Breastfeeding and period?


Active Member
I have a 9 month old that I'm still feeding once a day. I still have not had a period yet. When does it come back? I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal but we are ready to have another baby!

I had to take provera and letrozole to get preggo with our first. I didn't have a period before. Do ya'll think I will have to take provera to start again? I was just wondering. I think I'm going to go to the doctor after she is weaned.

Thanks for ya'lls input!
Have A Wonderful day :)
No experience here, but a lot of feedback that I've heard is that your period will return once you stop breastfeeding.
I didn't get my period in between my 2nd & 3rd (conceived when #2 was 15 mos). With my last I nursed a long time, and finally got my period when he was about 18 mos old.

Nursing suppresses ovulation, so if you're real serious about conceiving, you'll probably want to discontinue nursing. Of course, you may want to wait a couple more months until you wee-one reaches the 12month mark,... :D

Good luck!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
hi there

thought i'd share my experiences with you - i have hypothalamic amennorhea and never had my period when ttc. i got pregnant with ds with the help of follistim. i nursed for 13 months, but my period never came back. i am now 17wks pregnant, but again, i had to use the folistim. sorry to be a downer, but sometimes our bodies don't work quite right. i did wait 4 months after stopping nursing before i started the hormones though, just to give my body a chance. at that point, my dr felt things would not start on their own.

good luck!
Thanks!!! I'm going to have her weaned in the next month. I have a doctors appointment on March 12th. So I hope to start provera or something again!
For me, breastfeeding supresses my periods for about 20 months. I breastfeed for a long time. Usually as soon as I wean, I'm fertile again.

This varies greatly from woman to woman, however.

I agree with Melani that you should probably take the leap and wean if you want to get started trying for the next baby.

take care
There's a sticky spot in nursing aroung 8-9 months when babes start becoming more aware of things around them. If you can push through a couple of weeks, you may be able to nurse until the 12 month mark. It's hard not to get discouraged, but I tried to "time" feedings more at this time, waiting until babe was HUNGRY and wanted to get down to business!
Good luck!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Thanks for all the replies!!!!!

My little one seems to be to busy to nurse. She had rather see what's going on, play, crawl around, get into trouble ......
She really loves her sippy cup these days!

Anywho, I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens, man I hate waiting }(

Ya'll have a great week :)
How long and how heavy were your periods? I nursed for 12 months and got Depo Provera shots twice after DD was born. I weaned her about 6 weeks ago and finally got a period. It's been going on for almost TWO WEEKS. I called my OB's office but they haven't called back. I suppose there isn't much they can do anyway.
Before I had my little one either I had the never ending period, not to heavy, that would last for months. My doc did a D&C and I didn't have a period until I started provera.
i have pcos, which suppresses normal ovulation, and i am also bfing my 14 month old. i didn't get my period back until 2 months ago! but she was still nursing 4 times a day. it was a total surprise too! so, if you are still nursing, i wouldn't worry about it. i think it depends on how much your baby nurses as well. if you stop bfing and it still hasn't returnred, i would definetely see your dr! life someone else in this thread said, sometimes our bodies just don't work they way they should!:)
I also have pcos. she has almost weaned herself, well really i think she could care less. i just try for my sake i guess, she will nurse maybe if i'm lucky once a day for less them 5 minutes. i'm kind of sad, but i guess we are closer to being able to have another. my goal is to have 3 kids by the time i'm 30. i'm 26 now, so i got 4 years!

we will see what the doctor says in march. man, i'm going to be sad if he does nothing , but i know God is in control and His timing is better them mine.

happy valentine's day :D

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