bikini wax



Has anyone here had a bikini wax? Can you tell me exactly what goes on? I'd like to get one, but am kind of nervous. Do you take all your clothes off? Are you too sore to go shopping or do anything afterwards? How do you tell them what you want? Thanks to anyone who answers me.

I have them periodically. You leave your panties on, usually they will drape you with a cloth. They will ask how "high" you want to go. THey they will have you hold your panty back. They put down the hot wax, place a disposable cloth-like thing over it, press down firmly, and pull it away. Kind of like pulling a band aid off-only 1000 times more painful. They then will tweeze the stragglers. There is a bit of a technique to it. Sometimes they will do a small bit at time, other times more. You can go shopping afterwards. I wax my eyebrows also-that is painless compared to a bikini wax. The good part about a bikini wax is that it takes a littlebit longer to grow back, which is nice if you are going on vacation and going to be in your bathing suit a lot.
Thank for answering

Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer me. I was so nervous. At least now I know what to expect. I'm going in tomorrow. Bye!

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