BFL TGIF, Okt 3rd

In honor of Belinda, I'm spelling October with the K, as in Germany! :)

Michelle & Melissa-GREAT JOB getting in yesterday's workout!!! WOO HOO! I had to laugh, Michelle, aboout looking a mess for the rest of the day/evening. That's a huge reason I workout in the morning also.....I get all sweaty and my hair is straight as a pin when I'm done. So if I workout mid-day, I usually wear a hat the rest of the day! LOL AWESOME job, ladies!

I just got done with today's workout. BFL LB. Switching it up for next week. I want to hit my quads more, as opposed to overall legs. So I'm changing my regular BB squats to sets of squats with my heels raised...that gets right in the quad. Then I'll continue with Good Mornings instead of dealifts (by the time I'm getting to my max on deadlifts of 95#s, my forearms and hands are killing, so I'm giving them a break next week), then my favorite Bulgarian Squats.


Busy day for me. School/work, then ice cream party at the end of the school day for 4th & 5th graders. Then immediately following school is the blood drive I (as the PTA Pres) arranged and then in the middle of that is DS's 2nd round of basketball try-outs (got word yesterday that he made the first cut! YAY!), then BACK to the blood drive to help pack and clean up. Baseball games both days this weekend, and a HUGE grocery trip in the midst of all that! HA!

HAVE AN AWESOME FRIDAY! I'm not sure that I'll be able to get back online for an extended period of time today, so just in case....KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!

Gayle,you beat me to it today...i was babbling on and on...LOL! How are you liking Survivor? I knew paplion would get the boot last night....

I will copy and paste what i had in my other post....
Morning girls

Today is a two thirty minute run intervals and thats all. I should burn close to 500 cals:eek:

Heidi-your MIL's sis is in my does sound like she needs to get a second opinion! I pray that everything goes smoothly with here surgery this morning!

Stephanie-OMG,i had no idea that heat would reverse the healing affect? I took your advice last night and applied ice for about ten minutes...i will do it today, i just get so busy i forget to do it:confused:

Michelle and Melissa-high fives on your workouts yesterday evening!

Hey to everybody....bbl
Good Morning!

Gayle, have fun being a busy little bee today! YEAH for DS!!! Nice WO too!

Amelia, it depends on what type of injury you have, like heat is good for tendinitis and a few other infirmities but generally for knee, back, ankle and most joint areas, ice is better. And 10-15 minutes is perfect! I tell patients if they don't have time to sit at home for 10 minutes, grab the icepack and use it while driving to work/school/errands, etc. Enjoy your run and take it easy! Love your avatar! You look so cute in a hat! GO BRAVES!!!

I wanted to turn you all on to Skwigg's blog...maybe you already read her. I have been visiting her site for several months now and she is full of information and she's funny to boot! This past entry hit a few interesting points and thought I'd inform you...maybe you will get something out of her last post. Let me know what you think of her. And you HAVE to read her blog entry titled:An Alarming Incident at the Apple Store. It is hilarious!!! It's at the bottom of the page. If you click on "Skwigg's World" on the left side of the page, in the pink area, it gives her bio and such. Gosh, I am sorry!

Melissa and Michelle, glad you got those workouts in!!! Way to go!!!

Heidi, I hope you have good news about your MIL's sister! Have a good day!

I'm just going to do an ab workout and a nice long stretch. I have a 5k tomorrow morning and want to be fresh and without DOMS!

Hey guys.

Amelia-did I miss your post earlier??? Sorry if I did.

ETA::: Steph...THANKS A LOT for the skwigg suggestion! I checked it out and haven't stopped yet! I have too much stuff to do to sit here and read her blog, but it's AWESOME! LOL

I've been listening to the podcast called Inside Out Weight Loss and really like it. I also picked up 2 books yesterday, one titled Breaking Free From Emotional Eating and so far, that really is in synch with the poscast. It's amazing how close to home some of the things are!

I'm working on my big shopping list for tomorrow morning. I'm sure I'll be in the store over 90 minutes! LOL

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Gayle, glad you like it! I can't stop reading it sometimes too! LOL!!!

I need to get my shopping list STARTED!!! You are several steps ahead of me! See ya tomorrow in aisle 7!

Hey Steph? I'll be the one in Aisle 7 with the 2 kids begging for this and begging for that! I'll be the one TRYING to say in a nice way without embarassing myself, "no, guys, we don't need 27 different drinks for the fridge!" LOL

Seriously, I've really put an effort, this month, to stay out of the store until absolutely necessary. We've been working our way thru our 3 freezers (yup...3! LOL) and the pantry. I've been focussing on MAKING something from the pantry instead of BUYING it at the store. The kids are used to that, but I have to admit that our pantry of snacks has dimished quite a bit and they need a change!

SO..........I'm sure my bill will be about $130 tomorrow. Wanna take a stab at YOURS? LOL

Happy Friday BFL Peeps!!

Gayle - love that you spelled it with a "k"!!! Congrats to DS for making the first cut. Totally cool! Sounds like you've got a busy day ahead of you. So, as I am in desperate need of some new LB exercises to target the quads, what are Good Mornings?!?! I'll Google it since the suspense is killing me...:p

Amelia - how is your back feeling today? Have fun burning those 500 calories!!

Steph - I'm going to have to check out Skwigg's blog today. One more thing to do at work that doesn't involve work!!! :D

Hi to Heidi, Kathy, Belinda and Michelle (who I'm assuming hasn't finished her wo yet since she hasn't posted...;))

I'll be with you ladies at the grocery store tomorrow racking up a good size bill. I still have plenty of beef & barley soup left, but I think I'll make a batch of chili. It's getting to be the perfect weather for chili!!!

BBL if I can. Have a great day!!!
Good morning all!

Yeah, I can post today! (you are too funny Melissa!)

Steph - great blog -- just started reading it! That is EXACTLY what I did last challenge - I pulled my back, missed a week of working out and just decided it was over. Silly, silly, silly!! I hope your back is doing better, Amelia!

How I hate grocery shopping!!

I'm skimming the posts today -- as I didn't have a chance to watch Survivor last night!

I did watch the debates -- let's just say, I'm not going to go into here what I truly

I'm so glad it is FRIDAY!!!
Hello to you all!

Just popping in quickly...

Busy as usual....

DS is home again today. He forgot to give me a permission slip for a field trip and couldn't go. He has no school work or homework to do. Just as well stay home. Long weekend for him I guess.

Glad to see eveyone is doing good this morning. I hope to get in a workout later. Much,Much paperwork to do!!! It never ends!

Enjoy your day and I will try to post later.
Morning to everyone!
I have to do a quick grocery shopping trip this weekend myself! I stayed up WAY late last night watching the debate and the rehashing of the debate until about 12:30 so I had to force myself to get up this morning. Let’s just say I’m VERY annoyed with last night and just spent some time discussing it with coworkers this morning, lol….and I’m not alone. But I won’t get into political talk here. ;)

Anyway I did do a BFL upper body workout and upped the weights on a few of the exercises. I also did the 20 minute P90X+ Core workout that uses the pull up bar, and since I had the pull up bar out….I tacked on a few sets of assisted pull ups with my Iron Woody band, too. :)

Have a great one,
Workout done:D im so glad its over:eek: I did two run intervals on the treadmill and i HAD to watch a movie...i just can't go longer than thirty minutes on that thing without getting antsy!:confused: So I watched an hour of In Her Shoes Love that movie...

Stephanie-I need to get a ice pack...ive been using frozen stirfry! And thank you...your such a sweetie...hugs! Oh and thanks for the blog link...I will check it out this evening when i get back on here!

Gayle-LOL,I started a thread and just kinda took to long to post it....your quick on the computer:p LOl at you not needing 27 different kinds of drinks...sounds like a grocery trip ive been too! My son thinks just because were at walmart he's suppose to get a toy:rolleyes:

Heidi-sorry you've got so much paper work...enjoy your workout later!

Kathy-Great workout girlfriend:) High fives to ya!

Melissa-oh chilie sounds good.....i love to put chedder cheese and jalapeno peppers in mine:D yummy

Mechele-Have a great workout today!

hey to anybody I missed! My supervisor at my new job called me yesterday and she wants me to come in two or three days next week so I now work three days a week...whoohooo! Every tuesday,wednesday and saturday i will be working now! So exciting to a women who has been a SAHM for the last four years:p
Kathy - WTG on upping the weights!!

Amelia - congrats on getting a few more days at your new job, that's great!

I think it was Gayle that mentioned doing the BFL cardio workout this week. I just checked it out and I'm going to give it a whirl tomorrow morning on my stationary bike. Not sure about what settings I should use regarding speed & resistance but we'll see what happens.

Tomorrow will be a challenge for me. We are going to the Fair. So you know what that means...FAIR FOOD!!! :eek: In the past I've looked forward to going for the food, this year I'm not really looking forward to it that much. I actually was going to switch my free day to tomorrow instead of Sunday to justify anything icky that I eat, but then decided against it. If it's icky, I shouldn't eat it regardless of whether or not it's a free day, right!?!? RIGHT!!!

Okay, I feel better now!!

Back to report my workout is finished!

S&H shoulders (from the Oct Cathe rotation)
iTread #1 40min T: 37min, 3.32miles 408cals burned! Sweaty mess with those hills!

Hey Melissa! Enjoy the Topsfield Fair tomorrow!!! I am of course guessing here..... ;) that this is the fair you are attending. We will be going to see the band America play hopefully. My DH would really like to see/hear them live.

Hi Amelia: We finished about the sametime! Great job!!! I had to do my paperwork first before I would allow myself time to exercise. Now that that's over it is time to pop into work. Have a great afternoon! Oh...Congrats on the increase of days at work! This sure will help with all the holidays coming up! ;)

Kathy: I HEAR YA! I too spent last night watching the VP debate. Not sure what my decision at this point will be come Nov. Do we have anyother choices?..... ;)
Nice workout this morning! I keep hearing about P90X but I am not biting on this one! I am still waiting out the arrival of STS!

Have an awesome day!
BBL Heidi
PS...isn't it wonderful how things look so much brighter after a good workout? :)
Hi Melissa,

We're neighbors ;) I hope that you and your family enjoy your time there. Just stay away from those sausage sandwiches! Major hurt burn after!
Did this help you be determined not to eat there? :)

Oh...another thought that just reminded me why I don't eat there...COW AND GOAT PATTIES! You know which ones.....I just lost my appetite and I was ready for my lunch too!

Have a good one!
LOL Heidi.

You know what I've been thinking of all day thanks to Kiss 108 this morning? Those GIGANTIC turkey legs that everyone walks around nawing on. Those cannot possibly be from a turkey.

I might just have to stop at that vendor and ask where they get such abnormally large turkeys. And what are they feeding them? I probably don't want to know the answer, but since I wouldn't touch one with a 10-foot pole, I'm curious!!

The more I sit here the more I think about all the disgusting food. Which is good actually because I will remember this feeling tomorrow when I see people eating it!!

If I cheat at all, I think I'll stick with the people that sell the fudge. It could possibly be the cleanest thing there!!!:p
Hey guys! Just taking a quickie breather before the kids get home and the 4 hour whirlwind begins! LOL

Melissa-Good Mornings are for your hamstrings. I maxed on deadlifts at 97.5 this morning, and my forearms and hands burn so badly by the time I get there, so I want to switch up my hammy work too. For GMs, you use a barbell behind your head as if you're doing squats. You keep your legs straight but not locked and you simply bend forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the ground. They're hard, and you HAVE to go slowly and keep your balance....keeping your weight in your heels. VERY CAREFULLY, because you're in a precarious position (how you ya like THAT term? LOL), but they ROCK the hamstrings more than deadlifts! Then top it off with a pyramid of Bulgarian Squats and you've got a recipe for sore hammies!


Stay strong this weekend. I will be around to post and hang out a bit in cyber space. My plans for the weekend, with workouts: Saturday is BFL HIIT an the TM, Core/Ab work and a stretch. Sunday is a rest day and will be a CONTROLLED DAY OF BFL EATING! Not a free day. Not this time. I MAY MAY MAY make a meal that is a bit more relaxed, but I've got the control back right now and I want to KEEP IT!

Okay, I get it Gayle! Thank you for the explanation. I'll have to put that on my list. I've been doing one-legged dead lifts with a 20lb kettlebell. Totally rocks the hammies, but it's hard for me to bang out 12 reps without losing my balance and sometimes my foot cramps up. TMI?!?!

I love that you used the word "precarious"....NICELY DONE!!!

My plans for this weekend are: DD soccer game tomorrow morning, followed by the fair. Sunday I'm getting a facial...YAY!!! And it's a rest/cheat day. I will not be doing much cheating, maybe one meal. Quite possibly a blueberry bagel with cream cheese. And I'm talking full-fat cream cheese. Oh yeah, baby!!!!:p That's what I've been craving. I don't want to spend the day shoving junk down my throat then feeling awful after. It actually might not be a rest day either. DD has brownies on Monday night and I might get in my LB workout on Sunday in case I don't have time on Monday. Everyone got all that?!;)
Hi Gayle and Melissa,

Melissa: I can't stop thinking about that fudge! Thanks! This would be my biggest weakness there. I too can skip all the other stuff!

Gayle: Those GM's sound awfully scary! I Better not try them with too much weight at first because I could be looking at the floor really close. ;) Sounds like a great challenge!

Enjoy your relaxing weekend!
BBL Heidi

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