Butts and Gutts--and now I can't sit down :-)


I did Butts and Gutts this weekend for the first time in a long time (I've been down S&H and 4 DS rotations for a while now). The last few times I did B&G, I did leg premixes, but this weekend I played the workout as the original. Wow! As I was doing the various one-legged squats, I was thinking that I could really feel my muscles working, but the next morning . . . I woke up and it literally hurt to sit down! It's an amazing workout! Two days later, and my backside and hamstrings are still sore! I realize I need to work B&G into my rotations more, and if I want to go jeans or bathing suit shopping, I should do some extra B&G workouts to really get into those muscles. What an amazing workout!

Have a great day!
Okay, now your scaring me!!LOL:) I also have been doing S&H, and 4DS and haven't done B&G in ages (not really a fan of it) But I am starting a new rotation today and it is on the schedule for Wed.!!:eek: I hope I can sit afterwards!:)

I just got finished doing Butts & Gutts, my legs are shaking. I'm glad I have upper body tomorrow and not cardio.

That workout is sooooooooo tough! I've never gotten all the way through B&G. I can do all the standing work (barely!), but I can't even get through the first round of floorwork after that.

I love the ab work, though.

One thing I like to do is split up the workout

(1) Standing work plus bonus abs
(2) Floor work plus abs with ankle weights

It's like having two separate DVDs, and this doesn't even include all the premixes! :)

Have a great day,
Dawn, LOL !!

I am going through the same thing. I did Butts and Gutts on Sunday.
I hadn't done this work out for two months, I was rotating 4DS, GSL,
and Leaner Legs.
My hamstrings are screaming, my inner thighs are sore, and oh boy
I am with you on the "it hurts to sit":eek:

What a great work out, I needed that kick in the butt ;-)

Take care, Brigitte:)
I know ....a very tough workout when you do it all at once...I get that "hurts to sit as well"....but I love it!!! I need to do it today and am debating ....do I do the whole thing or split it up!!! :)
Another one that always makes my legs scream is Kickmax, the legs at the end.....aaaggghhh. Love the feel the next day, i know I hit something!


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