::: CHEETAHS ::: TGIM ;-) haaaa

Hi All -

Quick check in - just wanted to say that I'm feeling a little better today, but still not 100%. I do have to chuckle, though, as I keep thinking of that line from the Devil Wears Prada where the one skinny thing says to the other, "I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight". I've lost 4 pounds - yeah, I know I'm not going to keep that off, but it is funny.

A few personals that I HAVE to write -

Carole - WAY TO GO on the race! I love that you're getting faster! Good for you! Two miles up hill eh? Good times there too!

Jackie - 4 minutes off your last time?! With those hills? Great job!!

Shelly - Okay, okay, Nurse Cratchett... :+ It's a lower GI bug, not the flu. But whenever anyone else in my family gets a stomach flu, I get this - I so rarely get sick to my stomach. I guess that's a good thing.

Not to slight everyone else! I just don't have wherewithall to sit at my computer and type too much! Love to all!
Good Afternoon Cheetahs.

Whatever I caught is taking it's toll on me but I am going to try to NOT let it get the better of me! It's not BAD but I definately don't feel like aces by any means. I napped after lunch and will downgrade this week's work out plan to one body part per day using GS plus abs and/or cardio as needed. I am going to try my darndest to exercise and keep my sickness in check at the same time. Think it's possible? So now I have chest and ab work on tap which I will tackle soon...wish me luck. ;)

BB when I'm done!
Hello All! I'm back from my 20 mile run and I feel GREAT:) :)
I kept my pace around 10:00 min/mile overall so I'm pretty happy with that as a long training run. I'm sitting here listening to Mahmoud I'manutjob (leader of Iran) spew his idiotic lies on TV right nowx(

Carole- I've been eyeing the BBCs myself lately. Starting out with cutie pie Joey eh? Have fun!

Susan- I knew you'd like KBext!! You'll be surprised though at how soon you will pick up on the choreography.

I think DH and I will take in a movie this afternoon. I hope all the rest of you cheetahs have a great rest of the day!

Ok, I did it! GS Chest and 6 Minute Abs are done. I am shaking as I type this. I guess that's a GOOD sign!}( I actually feel a bit better NOW then I did BEFORE the work out. I LOVE EXERCISE!!!!:7

Carole: I am sooo sorry! I totally missed your race report! I realized it when I was reading everyone else's responses to it! Great job! Keep up the good work!:)

I'll be back with more personals in a bit...
Hi there, cheetah babes! http://www.smileyskit.com/happy-lol-dancing-smileys_files/cheezy.gif

Lorie :: Great job on your run this AM! Chuckling at the little shower guy smiley…Nope, I’ve decided not to buy a gift. My presence will be my present…I really don’t know about the foot situation. That is one area I have managed not to injure. I’d give it to the end of the week, and then I’d say it’s worth having it looked at. With your HM coming up, err on the side of caution…I think you made a great purchase with BBC. I like Barry a lot, and we are pretty much all in love with Joey. http://www.infohub.com/forums/images/smilies/connie_49.gif This check-in is DANGEROUS with the enabling!!

Wendy :: The downgraded w/out plan sounds like a good idea. I say do your best and give your body what it needs. No pressure…I am not giving a gift…It is the groom’s first marriage, so I guess one could make the argument that a registry is OK. But personally, I still think it is over the top. They’ve lived together for two years, both make good money, and they basically have everything they need. Our side of the family is not well-to-do; she comes from working class roots, and I think she should’ve kept that in mind when they registered. But then again, she could’ve booked a more affordable cruise, too. Oh well. I was just surprised. She seems to have become really materialistic.

Judy :: I say TGIM or happy Monday to tease my students, who always come in grumpy after the weekend. And hey, I can’t lie - some Mondays are painful at times, but generally speaking, I don’t mind them…Great job with your workout today. I do like those KPC/L&G premixes but haven’t explored them all.

Wendi :: great run this morning…*lol* about Winston and Svarovsky. Good thing she’s not into Cathe, or she’d get some new ideas…Burnt beyond burnt, eh? Do tell. We’re all ears. http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Others/ears-049.gif

SuperShelly :: http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/basic/super.gif Great job taking another 20-miler in stride! Glad you’re feeling so strong…Yeah, I really enjoy my Monday yoga/stretch day. It’s perfect after the weekend when I try to go for longer or more intense workouts to take advantage of the extra time…I didn’t get to see what that nut said this time. I’m sure I’ll catch it on the news later…hope you enjoyed the movie. What’dja see? I’d really like to see the Jodie Foster flick.

Carole :: yes, I loved HST!! But tough! My shoulders are feelin’ it today…Lucky you getting a massage today.

Jackie :: hope you give those legs a good stretch today. Maybe some foam roller work is in order, too?

Susan :: nice job with your speedy 4-miler yesterday! Thanks for the review of KBX. I still haven’t taken the plunge yet, but I would like to soon…The new rule at school about not serving candy to kids has been good for ME, too. I used to keep them on hand for occasional rewards, but then I’d wind up snacking on them, too. I find it’s just better not to keep it around!

Christine :: haven’t seen that movie, but great line! Glad you are feeling a little bit better. Be nice to keep those 4 lbs. off. You must be about disappeared by now, woman!

OK, I need to prepare a form for a pre-observation meeting with the VP tomorrow. (I am getting my first of three lesson observations this Thursday.) Shouldn't take too long and then I'm off to do SM and some ab work.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Evening Cheetahs.

It took me a little longer then originally planned to get back here. I ended up doing some picking up around here (de-cluttering) and laundry and then I decided to cook dinner for me and Joey at the last minute-I mean as opposed to quick sandwiches, etc. DH popped in for a short while between o/t and bowling so I made him a sandwich cuz he wasn't going to be home long enough to eat the "real" meal, LOL, but he'll get the left overs. :9

So anywho...I feel pretty yucky right now...I am going to give Joey a quick bath when I am done posting and once he goes to bed at 8pm I am going to sack out with my book and will probably be http://www.infohub.com/forums/images/smilies/lazy2.gif in no time!

Wendi: Great job on the run, girl! Please be careful with the weight work. Would hate to see you injure yourself worse. It's nice when co-workers will cover for one another like that. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Everyone is happy that way. :)

Lorie: LOL you are funny with how you compete against Grace. That's cool though. I find her to be very motivating which is part of the reason I enjoy the work outs besides the variety they give with hills, speedwork, endurance runs, etc. When I am ready to give up and Grace tells me I can "do anything my mind tells my body to do" then I just HAVE TO KEEP GOING!!! So I definately know where you are coming from. ITreads rock!http://www.infohub.com/forums/images/smilies/bravo.gif

Shelly: Yeah, I HAD a solid week planned out until I realized it wasn't going to happen cause of this dang cold! GRRRRR! Great job on the 20 miles! You are my inspiration!!!!

Carole: Enjoy your massage? :)

Jackie: Glad your headache went away overnight.

Susan: Glad you liked KickBox Xtreme. Good job getting faster with your running. You are back to your oldself these days, ey? :)

Christine: Glad you are on the mend so quickly! Hope the same happens to me!

Cathy: Perhaps your sis' husband to be is putting ideas in her head. Does he come from money? Good luck with your observation tmrw even though I know you won't need it!:)

Night all!
Wendy :: hey, don't push yourself too hard over there!...Hopefully the Airborne + the rest might nip it...Are you still reading HP?...No, future BIL doesn't come from money, either. But I mean, hey, folks can spend their own money however they see fit. I just think it's a bit much to ASK for extravagant gifts from guests who are not rollin' in dough.

Did SM#1 (my fave) and KPC abs. Have gotten myself back on track with WW points and have the appetite back in check.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Cathy: Yeah, you kinda have to look at your guest list when registering...if you hope to have anything purchased off of it anyway! LOL I wonder what she'll actually get??? You have to give us the full report when it's all said and done!}( Nosey Cheetahs wanna know!;)

I don't know what came over me to wanna cook dinner tonight. I usually don't wanna cook when I feel GOOD! :7 :7 :7 I don't enjoy cooking as I am sure you have guessed. :p I need to foodshop though so there wasn't too much in the was of quick eats for me that weren't total garbage...I think THAT is what drove me to cook now that I think about it. I ate my leftover pizza from the other night for lunch today...COMFORT FOOD...so I guess I felt I needed to eat healthy tonight. I made chicken and broccoli. We both loved it!:9

Now I am sittin' here drinking some green tea and then I'm off to bed. I just recently realized that we have no night time cold meds in the house. :eek: I called DH and left him a msg to pick me up some on the way home from bowling...until then I'll have to deal with out.

Have a good night ladies....Talk to you in the morning.:)

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