Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

I'm speculating, too.

I think I remember, a while back, someone suggesting Cathe do live workouts that could be simulcast to local gyms...does anyone remember that? Seems to me she said something about having "something" in the works along those lines...?? I am going to try to search for it. Of course, I could be way out there.......

Well I received my DVD's today as SNM said that I would. I am also
curious to the announcement. On the Low Impact Step & Total Body
Sculpting DVD back cover, it says from the (Total Cardio Step Series and from the (Total Muscle Sculpting Series). I have all of her DVD's
and I did not see that series online. If so I would have bought it also. I might be wrong but I believe the announcement is the Total
Cardio Step & Total Muscle Sculpting Series. If so, I will definitely
buy the series.
I got my new DVDs today and noticed the series title, too. Hmmmmm ...

I really like the idea of a Total Cardio Step series, and a Total Muscle Sculpting series. That would be so cool.

Could be something ... maybe nothing. It sure is fun to guess, though. :D

Since I'm such a vidiot...woohoo!! for Total CArdio Step series and Total Muscle Scuptling series!!! yeah!!!

take care:)
O.K Cathe I've got my game face on:+ whoops wrong one }( thats better. I just can't stand it!!! Please tell us. I never knew you had this mean streak (o.k maybe in your workouts ;-) ) but not for real. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease. Fiona
I think my husband and children are ready to put me in the loony bin, as I keep checking to see what the announcement is:p

Methinks SNM would have been wise to not announce that an annoucement was coming, and just wait to announce it! That way, they wouldn't have raised our expectations, only to let them down when no announcement was made in the time announced for the announcement to be announced (have I used all forms of "announce" yet? )
i completely agree, kathryn! it would have been MUCH better to have just announced it....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I'm with you too Kathryn, There's nothing worse than waiting at the best of times, x( Then not to be told anything and left hanging, it's just too mean. I hope Cathes gives SNM a good talking to, or herself if she told them to do it;) I wish I didn't know it was coming. Even my boyfriend is checking the site for me every few hours.
Maybe one of the announcements is that we will be able to purchase the Cathe gear that we were able to get on the road trip?! :)

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