

This past week I have started having trouble with blisters on the balls of my feet and on my 5th toes. Never have had this trouble before and I am wondering how some of you treat blisters and how you prevent them. It is starting to interfere with my workouts. I changed shoes but that was about 3 months ago. Maybe I need thicker socks? Nothing that I can think of has changed in the last week so I don't know why this has just started. My feet really sweat a lot and I know that has to have something to do with it but I didn't just start sweating a lot lately. I have been working out faithfully for over a year and this is the first sign of blisters.

Anyway, suggestions would be appreciated. :)

Could be a combo of things

I know when I have had blisters in the past it is usually due to the shoes I'm wearing...or the socks.

Kelly, have you changed your workouts over the last couple of months? Are you doing more of Cathes workouts now? Possibly you have increased your higher impact workouts and you may need to replace your sneakers..or get a different aerobic shoe that has better impact padding on the ball of the foot. If the toe box fits poorly, it will also lead to those side blisters.

As far as socks go, for me...Thorlo aerobic socks make a world of difference. The fabric allows for better breathing..less sweating and the way they are padded also helps hinder blisters.
One last tip, that I think came from Daphne over at VF?? The road runners have talked about vasaline on their feet to prevent blisters during a race..not sure if that is an option for you...but could help a little bit???
RE: Could be a combo of things

Thanks Nancy. My workouts have pretty much stayed basically the same. I have been doing Cathe workouts since last summer. My shoes are only 3 months old. I have been looking for new shoes but it's hard to decide what to get with my BIG feet. Right now I wear Ryka. I do remember reading about the vasaline and I will try that.

I know I probably need better socks so that will be my first step. Where is the best place to get those Thorlo socks you were talking about?

It's really aggravating when you are ready to go and feel good otherwise and your feet hurt!!!:-(

Thanks for your help!


Kelly, look around for them, they can be expensive but sometimes places like Lady Foot Locker will have them on sale and others have been known to find them in a discount bin at places like TJ Maxx or Marshalls.

I usually pick mine up at Sports Authority..and if you have none of those stores around, I'm sure you'll find them on line if you do a search. Check for e-coupons too...might help with the sticker shock;-). Good luck;-)
I love my Thorlos but they are so much thicker than most socks that you might need to shop for new shoes at the same time.

Using a lubricant like BodyGlide (instead of vaseline) might work too. After years of hiking, I started having blister problems. I did all the "right" things but couldn't solve the problem. Finally went to BodyGlide & a single pair of hiking socks (not kosher) & it worked.

I should start getting royalties from BodyGlide. I also use it on the chamois of my cycling shorts for riding & spinning. The stuff comes in a tube like stick deodorant. For hiking, I rub it on the balls & heels of my feet (where I was getting blisters). I buy it at a running specialty store. Runners apparently use it everywhere - thighs, under sports bra band, feet, etc.

I got some Thorlos today and they are wonderful. I will definitely be getting some more. They are worth the price.

I appreciate your suggestion Nancy. And thank you Debra for your help. My feet and I both thank you!!!! :)


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