::::: CHEETAHS ::::: ughhh Monday, 3/12


Good morning, cheetahs :)

NOW I am feeling that lost hour…YAWWWNNNN!!!!…but the countdown to Vermont is ON, so I plan to coast through this week!! Things were slow here yesterday, so not a whole lotta posts to catch up with.

Gayle :: the ungodly hour was 4 o’clock, which was really 3 o’clock! UGH! I thought I might go for a nap at some point, but it didn’t work out. I’m in awe that you did 11 miles on the TM – you’re my hero!! :) How was Basket Bingo? …I checked out Yoga Burn, and I’d like to pick that one up, too…I don’t use Sparkpeople, but I’ve only heard good things about it here.

Carole :: thanks for the message board link! I’ve bookmarked it…didn’t get a chance to check it out yesterday, but I will. How was your run? GREAT job avoiding the chips!! I thought of you the other day and forgot to mention this – I teach an enrichment class about personal history and heritage, and one day last week, we had a heritage potluck where some of the kids brought in a dish from part of their family’s background. My one student brought in chips and homemade salsa that was OUT OF THIS WORLD! I tried to convince the other kids that the salsa was bad and not to eat it ;)}(, but they wouldn’t listen. ;( Yum yum YUM!!! Enjoy your massage today – hope the glute/hammy pain is relieved.

Jackie :: Hope you enjoyed your rest day. I’m also unfamiliar with 300. Sounds like a (rhymes with chick) flick…Pardon the expression.

Judy :: Yes, I have been paying especially close attention and think I am figuring some things out. Part of my back issue is higher up on the spine, near where your bra strap would be. That’s just a leftover kink from the car accident I mentioned before. Since I started lifting weights again, that has gotten MUCH better and only acts up once in a while (like if I overdo it w/ weights or sit in an uncomfortable chair for a long period of time)…There is also pain in the lower back – last night, it was traveling down one butt cheek (good ol’ sciatica), but thankfully, this morning THAT’S gone (the butt cheek pain). So, I think what happened was I overdid it with either a back workout and/or ARX and I just need to be gentle with it and hope it goes away. If that means I can’t do ARX 3x a week, so be it… The fatigue and aches are definitely from the meds…I will talk to my doc about it the next time I go (end of this month). I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that. (He will probably tell me not to work out as hard b/c that’s what he hinted at before, but THAT’S not happening!) Hope you enjoyed the DOR - how was the roller this time? Easier? (BTW, sorry for the long-winded response!)

Shelly :: they do things right in Arizona!!…So glad to hear your legs felt great after a 10-miler!

Christine :: sounds like a lovely reunion with DH…Chuckled at the explanation of Elephant Bar (your way with words is just too funny!) :) I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels ARX in the hip flexors!…I guess some weeks sticking strictly to the rotation has been easier than others. A little jumbling is OK with me, but last week got too crazy for my tastes.

Wendy :: nah, your image isn’t blown – sounds like a great (and interesting) time. Glad you had fun!

My plan today is YogaX. I better get moving. It's standardized test week for 8th graders in NJ, so I want to get there a little early and be sure pencils are sharpened, etc.

Have a great day, everyone!
Good morning all,

cathy- i too am feeling the lost of the hour. i am a morning person and it was hard for me to get up. doesn't help my ds came in and woke me up at 3AM...ARGHHH. have fun with yogaX.

yesterday wound up being an unscheduled rest day. just couldn't get the motivation i needed to workout.
today's plan is 30 mins on the EXT and MM.

have a great day to all the cheetahs:)
Good morning all - I'm not feeling the missing hour yet because with our busy schedule this past weekend any sleep is great sleep so I didn't miss one hour.

I'm pooped, but feeling revived having finally got eight hours of sleep last night. I didn't find time for any workouts all weekend:-( , but we were so busy on Friday night that i worked my but off bartending.

We went and bought a sleep number bed yesterday, YIPPEE........:7 ;-) We were able to take our new foam memory pillows with us and -WOW- just making that change helped my sleep last night. I sure hope it works for DH, he needs the sleep bad!!

It's going to be in the 50's here for the next couple of days so I will be taking advantage of that with my running schedule, for sure. I have a board meeting tonight, so I will walk both at lunch and after work for as long as I can. I'm going to get a rotation down, too, so I get my 1/2 training and X workouts both in and get a plan.

Oh, most importantly Saturday morning - scale was down another 2 pounds. YIPPEE.......:7 I did splurge yesterday a little, so I'm not stepping on the scale until tomorrow in hopes that it didn't go up.

No personals yet, I will get back to what I missed over the weekend and be back.

Missed you all, three days is a long time to be away from all of you. :7 :*

Gayle - Good, I'm glad you got the check. Your package will probably arrive tomorrow (FedEx doesn't deliver on Mondays).

Take care all,
Greetings Friends~~~

Cathy~~~ Don't fret about the reply; we are all here to talk to one another!

Marcia~~ You have a great attitude about not really loosing any sleep! And Hi Five on the scale; I would stay off it too on a Monday LOL. I used to be in a WW group that met every Monday at 9am. It got to be too obsessive after a while. Now I am not a big scale user, but I do hop on periodically.

Wendy~~~ I am laughing at your night out. DH would have asked me at least to go with him.... next time. Did your DH laugh too?

Hy hip feels good today, but I am going to hold off on running a bit longer. So today will either be a walk (fast again) or Low Max. I did not do the foam roller yesterday.

ETA: I did hear from Elaine. She is doing OK still working on getting rid of PF. With taking 3 classes this semester,she just has very little extra time, but she says Hello to all the Cheetahs!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hi Girls!

I feel much more human today then I did yesteday. I slept 9 hours last night and boy did I need it!;)

I have Chest, Shoulders and Triceps/ARX on tap for today. Not one of my faves but ya can't have everything, right? :p LOL

Cathy: Enjoy yoga x tonight. I did the whole thing last week and although it was long, I really needed it. Felt great when it was over. It's amazing how yoga can make you sweat! I love that! }(

Sunny: Sorry that you couldn't get your work out in y'day. I know you'll make up for it! I'm getting closer and closer to finishing the written portion of the PT exam! WOOH!}(

Marcia: No worries about the missed work outs. You'll be ok. Congrats on the pounds lost! That's awesome!:+

Judy: My DH was surprised that I went to the *ahem* bar. We laughed about it when I told him. When I woke up this morning I had a text msg waiting for me from him saying that he was at one last night!LOL What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? ;)

I'll be back!:7
Good morning, ladies!

I'm trying REALLY hard to make today a rest day. lol. I'm a walking ball of DOMS today! Shoulders, upper back and lats are sore from Saturday's kickbox session with weighted gloves. My legs aren't sore, but yesterday's 11 miles are leaving a bit of a tightness. It's been 7 days since my last DOR, so I think it's in order. I did stretch this morning, and maybe I'll do Power Yoga Total Body tonight. MAYBE!

This week (and Monday next) are standardized testing for my older DS too (third grade), so I'm shooting to be up just a bit earlier each morning to be done with my workout just a few extra minutes earlier, so I can make a good breakfast (this AM was homemade pancakes).

I thought there was something I wanted to ask you guys, but of course, I can't remember.

The weather is going to be warm for a few more days before cold and rain, so I'm cleaning up the garage and attic above it. Headed out for a few quick errands in town this morning. BBL

Good morning!

Gayle - It sure does sound like you deserve a rest day! Great job on the workouts and run!

Cathy - I sure am feeling the lost hour, too :-( Enjoy YogaX! Vermont sounds great!

Sunny - Hope you feel better after your interrupted sleep! Enjoy your EXT and MM workout! I love MM! It is one of my favorites. I used to do it so often that I made myself quit doing it so that I would not burn myself out on it. I need to pull it out again!

Wendy - Try to enjoy your workout...even though it is not a favorite ;-) Just think how accomplished you will feel when it is over :7 I am glad you got some much needed sleep!

Judy - I am glad your hip is feeling better! Enjoy whichever workout you decide on. I loved how fast walking made mine feel! It really felt like it stretched in out some and loosened it up. And with the speed and incline...my heartrate got up there close to what is does with running!

Marcia - You amaze me with your energy! Send some my way!

Saturday and Sunday I was on a kickboxing kick! I did TaeBo both days and Taebo Rockin Buns yesterday. I am sooo sore that I did nothing this morning :+ I will see how I feel tonight and "maybe" I will do something.

Hi to everyone! BBL

G'morning Cheetahs! *yawn* Wow, it was a busy weekend here, even more than usual!! Kiersten had a GREAT party, she was absolutely thrilled w/ her American Girl doll. I added a few new pics to my picture trail, you can see her surprise in opening her doll! It has gone w/ her EVERYWHERE since!!! She also got some new Little pet shop animals, jewelry, makeup, and some money to spend. She had a really fun party & a good group of girls. My Mom was here to help out w/ the crafts & fun stuff (Greg headed out to pick up the pizza). Then my Dad decided he was coming too (my folks are divorced). It worked out ok though, my parents can be together w/out problems especially when there are grandkids involved. ;-) After the party was done, we headed to the ice skating rink & had fun ice skating. My Mom just loves going, my Dad just watched. The girls are really doing well now & even though I'm a good skater I fell twice!!! Oops!! Once Greg & the girls & I were playing tag & he tagged me and for some reason I hit my toe pic & crashed!! :7 It was probably pretty comical to see! Then another time I was helping Allison & she fell & I about fell on top of her! Fun time was had by all. ;-) And *then* we took the girls to see Bridge to Terabithia, it was really good. I read the book in 5th grade & remembered some of it. The girls were wiped out by that point!!

And, we ended up making a trip to the IL's y'day. Greg's sister & her kiddos are here from Canada (her dh is flying in today to join them). We surprised them at church, his Mom was in tears she was so happy we came. It was fun to be with all of his family. His sister & I are very good friends (and we're almost exactly a month apart in age). So... we were gone all day y'day too! They'll be coming to visit here on Thurs so that will be fun.

Today is a catch up day, laundry, washing sheets, and the usual Monday chores! I'm thinking of doing GS C & T later and maybe a shorter leg workout too. Not sure what yet. ;-) I'm still feeling awesome from my 7.5 mile run on Sat, no DOMS either! My buddies & I are planning on running Tues, Thurs, & Sat to train for the half. That works great for me, I don't want to run on consecutive days so that should be perfect.

I'll pop back in later when I need a break from laundry!! Check out my picture trail if you want to see new pics!
Good (?) Morning Cheetahs!

DH and I went out for dinner last night with his boss and wife (good friends of ours – not a torturous business dinner) and we got home at 10:30. When 4:30 came around, I got up, looked around, reset the alarm and went back to bed. The time loss coupled with the late hour was too much for me. But have no fear, dear Cheetahs, I’ll do a workout this afternoon at the gym. I’m like Gayle – a walking bundle of DOMs – Judy’s PP/SS UB Blast is killer especially on the chest and the triceps. Thanks Judy!! And you ladies understand me when I say that I do actually mean thanks, too – I’m not being sarcastic. We’re a litter of sick puppies aren’t we? My quads are also sore from the Spinervals on Saturday. I am a little peeved as it’s going to be absolutely gorgeous here today and I’ll be stuck inside working… Oh well, I had the two weekend days.

Cathy – Oh, you’ll have fun skiing! I’m so glad you get to go again this year! I absolutely adore homemade salsa – you know, it’s really not hard to make. I think when the farmer markets have those incredible tomatoes I’ll make some myself. YUM! Glad to hear your pain is more manageable. Back pain is the worst, in my opinion, as no matter what you do – sit, stand, lay down – you cannot escape it.

Sunny – I’m a morning person who was not a very happy morning person today, too, so I’m with you on this stupid time change…. :+ When you cannot get the motivation to work out, then it’s time to take a rest day. Hope this rest of the day goes better for you!

Marcia – how is that bed? I’ve been reading so much about it. We bought a new bed a few years ago and are happy, but it’s great to hear of good mattresses as they are so important! Enjoy your runs with the warm temps and WAY TO GO on the 2 Pounds!!! You’re heading the right directly.

Judy – the one who tortured me on Saturday! :p Glad to hear you hip is feeling good. Thanks for the update on Elaine!

Wendy – Sounds like quite the weekend at your house! Great job on getting closer to the written portion of the PT Exam. I know you’ll do fabulous!

Gayle – we have those standardized tests too. Everyone for a full week, they take these tests. I’m not sure how much good it does, but, my girls always do well on them. Enjoy the warm weather!

Jess - sounds like Kiersten had quote the party! Good for her! Glad you had such a great time.

Take care ladies!!!
Good morning everyone!

Cathy - I know how you feel. 4:30 didn't feel too good either but I survived. Good name ___flick! Ha! Ha! Have a good workout. Hope the kids do well with the testing today.

Sunny - Sometimes we just need that extra rest day. Hope you get in a good workout today.

Marcia - Ahhh, a sleep number bed sounds good. Be sure and let us know how you like it. Glad you survived the weekend! Yay on the 2 lbs. gone!!

Judy - I didn't own a scale until about 3 years ago. I weigh once a week. Glad the hip is feeling good.

Wendy - 9 hours of sleep? Haven't done that in a long time. My eyes open wide after about 7 hours and I can't fall back asleep. Glad you were able to get it in.

Gayle - Bet your body would thank you for some rest. Hope you can get a yoga workout in! Maybe you can work some of the kinks out.

Linda - Haven't done Tae Bo in awhile now.

I did a 4 mile run, 20 minutes of Seasun's Bosu workout and Rodney Yee's yoga for the back. Did pretty good with the time change.

Have a great Monday!

Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I would only imagine that homemade salsa was to DIE for. Since I have been on my no chip eating I have not made any salsa to tempt me...the run was a bit painful, but just nice to get out. The weather was beautiful yesterday and it should be today too. I will see what my massage therapist thinks about this pain. It seems better today..enjoy YogaX and I hope you get to school early for those 8th graders...:)

Sunny...have fun with MM and the EXT.

Marcia...we got a new bed a few weeks ago and sleeping has been wonderful! Good job on the weight loss.

Judy..thanks for the update on Elaine. PF is a tough one to get rid of I hear and as you know. My glute feels better today also. I did manage a 5.2 mile very SLOW run yesterday. I will try and find a foam roller locally today or tomorrow.

Wendy..That CST workout form P90X was not a real favorite of mine either. But we should be getting our BBC's soon!!

Gayle...enjoy your Yoga today.

Linda..sounds like a fun Taebo weekend...I have not done any Taebo in quite awhile...

Jess...sounds like a fun weekend! I was never good at ice skating. I would have fallen alot more than you did. That is great about your running.

Christine...sounds like a nice dinner. 4:30 does sound a bit early. YIKES! I am lucky to have the day off so I can enjoy our nice weatehr. Sure makes me want to work outside.

I am doing GS C&B and an EXT workout. I also get to be spoiled and have a nice massage this morning.

Have a good day cheetahs...:)
Good morning ladies,
Just a quick check-in right now. I got up late and the girls too. This time change was kind of a drag(LOL)!

Well, I my back survived my week of step. I ended up doing Drill max, bootcamp AND Imax 3 last week. My back feels good. I had not done Imax3 since October when I first injured my back. I did not have to modify anything. I am being smart today though and doing nothing. It has been 7 days since rest,so today it is. I am going to focus on step and elliptical again this week and if everything is good, I will do a run on Sunday, hoping there is no pain at all;-)

It was a quiet day here yesterday. I was out enjoying our 75 degree weather. I am trying to focus a little more on my family over the weekends instead of getting obsessed about posting and keeping up. I do miss this place when I do not post though.

Okay, my eating is back on track and I have those 2-3 stupid pounds to lose this week, which, believe you me , I will}(

My hubby and I are going to Hotel in Walnut Creek on Friday night just to get away. I am so excited about it. My best friend will come and stay with the girls. We really NEED a night away. We plan on just relaxing and maybe doing a bit of shopping.

Well, I am off to take girls to school and then home to do some much needed house work. I will be back for sure for personals.


Hey Cheetahs.

Sorry I'm not feeling very chatty today. I guess I'm still tired from my wild night! LOL I am not motivated to do my work out either. At this point I will have to do it tonight after DS goes to bed. ACK. I am going to look at my schedule and see if I can mess with it so that I can go to the gym and run today and push CST off until tomorrow perhaps...I love the X but I think I have officially had my fill of heavy lifting. I am noticing myself lacking the motivation to do the work outs more frequently. I hope I can push through it...I only have a few weeks left!:-(

I'll be back later after my work out!
Jess - Glad Kiersten's party was a success. Looked at the pics. She looks happy with the doll. You have some beautiful girls! Sounds like you have a busy day today.

Christine - Sorry you're stuck inside today but you are not alone. At least, you will have more sunshine when you get out. Enjoy your workout today.

Carole - Glad the pain is better today. Hope you had a nice massage and got some help with the pain.

Susan - Yay for the back! Hope it continues to improve. Yes, do be careful. A weekend get-a-way sounds nice.

Wendy - Hope you get some rest. I'm sure the long night and the time change didn't help your disposition any. :) Maybe your motivation will come back when you change things up a little.

Back to work!

Thanks, Jackie! She is super happy w/ her doll. Now Allison has picked out the blonde & blue eyed one for her bday... in July! :) Thanks for the compliments.

Have a good day at work!
I bet you're tired, Wendy!! Sounds like quite an eventful weekend! I'm not a partier so I can not relate but I do enjoy getting out w/out my kiddos once in a while!

So... getting burnt out on the X??? Well..... I *might* be getting it!!!!! Oh my goodness! I know, I've been on the fence about it, but a friend has *2* sets of it!!! She got it a while back but they sent her an extra since her other shipment got lost in transit. Then she ended up getting the 2nd shipment & they told her just to keep it!!! She wants a high step topper so I told her I'd get her the high topper for the set!! Can't beat that deal, I think. $34.99 plus shipping for the high step and I know that P90X runs about $100- $120. But she is moving & said she might not be able to find it til the end of March. That's ok since I'm working on my running & tri stuff for now anyway. OK, enough babble but had to share that tidbit!!

Hope you got in your workout & are feeling better. I was feeling a bit blah but did GS C & T and am feeling much peppier now! }(
Yeah, Susan!! I'm so glad you were able to do your fav IMAX 3!! That's great!! I hope the pain stays away & you can get back to regular running! Sounds like the weather is beautiful there! It's almost 60 here today, amazing for March in IL!!

Hope you & dh have a wonderful night away. That sounds great!
Cathy ~ I don't care for this time change either! My girls did NOT want to get out of bed at 7 this morning! (and neither did I!)

My girls have standardized testing this week too. They sent home notes to make sure they had a healthy breakfast & send in healthy snacks. ;-) Brain food!

Chips & salsa sounds delish! My dh's favorite salsa is from Chevy's. They roast their tomatoes & it makes a huge difference in the taste- yum!

Hope you enjoyed YogaX. See my post to Wendy about possibly getting the X from a friend. ;-)
Christine ~ I don't have SS/ PP. It sounds like a good one & a great workout mix!! I'll add it to my wish list. ;-)

Sounds like a nice dinner out. Hope you enjoyed your workout this afternoon. Sometimes we just need that extra rest in the mornings. Especially w/ the time change!
The sun is shining & it's in the 60's today!! I can't believe it! That's a heat wave for March in IL!! I opened the windows to let in some fresh air- ahhhhh!

I got about 4 loads of laundry done, sheets back on the beds, living room all back in order after the party, and things back in place around here! Just need to run the vacuum.

And I did GS C & T, and the pushups didn't even feel too difficult!! WOOHOO!! I love how strong that workout makes me feel. ;-)

Planning to run w/ my buddies in the morning, another early morning. I enjoy it though & am happy to be back on a somewhat regular running schedule. Now I need to pull out the bike if it's going to be nice weather to get in some training!! We're going to look at a new bike for me sometime soon too, I need one!!

I might take the girls shopping for new shoes tonight. Hannah & Kiersten both seem to be outgrowing their tennis shoes. Don't they know they aren't supposed to grow so quickly?? :7 OK, enough chatter from me. Have a great night!

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