Brooke Elizabeth made an early entrance!


I can't believe that she is already here....

Last Saturday night, DH and I went to dinner and came home about 10pm. I thought I had "wet" my pants as soon as we got home but when I woke up at 4 in the morning and was still wet, I knew it wasn't pee.

We got to the hospital at 4:30 am Sunday and apparently was having contractions but I didn't feel them:). Unfortunately, I wasn't dilating but was 90% effaced. At about 11:30am they put me on pitocin. The contractions got stronger immediately. At about 2:30 pm they gave me an intrathecal which is supposed to take the edge off the pain--WRONG! It didn't seem to work-the contractions were strong and coming fast. Finally, at 3:30 they decided to check me again since I wasn't getting any relief. Her head full of hair was showing and she was well on her way. They called the doctor and he got there at 3:45pm. I had about 5 contractions where I pushed and at 4pm she made her grand entrance.

I'm still really sore as I have a 4th degree tear and to make matters worse, the doctor wasn't satisfied with how he stitched me back up so he came back later and took out the stitches and started over!

Little miss Brooke Elizabeth Boone is finally here. I can't believe that she is really ours. :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+

Here's a link to her picture. Click on "September 2005" and then on "Brooke"
OMG Wendy CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm astonished - our babies have the same birthday!!!! That is a hoot! I'm so happy!

Brooke is beautiful! She looks so alert in that picture (I love the name!). I hope the transition this week hasn't been too hard. When you're healing from such a nasty, nasty tear it's going to feel even harder than usual (my experience from DD#1).

Take good care of yourself!
Wendy--congratulations and I'm so glad all went well. Enjoy that beautiful baby girl and get lots of rest. Get people to spoil you:)

I'm sooo excited for you Wendy! That's wonderful and little Brooke is a doll!!! :+

Best of luck with her!

Keep us posted!
Congrats to you and DH!! Brooke is beautiful!

I hope you're feeling better. The whole tearing / stitching thing freaks me out!

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