C&T fabulous friday eve

Hey, everybody, my day got away from me AGAIN! Work is crazy busy right now, which is good, but I never get through my to-do list, kwim?

Kate, no thanks, you can keep them! Today was Bring your child to work and they were annoying me. They're good kids, don't get me wrong, I'm just NEVER around children, so the noise gets to me.

Klaudia, I don't think I've heard of the paleo diet, but if it doesn't include nachos I don't want any part of it.

Angie, your trips sound great! I'm glad you're feeling better today.

Hi Clintonya!

Nina, good idea to keep out of the drama. It's hard, I know, but keep at it.

Colleen, your post yesterday made me remember I'd left something in the office fridge last Friday. Oops! This was AFTER I'd written a note to myself not to forget it. Oh, well, I dumped it and did not leave it for someone else to clean up.

Did I miss anybody? I should be working out right now, but I'm going to tap tonight and going to count that as cardio. I definitely work up a sweat there! Oh, and TCB called right before I left work. Sigh. And you guys are thinking of TCBY. Trust me, he's not frozen!

Have a good night, everyone!

Anne, You're full of it tonight, aren't ya?!:p Yeah, I'd imagine kids at work with you wouldn't go over very well!:p And LOL @ your nachos! Hope tap is/was fun!

Did MMA Boxing tonight and a good CS! Headed to bed....maybe more cardio!;)

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