Cathe, have you ever used Ephedra/Ephedrine?


I'm wondering how your crew got such a ripped look for the new videos. So many in the fitness industry use ephedra/ephedrine and I'm wondering if you ever have and what your thoughts are on the subject?

Thank you so much!
The American Medical Association just called for all ephedra products to be pulled from the market because they're so dangerous.

I believe that with clean eating and Cathe's style workouts, there is no need for ephedra or any other similar type of supplement. Cathe might also be more genetically inclined to be leaner than some of us!
I agree with what I have heard and both here at VF and in papers this is not something you should take. I don't believe Cathe takes these kinds of supplements I certainly hope not.

I read this thread with interest and wasn't going to reply.
However, after reading another thread on doing what works for you and your body, I decided to put in my 2 cents.
I've been using Hydroxycut for about 15 months. I take at least a 2 week break after every bottle is completed and never, ever use anywhere near the recommended maximum dose. I've never had any ill effects and my blood pressure is lower than it was 15 months ago. It definitely gives me energy and added willpower with my diet. Whether or not this is a psychological, not physical effect could be argued all day long.
Anyway,I just wanted to share MY experience.

And another FYI, the latest issue of Fitness RX had a terrific article on the efficacy of caffeine/ephedra supplemets, as well as the politicizing that's gone on regarding their availability/safety. It's a very though provoking article. Also both Muscle and Fitness and MF Hers have recently published scientific study results regarding these supplements.

Of course, I recommend that anyone considering using these supplements or considering their use to make sure and follow the dosing guidelines and warnings very carefully. I also think that informing your physician of your intentions is critical.

Just, my opinion and my experience! :)
Hi Ellenellen! I am very happy to say that the crew got a very fit look from hard work and clean eating.

I personally do not promote getting fit any other way than through intense physical output and healthy clean eating.

I have heard of ephedra and personally would not recommend using it. There are risks involved when using or doing anything that is not natural. It's simply not necessary to take those risks.

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