Biggest Loser - HOLY COW!


Did you see those guys? They were incredible!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo completely inspired right now. I had tears in my eyes the whole time. And, Andrea - HOLY COW, she looked absolutely wonderful. All of them did. I think this group by far did better than the previous episode.

What did all of you think?

It was so much more dramatic than the first season! It was so much fun to watch. I can't believe how motivated I feel right now. I want to go downstairs and do bootcamp right now!!! LOL :O)
They all looked great. My quesiton is - what happened to all that excess skin. I looks like no one has any. I have excess skin on my tummy from 2 pregnancies and I only gained 30 pound with each.
All of them looked great and I was especially impressed with Matt! It's amazing how different he looked (a good hair cut really makes a difference!). And Seth looks so good, he could do some modeling!

Cinnamon, Seth lifted up his shirt and he had some loose skin over his six-pack. I'm not sure about the others, though.
I kept commenting to my husband the whole show about them not having loose skin. I have loose skin from two pregnancies also and the same amount of weight gain as you. I don't understand how they could be around 300 pounds, lose all that weight, and not have all that droopy skin. We always watch those plastic surgery shows about people who lose all that weight and they have a ton of excess skin and folds. I just really want to know the truth because there is no way they could lose all that weight and be that tight.

They all looked really good though. I started feeling guilty after eating a really big dinner today and seeing all of them that I jumped on the treadmill!!! They did such a great job.

I'm watching this - west coast you know. Everyone looks fabulous. What a change. I cannot honestly say who I would like to win. But, what's up with Jillian's dress? Did anyone else think it was not exactly the most flattering? *retracts claws*
I am soooooo inspired by these people. Suzy is my new inspiration. My body shape is a lot like hers. I am truly going to print out a photo of her and hang it on my fridge for inspiration. Wonder where I can get a good before/after pic to print?

I am so inspired by all of them I can't believe it. I was going to enjoy a free dessert tonight but after watching only 5 min of this show I said no way! I have now recorded it on Tivo and will keep it protected for those down and low moments when I need inspiration.
who won the... was it 1000? it was just getting to dr jeff's weigh in when it cut off on my (didn't realize it was 2 hours!) so i missed 15 minutes of the show!

they all looked AWESOME! what transformations!!!!!!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
WOW! Pete was just cut up so nice, but wondering about the excess skin too..hmmmm. They all looked so good. I thought Kathyrn was a disgrace...why did she even bother??? No effort at all. How embarrassing for her. And Nick? Didn't show up on the show probably because he weighs more now. Those two really irritated me. And Jillian's outfit? Hmmmmm....not what I would expect her to wear. I wonder if Suzy is going to maintain her body weight. Seems like she has a really hard time with food. Hope she can.

they all looked great but i was a little dissappointed in kathryn. i guess i would be dissappointed in anybody who was given a chance with trainers and a free gym and didn't walk away learning anything. nick, figures but i sure too hope he find a way. the rest OMG. dh commented on how all the gals lost their "butts".

i was so sure jeff would win the 100 grand but pete pulled through. he does look cut. i was wondering what they did with half of them b/c they just didn't seem to be the same. that is awesome,they were given this chance and they rode that all the way. all of them look great. i was kind of surprise matt won though b/c i was certain seth or suzy would have gotten it. dh and i were sure matt put on to much muscle to weight less. guess we were wrong LOL.

one particular thing is when matt was in the bar and his friends were cracking on him about not drinking. well i have a few like that(which is why i won't go back to NJ to visit).i hope he find a supportive few out of that bunch. he seemed so proud he quick drinking and i know that feeling, and when people rip on you for what you used to be or get on your case about not having a drink i understand how uncomfortable that can be. i used to tell my buddies "you have a long drive why don't you drink up" mean yes but they got the point.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
smile matt you just won a quarter million you lucky b*st*rd. where the heck was this show when i lost weight.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Matt is a little scary looking, when he doesn't smile.Seems like he as a chip on his shoulder or something.
Kathryn I think was embrassed.I think she went b/c she thought that she should, she seemed to hold her head up really high the whole time even though she only lost 16 lbs.But I don't think this is how she felt on the inside.I knew nick wasn't going to come back.So much for that book he was going to publish!
They all looked great and I couldn't beleive it either.Those women are HOT! And the men we looking pretty darn cute as well.I wish there were another episode comming on in Jan;(
I thought there was an episode coming in January??? They advertised something about "family biggest loser" and "couples biggest loser".

Anybody know?

Yeah there was something comming on in Jan but I didn't reall hear what she said! Oh I am excited.Did you check the website?
Okay, I watched the show because there was so much talk on these boards about it. The transformations were awe-inspiring, and virtually everyone looked fabulous.

But there was some stuff that made no sense to a first time watcher. For example, they had an "elimination" group and a non-elimination group. Why in the world would people be eliminated from such a competition? As it turned out, the eliminated people did better than some of the non-eliminated. Doesn't that go to show how dumb the elimination aspect was? Wasn't the biggest loser actually someone who was eliminated? (Pete, I think his name was. His transformation was awesome).

There was some other stuff that didn't make sense too, but I can't remember at the moment...

I couldn't help but think that it's a good thing they didn't know that strength training increases your weight. If I had a quarter of a million dollars at stake, I would secretly stop strength training to win the money. I'm glad they didn't though, because they looked so much better with the muscles.
Hi Nancy!

First, I have to tell you that I love your new Avatar picture!! It is adorable, but I also loved the picture of your cute little face in your last Avatar.

This is my second season watching the show, and I agree with you that the people who are eliminated do seem to do just as good or even better than the people who remain on the show. I also thought that it seems unjust to eliminate people who obviously need to be there, but I assume that since it is a "reality-type" show, they do it for the dramatic effect.

I just love this show. It is so inspiring to watch people not only change their bodies, but transform into confident, happy people.

P.S. I would also secretly back off on the weights too if I were them....especially before a weigh-in...haha.

Have a great day!:)

And Ladies...I would love to know where the excess skin went as well. As we all know they did work out with weights and I'm sure that helped, but I would think there must be some skin somewhere too.

And Matt does need to smile, doesn't he? He really looks like something's not right when he doesn't.

I thought it was a great show last night!!
I was so glad to see Andrea looking so great - she really had a rough time on the show, always being below the yellow line. But I agree with everyone, I thought they all looked awesome! (DH and I didn't like Gillian's dress, either.) She is so pretty, she could have picked something to show it.


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