Body Blast DVD Premix rotation


Sat. Kick, Punch & Crunch and Legs & Glutes premix (the 82 in. one)
Sun. Push/Pull upper body premix (2 sets)
Mon. Step Blast/Step Jump and Pump Cardio Circuit (60 min.)
Tue. Step, Jump, and Pump all step premix then Supersets lower body blast (skipping the warmup, then go back to SJ&P and do the abs and stretch)
Wed. Supersets upper body (2 sets)
Thu. Step Blast warm up, section 3 and challenge, then the hi/lo add on from Step, Jump, and Pump

Sat. Push Pull total body 2 sets
Sun. Step Jump & Pump warm up and step, then Step Blast sections 1,2, and 3 add on (no challenge). Do SJ&P abs and stretch
Mon. Legs and Glutes Xtreme standing only
Tue. Time Saver all upper body segments back to back (substitute Push Pull upper body 2x's if you don't have Timesaver)
Wed. Kick Punch and Crunch cardio conditioning premix then Timesaver lower body (day #5)
Thu. KP&C warm up and kicking and punching drills, then the SJ&P hi/lo add on. Do KP&C abs and stretch

Sat. SJP/SB step and weights circuit (61 min)
Sun. Push Pull lower body (3 sets)
Mon. Supersets upper body (2 sets)
Tue. KP&C and L&G tall box circuit
Wed. Step Blast warm up and sections 1 and 2, then push pull upper body 1 set (skipping PP warm up)
Thu. Step Blast section 3 and challenge, then SJ&P hi/lo add on and do SJ&P abs and stretch
Well Jillybean! Since I find myself doing more premixes then anything else I think I'm going to have to try this! This looks great! Thanks for posting it!!:7 :7
This looks wonderful! I believe that I will start this on Monday and do it for the next 3 weeks!
I started this yesterday too. Wow I'm already sore! I'm getting ready to start my 2 sets of push pull upper body. Thanks, jillybean!
I plan on trying this rotation out, it looks really fun. I do have a question though... this might sound silly and I haven't really taken a close look at my premixes, but what does 2 sets mean? Does it mean to do the same workout twice? I probably sound really stupid.

Merry Christmas
RE: Michelle

Hello Michelle,
In the premix title it will have 2 sets written in parenthesis. It means you do the total workout 2 times but the premix is already written that way so you don't have to worry about it. For instance in Super Sets you go throug group 1A twice the you move on to group 2B twice and so on until you get to the end of the workout. The premixes are fabulous and I was doing this rotation and loving it until a minor injury. I will probably start it all over again after Christmas. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!:7
Jillybean (or anyone who has kept track)

This rotation looks great! I plan to try it within the next month. I noticed some days have the workout length and some don't. If anyone has the approximate times, would you list them for me? I usually do my workout before getting ready for work, so I need to know how much earlier to get up. Thanks!
Would you consider putting together a rotation for me? I am trying to lose 20 lbs. (just rejoined ww today) and I have these Cathe workouts:
Cardio Kickbox

I work three days a week (and those are 12-14 hours days)and will not work out on those days, so want to work out 4 days a week (when I'm off). I usually do an hour of cardio and an hour of weights when I work out. I have never really tried a rotation and think it might be good for me. I also have a Y membership. I love weight work and the PUB is an absolute favorite of mine. I love to run outside, also, when it's not too cold.
Thanks in advance, if you can put something together. If not, then that's okay too.
Thanks so much, Jillybean! I just finished this rotation yesterday. It was my first ever rotation completed, by the way. Anyway, it was fantastic. You are fabulous at putting together rotations!

Also, I have to add what my favorite workouts were: KP&C/L&G 82 min. premix and L&G Xtreme.
Hey, glad you liked it! My favorites were the KP&C/L&G 82 min circuit and the SJ&P/SB cardio circuit. Legs and Glutes Xtreme fried me. Every time I thought it was done, she just kept going. Cathe was like the energizer bunny of leg lifts. But I loved it!

Do you end up omitting any days due to soreness, like when you said you were "fried"? I will have to plug in some planned walking/running sessions depending on soreness levels in the lower body. Working legs every other day is usually too much for me. And then KPC the day after??? Say it isn't so!!! I am gonna love trying this out though. Thanks.


When I do Circuit Max, I typically omit the compound movements and just do lower body (squats, static lunges, plies, etc) with a 50# bb. If my hamstrings are tight or I am sore, I will do the compound movements instead. I typically stretch a lot and don't get too sore, but if I am, I ALWAYS pay attention to that and adjust accordingly. Example, if I have Imax II or PUB slated and just 'can't do it' I will do Cardio and Weights instead or something a little lighter. As Cathe says, "It's all about balance."
Question about labels-

Hi, Jillybean, it's me, Susan G. - your biggest fan. I have a couple of questions about the labels you gave to parts of your BB DVD Premix rotation-

When you say "Supersets upper body (2 sets)" on the first Wed and third Mon., I can't find anything on my menus matching that description. Do you mean the "59 min Upper body blast" or the 34 minute workout?

On the second Tuesday, do you just select each of the upper body sections one workout at a time or is there a premix I can't find on my menus that says "Timesaver Upper body" or something like that?

On the second Wednesday, do you do the WHOLE Timesaver day five or just the leg work (no warmup or abs) and the stretch?

Anyway, sorry to be such a bother, I just wanted to make sure I understood your direction!


Susan G.
RE: Question about labels-

Superset's upper body blast premix is the one I mean, this is doing each upper body segment 2x's.

For the Timesaver day, just go to the chapters from each day and select that day's upper body sections. There is no premix for this.

For the Lower body time saver (day 5) skip the warmup, but do the lower body, abs, and stretch from day 5.

Hope this made sense!
RE: Question about labels-

Another question for Jillybean, on week 2 wed. is listed as kPJ cardio cond. premix-I couldn't find it, how long is it? is it listed under a different name? Week 1 was a blast.i am not a rotation person but have been using the premixes so i decided to give it a try. it was great.

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