Caffeine during pregnancy


I'm wondering if everyone has given up caffeine totally since you've been pregnant? I'm having a hard time giving it up completely. I've been having the worst headaches imaginable. I had a cup of coffee this morning and I always feel so guilty. Should I cut out caffeine completely? or, is it ok to drink it in moderation?


I am 20 weeks and haven't given up caffeine entirely. We brew a pot of coffee made from 1/3 regular and 2/3 decaf each day, and if I have any more (rare) I just get decaf. I also allow a can of Pepsi here and there, about 1 or 2 cans per week. My OB knows all that and says it's fine.

I had one delicious cup of coffee a day. I used organic dark-roasted beans and really enjoyed it. Eventually, I could drink it in bed and use my belly-pod as a table to rest it on. No one thought this was a bad idea. I had no problems. In fact, the laxative effect of coffee (it speeds up your GI tract motility) counteracted some of the constipating effects of huge belly-pod in late pregnancy. I hope that wasn't too much information.
Don't feel guilty. I had one cup of coffee every morning while I was pregnant. It doesn't seem to have any effect on my son. He was a healthy 9 pounds 6 ounces bundle of joy. I even had a frappuccino once a month from Starbucks or Gloria Jean's. Coffee doesn't have A LOT of caffiene in it as people think it does. If you drink too much of it, then there's a problem. Just drink one cup of joe a day or one cup of Lipton tea a day. I wouldn't drink coffee or tea with caffiene in it after the baby is born and you're nursing...My son was up a lot so I stopped drinking coffee and he was back to his old self.
Hi Shanda - here is a late post in response to your caffeine question. I'm 31 weeks now with my first baby so can't say yet if the baby is affected but I haven't given up my coffee. In the first 15 weeks of pregnancy, I couldn't stomach a cup of coffee or tea but once my nausea ended, I began to enjoy it. I usually have a cup of day of coffee (sometimes none though). And, yes, there have been days when I have a cup of coffee in the morning and later in the afternoon, another cup or a cup of tea or a grande latte at Starbucks - 1/2 decaf. At first I tried to cut out all caffeine but felt so miserable; also, the caffeine really helps my allergies, asthma and sinus congestion (all worsened by my pregnancy)!!

Also, despite what books like "What to Expect When You're Expecting ..." (I hate that book!) will say, I looked through quite a quite a bit of medical research and it seems to me that effects of small to moderate intake of caffeine are inconclusive or show no effect. I could be wrong but it seems from the studies I looked that when a mother had caffeine related problems, they were usually consuming 5 or more cups a day and perhaps also smoked. I don't really listen to these website columns or pregnancy books that state you should stay away completely from something but then have no medical back-up as to why. Also, my dad's (he's a MD) been delivering babies for 30 years and he said there was no problem with the coffee - 1 -2 cups is fine. His warning to me was "don't drink alcohol". so, that I don't touch and you'd be surprised how many people who don't drink coffee will insist it's fine to have a glass of wine a day (or more!) while pregnant. I would worry more about alcohol than coffee. I'm rambling -it's late!!! sorry!!!;-)

I just try to stick to one cup of java a day and enjoy it and its effects on my asthma as well.

I drank caffeine while pregnant with all ten of my children and I didn't have any problems with them at all. when I had my first four or five nothing was said about caffeine consumption - so I knew it would be fine with the others.

I don't drink coffee, but I did drink diet Mountain Dew. So, I wouldn't worry about the cafeine. Just try not to overdo it.

Oh Cheryl, now that I know you've had 10 children while intaking caffeine - I will definitely not worry about my daily coffee!!! Thanks for posting!!!:) Helen

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