Butts and Guts - LEG BLAST PREMIX question??


I did this premix and I seriously thought to myself - is my dvd just skipping constantly or are we really supposed to be doing that many sets of lunges, ect?? MY LEGS WERE SCREAMING for mercy about 3/4 way through it - but I couldn't figure out how many sets of each there really are to be doing bc I thought maybe my disc was just on permanent repeat?

Does anyone know the exact breakdown?

Anyone use no weights or do you lighten up to get through it?
Oh, there's nothing wrong with your disk. I believe there might be four or five sets of those walking lunges. Someone posted the breakdown on here once. Let me see if I can find it.
Here you go:

Leg Blast 47 ½ minutes

Instruction to warm up insert card
Walking lunges
Lunge/squat combo
Walking lunges
Leg presses
Forward thrusting hammer punch lunges
Leg presses
One legged squats
Side to side thrusting hammer punch lunges
One legged squats
Walking lunges
Walking lunges
Lunge squat combo
Low pulse lunges
Lunge squat combo

>Here you go:
>Leg Blast 47 ½ minutes
>Instruction to warm up insert card
>Walking lunges
>Lunge/squat combo
>Walking lunges
>Leg presses
>Forward thrusting hammer punch lunges
>Leg presses
>One legged squats
>Side to side thrusting hammer punch lunges
>One legged squats
>Walking lunges
>Walking lunges
>Lunge squat combo
>Low pulse lunges
>Lunge squat combo

That makes my legs hurt just reading all that! OUCH!:eek:

I just did this premix yesterday and my legs were screaming the whole time. Ouch.


~Straighten out, fly right~

Cathe Friedrich
I did the premix not too long ago. It is a GREAT lower body workout with a bit of a cardio factor. I only used 5's, a 10, and no weight...whatever Cathe and crew used and I was amazed at what a good workout I got going so light on the weights! Love, this premix...well not love like I love chocolate, but you know what I mean!;)
Cripes - so my dvd was not broken or on permenent repeat! floor work after this - holy crud I cannot even imagine!

I think I might have to put this into a rotation more often - my legs were seriously screaming!
>floor work after this - holy crud I cannot even imagine!
That's why I do the floor work first (as indicated in my other post). It helps 'wake up' the glutes especially, so I feel the following exercises more in that area.
Ah, the Leg Blast Premix - also known as the "Oh NO, not THAT one again!" Premix. If you're not shaking after this one, you're doing it wrong. LOL
I did that yesterday and was afraid I wouldn't make it up my stairs! I stretched really well afterwards, though, and took an epsom salt bath, so that helped with some DOMS I think. But I'm still feeling it today!! And I usually feel DOMS the most the second day, so we'll see how I do tomorrow ;-)

It was a killer workout but I liked it!
Ok. I started out with bootcamp cardio for warm up and decided to be brave as Kathryn, went for the whole Leg Blast including the floor work after.

Boy, you need energy bar during this work out. I was so tired at the end of floor work, I could see stars and almost asked for help from my DH and DD to carry me up.;( ;(

Next time, I should tackle the floor work first and emergency oxygen tank just in case.
>Ok. I started out with bootcamp cardio for warm up and
>decided to be brave as Kathryn, went for the whole Leg Blast
>including the floor work after.

I wouldn't do this one with the floor leg work afterwards. I start with it, to 'pre-exhaust' the glutes, so they make sure to 'pay attnetion' during the rest of the workout. If I leave the floorwork til the end, I'm not as strong at it as I want to be (and since quadruped leg work is one of the most effective exercises for the glutes, I want to give it my best, freshest, energy).
Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who thought her DVD player was skipping:+ This was killer and boy did I feel it, for a couple of days even with stretching. The steps were NOT my friend;-)

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