bouncy seat


oh and...and bouncy seat recommendations. Deciding btwn the Boppy Cradle in Comfort and the Graco Swaddle and Soother. Thanks!
I asked my friend who has a 4 month old. She highly recommended the graco. In fact she is still very much using it. In my experience my kids stopped liking it around 3 months so it must be good.
I have the boppy swing-its pretty nice.The nice thing about it is you can fold it up and take it with you.It has the adjustable swing speeds and i think its decent looking.
My kids never liked the bouncy seat. And the swing made my oldest sea sick. He loved it, but would toss his cookies every time we put him in it. It was just a simple Graco one. I'd not waste money on the fancy dancy ones. Babies tend to outgrow swings and bouncies very quickly, IMO. My kids' favorite place to be was in their pumpkin seat.
Luke is loving the Rainforest Bouncy seat by FP. He likes it better than the swing. We have the Papasan Cradle swing and I'm hoping he starts to like it eventually. For now, he's loving the bouncy seat. He's almost 5 weeks.

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