::: CHEETAHS ::: Tuesday

Okay, I've decided on Imax 2! I'm off to do it now. I'll be back when it's done.

Carole: Hope the cortisone shot helps! The cardio suggestion was for me not my BF. lol

Okay, I did Imax 2 intervals 1-7. I didn't do the whole work out because I was not looking to do a full hour of cardio today. I am happy w/my work out. :)

Cathy: Mmmmm those legs should feel great running after doing GS! Enjoy it!}(

Marcia: Sorry that you didn't get the physical turn out at the fundraiser that you had hoped for but if you are getting orders from those that could not attend then it appears you did well anyway! Good for you!:)

Jess: The new dirtbike sounds like fun! Glad you are enjoying round 2 of the X! I still plan on doing that come January with Cathy.

Christine: Good luck with Jimmy and his class. I hope he passes! I am keeping my fingers crossed for your DD and the dorm room!!!

Gayle: Glad you enjoyed Itread 11 today. I love those workouts but I am sure that you know that already! LOL

Kristi: I missed the window of opportunity for my run today. I hope you get yours in!

Shelly: How can you NOT LOVE TO SHOP!?!? :eek: :eek: :eek: ... LOL!

Jackie: What are you going to Chicago for?

Okay, time for a shower now and then some house cleaning before DS gets up. The fact that my BF is coming HERE to train tonight is going to FORCE me to do what I may otherwise have put off!:p

Gayle - I have IFIT dvd's that came with my treadmill and I downloaded to my Zen. My computer is too far away to hook up. I think you can get a daily workout from them without having to download anything. The ones that came with my treadmill are more intermediate and I use them mostly on easy run days.

Wendy - Sorry you missed out on your run today. Good job with Imax intervals. Good luck with the PT session with your friend. Did you scare your mom away?

Carole - You poor baby. Hope the cortisone shot knocks it out quickly.

I'm going to Chicago to visit my sis for a week. Taking my mom with me. I decided to drive instead of fighting with the hassles of flying. It's about an 8 hour drive. Figure I can drive until I get tired and then take a break even if it's every couple of hours or so.

It's almost time for me to go home and I am so ready. Enjoy your evening ladies.

Wendy...[font color=purple]BLONDE MOMENT![/font]....sorry...I was never good at attempting speed reading, or maybe the swelling is in my brain?? Imax 2 was a very good choice for you. I do feel a bit less puffy and I hope I can go to work tomorrow without looking like a white Mike Tyson...:7 :+ :)
LOL Carole! You are too funny. Very cute!:) I'm sure it was NOT a blonde moment. I am thinking it was DEFINATELY caused by the swelling in your eye. After all, how are you expected to read properly with an eye that's all puffy and swollen, right? :D
Okay, the housework I am doing is pretty much done except for some dishes in the sink and some clutter on the kitchen table.

I have to go get DS out of bed or he'll sleep until who knows when!:eek:

I don't know what's for dinner tonight but I'd better jump on that right away cause I need to have it done before BF arrives here for her first session!:7

Wanna hear something funny! I am not nervous about training her in general. I really like the routine I have set up for her. My problem is WARM UP and COOL DOWN! I know all of the moves Cathe does and I can use them no problem. My issue is that I have a hard time making the moves flow from one into another. I am sure my BF won't mind if it's a bit jerky but I'll feel like a bit of a fool. It would be so much easier if we had a treadmill for her to warm up on!!!:-(

I WANT A BIGGER HOUSE AND ABOUT $2500.00 cash!!!!....Can you ladies help me out!? ;)
K, I have coffee in hand and I am IMpatiently waiting for my first client/BF to get here!!!:7

I'm surprised no one has really been around this afternoon. I guess y'all are workin' or whatever. I'm sure there will activity soon enough...like as soon as I LOG OFF!:p

BB after the session to let you know how it went!}(
Awww, just wanted to say thanks for all of the nice comments!! I've missed everyone here too!! 2 weeks w/ no DSL was a PAIN in the rear!!! I'm happy to be back up & running.

Busy day today, went out of town shopping & met a friend for lunch. Came home just in time for the bus to get here, then we headed out for more errands. Came home to unload groceries, fed everyone, and now I can relax... for a few minutes!! I don't know how people do it that work full time & try to get everything taken care of! :eek: I feel like I'm busy enough as it is!

Hope you all had a great day. It was hot out there, in the 90's! I'm ready for some cooler weather, for sure! Have a great night!
Hi Cheetahs :)

Jes- welcome back !

Carole- I am sorry to read about your bug bite and the complications

Wendy- Your WU and CD are probably smoother than you think. How did your first session as a trainer go?

Shelly- Even you have your limits? I see how you will not be able to SQUEEZE in a HM that week!

Gayle- so you have the TM up and running? How is the new friend? Do you stat school after Labor Day?

Christine- Lets hope DD 18 has a relatively easy transition.

Over the weekend DD 16 and I went to NY to shop/visit DD21 and we did an amazing amount of both. We walked most of Manhattan in two and a half days in the 95 degree heat! DD has the tiniest apartment I have ever seen. And she loves it.

hile we were in NY, we were able to have dinner with "Nancy324" from the Cathe forums. She often posts on the "<---" thread. I have been talking to her for at least 2-3 years here on the open discussion forums. She is wonderful and I am so pleased to have (my girls and I) spent an evening with her!

Yesterday was a 6.75 run and today was a round of golf. I was planning on some upper body today, but it just didn't work out. We are getting ready to take DS back to Boston to school on Thursday. I do not look forward to 5 1/2 hours driving there unpacking and 5 1/2 hours driving home all in a day.

[font color=red][font size=+2]Judy "Likes2bfit"[/font]

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