Bliss "Anti-Cellulite" shoes


WTH? Has anyone seen the Bliss catalog with these shoes? They are $234 and claim to reduce cellulite when worn. This seems to be the strangest gimmick I have ever seen. Does anyone know about these?
RE: Bliss

I know that if anyone bought them, I'd like to send them a box of magic "bliss-air" which will not only help them lose weight and increase breast size, but is guaranteed to increase their IQ by 50 pts.

:p }(
RE: Bliss

I thought I'd seen every bonehead gimmick, but this has to take the cake - for today at least.

RE: Bliss

These shoes have got to be the biggest crock of s%&t out there. Among the many intriguing questions they raise...

1) Can you lose celluite simply by wearing the shoes and kicking your feet up on the table eating truffles?

2) Do you lose the celluite by walking? If so, how often and how long? If you run in the shoes does that mean that you will lose the celluite even faster?

3) What is SO VERY SPECIAL about these shoes and their magically ability to get rid of cellulite that any good pair of walking and/or running shoes couldn't also accomplish?

Oh, the list could go on and on. I guess Bliss wants you to believe that the shoes, and not the exercise you would do in them, would be responsible for reduced cellulite.

All I can say is, GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! These are just shoes!!!!!!
RE: Bliss

Oh but you can bet they will probably sell at least a couple thousand pairs...there is always a sucker out there who is looking for that instant cure in any shape or form.

This rates up there with the $153 dollar diet pills I keep seeing advertised on T.V...."These are not for the casual dieter who just wants to lose a few vanity pounds..." Geesh! $153 bucks for a bottle of what? Caffeine at best...who knows at worst. But I'm sure they are selling like hot cakes and the makers are laughing all the way to the bank.x( x( x(
RE: Bliss

Could they be weighted? Even so...not worth that much money...and you still have to actually walk to get any benefit. Weird!
RE: Bliss

My local news did a story on them. They are rounded at the heal and toe (sorta semi-circle like) so you have to work to keep balance on them. Basically it's a daily balance workout of extreme low impact. They are to work the glutes. But a local doctor said yep they are a crock and expensive. Hey I say workout instead and the benefits will be better for you as a whole. So that's the dibs.
RE: Bliss

What makes me laugh even more, is that Bliss has been advertising that they are in limited supply since they've been carrying them (for the last year or so.) How limited is that?
RE: Bliss

>What makes me laugh even more, is that Bliss has been
>advertising that they are in limited supply since they've been
>carrying them (for the last year or so.) How limited is that?

Well, I suppose one could honestly say that anything is in "limited supply," since even a gazillion pairs of these would be a "limited supply" in contrast to an unlimited supply (another way of saying, this is BS).
RE: Bliss

What I want to know is: how dare anyone think women are stoopid enough to drop their cash on such a ludicrous piece of pie in the sky? Really: it's outrageous and an insult to our intelligence. Maybe it's the kick-in-the-pants that their insult delivers that drops the cellulite?


RE: Bliss

Wouldn't it be a wonder if those really did work, and then they create a pill that would automatically transmit the fat we eat to our breasts instead of our butts and bellies LOL.
RE: Bliss

I just bought these four days ago and, I must say, my cellulite has completely disappeared! Poof! Gone!

I highly recommend these along with the air-filled bust-enhancing pills discussed here. In two hours, I went from a AA to a C.

My life has changed forever and I'm SO much happier! Thank you, oh thank you, Bliss!
RE: Bliss


Do you think doing your cardio in the shoes is what helped you get such fantastic results?
RE: Bliss

I got the best results with these shoes by taping them over any "problem areas", but my body is so perfect now, that I can hardly remember where they were.

As I recall, first I duct-taped them to my butt cheeks and after 2 weeks, they looked like Venus Williams. I then taped them to my chest and my breasts grew several sizes, although now they are shaped like shoes.

Lastly, I taped them over my knees, and they don't hurt anymore, no matter how much high-impact training I do.

I highly recommend these shoes. Next I may tape them on top of my head so I will no longer be a complete moron.
RE: Bliss

Candi, yes I did intense cardio non-stop for four days per instructions that came with the shoes. Specifically, I did A-Jock's mish-moshes back-to-back, incorporating the various methods I had listed in a previous thread to make the workouts harder.

Mogambo, I never thought of duct-taping them to problem areas. Did you need to keep them on long? Is duct-taping your idea or did I somehow miss that in the instructions? Maybe shoe-shaped breasts will become the rage.

Isn't it blissful to have such perfect bodies?. This fantastic product has made any other problems I might have had disappear along with the cellulite.
RE: Bliss

I bought these shoes too and my body hasn't changed a bit but my head has shrunk three times it's origal size! It's as if I had a run in with a headhunter. I emailed the company and they were no help! I know the brain is composed of 60% fat but this is ridiculous! Well, gotta go. I am googling Witch Doctors to see if they can somehow reverse the effect!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
RE: Bliss

I firmly believe in the power of the mind, so I've been sleeping with the shoes under my pillow. And I have no cellulite on my face! None at all! They are miraculous.

Actually, you can do a cheaper, home-made cellulite elimination method: first, cover your legs with fresh horse manure. Then wrap them in cellophane (the tighter the better). Finally, put on a pair of waders and leave this on for 3 days in a row. When you take this off, you will have no more cellulite!}(

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