Hi there! Today I have scheduled MMA Kickbox. Even if I don't get to it until late- I plan to do this. :D

I am in the process of trying to pack for our camping trip this weekend. I am also taking DD13 and some of her friends to Geek Kon down in Madison tomorrow. DH and DS are taking the packed up van tomorrow morning to the campground and we will arrive later in the day. Not really in the camping mood but I'll do my best. Don't really like the cooler temps when I am camping!:( Love them any other time though!

Laurie, you and Sue really make me curious about this Tonique stuff! I really hope you have a great final weekend with the fair! Enjoy! My DD has had Math homework the past 2 nights!:confused:

Lala, glad school is going well. Hope you enjoy the fair if you go! I do not own Cathe's 4 DS. I have been looking into it though.

Hi Karen!
Hi Sue!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!!

Karen - Legs of steel. Hah! I wish. Sorry to hear about your cold and pounding head. I don't think I could workout if I felt like that.

Susan - You would like Tonique. If you have Exercise TV you should take a look. I have the original workout where Sylwia never speaks - there is a voiceover instead - and she makes some sexual references about how your partner will appreciate your toned butt which I find inappropriate. But aside from that I like it. The workout is tough yet easy to modify. I don't do the criss-cross jumping jacks because they make me dizzy and I don't lift my knee during the lunges because I fall off-balance. You also don't need to use any hand weights. What is Geek Con? Sounds like something my DH and kids would like.

Laurie - You are wise not to do Tonique before the Faire. Walking around while you're sore is hard enough - let alone wearing a 30 pound dress (or however much it weighs) all day.

Lala - I hope for your kids' sake that Earl takes it easy on the East Coast. I've never been anywhere close to a hurricane so I can't imagine what it's like. What do you do during a rest week? I think I need to try one but the idea of doing NOTHING for a whole week freaks me out.

I did a KCM Circuit Burn premix this morning called Boxing & Legs. It's a 30 min. premix but not as tough as workout 1 or workout 2 which are both 30 min. A little disappointing so I don't think I'll do that one again. Afterwards I did the StretchMax segment with the band. This is my favorite one because it gets the kinks out of my back.

DD15 is taking World AP History (WAP) this year which assigns an hour of homework every night. So far so good but I heard the teacher is really hard on the students so when they take the AP test at the end of the school year it's a piece of cake. Told the students they may even cry over this class. Yikes! DD is definitely smart enough. Her challenge will be keeping up with the homework.

Have a super-duper Labor Day weekend everyone!
Sue, Geek Kon is a "gamers" convention in Madison. Here is the website:
www.geekkon.com My DD and her friends had their costumes made by my talented girlfriend. I just had to buy a wig! I took her to one in Milwaukee in the Spring. The kids love it. Even though I am not into all that stuff, I do it for her!

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