you can do some stretches and exercises at your desk that may prove preventive, or you can tell your employer that your ergonomics are not adequate. When people worked long hours in factories 100 years ago employers got the bright idea that making them more physically comfortable would improve production and cut down absenteeism. Now that everyone's at a desk, you'd think they'd get the same clue. But since they haven't (Bush is actually trying to repeal some of the past ergonomics legislation) we have to take matters into our own hands (so to speak).

Do some neck stretches, stand up and stretch your shoulder area, back, and legs. Walk around to get circulation flowing. Breathe and drink water. Good luck.

Last summer I started having some pretty severe low back pain but I did not seek help until it affected my workouts. My regular doctor just wanted to treat with medication but I don't like taking medication unless there is not another option. I've had minor back pain off and on for several years. Someone recommended their chiropractor. I started seeing him in November of last year. He has helped a lot. My back pain is just about gone. I go once a month for an adjustment and always feel so much better afterwards. I second the idea of getting a recommendation from someone you trust and then you will know you are in good hands...pardon the pun!

When I was 21 (9 years ago!) I was a landscaper and really hurt my back pushing wheelbarrows of stone, and lifting too much with bad form all summer. It got so bad, that the day came when I couldn't stand erect! So I went to a chiropractor and he had me x-ray'd and showed me the reason for the pain (an angle was very wrong in my lower back). So I visited him once a week for about 3 months, and the results were incredible! The pain lessened after the very first visit (it had been UNBEARABLE), and got better and better. I'm so glad I did it then, because otherwise who knows-I might be plagued with chronic pain! And I'm not!
The adjustments are gentle, totally painless and fun- sort of like cracking knuckles, but provides relief. Hope this helps.
I have back problems from the top of my neck to my tailbone and see a chiropractor at least 2 to 3 x per month. It is the only thing that relieves the pain - especially in my neck, upper back and shoulders. My chiropractor is fabulous, but agree that there are many that aren't. I had to go through many just to find one that worked for me - many of them perform "automatic" adjustments and don't really listen to your particular problems.

Good luck!

I suffered with back pain for nearly two years. I went to two different sports medicine doctors. The first one did not exray my back, but only prescribed muscle relaxers--they didn't help. I suffered another year until I went to the second doctor who promptly exrayed my back which should my 5th lumbar vertebra is broken in half. They call it spondololystheses. Anyway, people with it have a genetic predisposition to the injury, but anything like a fall from a tree when you're a kid can be the trigger. By this time, both feet were numb a big part of the day. You can live with this condition forever, so long as it doesn't impare your circulation.

To make a long story shorter, the second doc said the only way to cure me was to have surgery to put the vertebra back together.

So as a last resort, I thought I'd try the chiropractor. The first month, I went 3 times a week. He moved the broken part of the vertebra just enough to let me feel my feet again. Now I go every 2 weeks or so for an adjustment. I wish I had gone 2 years ago. It's cheaper than the doctor ($7 a visit with my insurance) and it's a whole lot better than surgery.

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