BFL for Thu Apr 10th 2008

Good Morning and Happy Thursday!

Well, PUB didn’t happen last night, as DS had to get 2 papers done for today and needed my help typing. Wish they wouldn’t push these kids so hard some time. It’s even harder to get the work done when one isn’t feeling 100%. But I didn’t want him to keep pushing it off. I’d rather double up on my workouts than him push the homework back to the weekend. Soooo, I’ll get PUB in tonight, pushing everything else back a day. Maybe I should make my rest day during the week instead of Sunday’s since this seems to happen often.

So, we’re always posting people recipes, so I thought I post a couple of easy one for the pooches, figuring you are probably in the kitchen quite often anyway.

Easy Doggie Biscuits

3/4 cup hot water or meat juice
1/3 up margarine
1/2 cup powdered milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
3 cups whole wheat flour

Mix well. Add more water or juice as necessary. Roll into small logs and bake at 325 degrees for about 50mintues.

Frozen Peanut Butter Yogurt Treats

32 oz vanilla yogurt
1 cup peanut butter

1) Melt the peanut butter (in the microwave).
2) Mix the yogurt and melted peanut butter.
3) Pour the mixture into cupcake papers and freeze.

Hope your pups enjoy - mine certainly does!

Belinda – So glad you enjoyed your weekend in Italy. Great job on all 10 intervals! And then you did PUB and took the dogs for a walk? You are becoming my cardio idol!

Heidi – Isn’t it a bummer that we still spend so much time doing everything else that we sometimes put getting the exercise off until . . . whenever? Hope your DS is better today. Please warn your friend about running hard with a dog before they are 2 years old – it takes that long for their joints to grown strong enough. Running for play is ok, but running hard and long can cause bit time problems. I’ve got 15 months to go with my little one. (ok, enough soap box)

Amelia – Can I join you at the spa? It looks sooo enticing!

Susan – Funny story: I met DH in Bio lab on frog dissecting day. Seems when he and his lab partner opened up the frog, it had maggots inside, so they had to split up and join others for the day. Today he is a bio prof.

Kathy - You are still into that med ball! Has it done anymore flinging across the room?

Michelle – I really like 4DS Shoulders; really feels like they get worked in a short time like no other workout does. Maybe someday I’ll actually see Biggest Loser to find out what all of you are talking about.

Melissa – I’m with you on the plyo legs - scary. Told DH that now the workout room can’t be in the basement because the ceiling is too low. He so wants all my stuff out of the family room.

Gayle – Belated congrats, Madame President!

Great day to all and anyone I missed.
Good Morning girls!!

Sherry-is the frozen peanut butter yogurt treats for people of for doggies? They look pretty darn good;-) so,when are we leaving...i can't wait to jump into those hot springs and take in that beautiful veiw! Do you usually take one day off for a your rest day? I thinking about taking two days off and just doubling up on a one of those days! Yesterday was nice....

Good morning/afternoon belinda:)-enjoy your workout!

Todays workout is a doosie since i decided to take yesterday off. I will start by doing some abbs-PH&PUB, Then do gs-chest and tricep,then a 45min runiveral on the treadie!

Im proud of myself because last night i had some urges to eat,nothing too bad,but they were definitely there. I grapped my water and headed to the back to watch my poor braves lose agian:-( What is up with them lately,man there getting there but kicked by the colorado rockiesx(.

Everybody have a wonderful day,I will bbl after my workout:)
Good morning ladies:

I eeked out 2 1/2 miles this morning. I'm shooting for 3 next time! :)

I was thinking about getting the book called Chi Running. I've heard so much about that book - and that it can really help you fall in love with running - which I need. Anyone read this one?

I'll be back later to chat!
Hey guys!

Sherry-what does it say about me when I tell you that those recipes look yummy for ME? lol

Just a quick stop before we head out to do School Store for 4th grade. Up early this AM.....iTread 21 run intervals and MM abs.

BBL when I get back from the school!

Hello and good morning,

Hi Belinda: How was your workout? What did you have on tap for today?

Good Morning Sherry: Me too!....didn’t get in my upper workout last night after all.:( DH ended up working late with my DS. I had more running around to last night to the train and so forth. Dinner was late and before I knew it I was ready for bed.
I agree with Gayle and Amelia….those recipes do sound good. ;)

Hi Amelia: Wow girl! You have quite the workout planned for today. Are you going to split it up? Half this morn and the other half tonight? Good girl for staying strong on your choice of foods.

Hello Gayle: Awesome job getting in your workout early today! I really like that iTread 21 as well. Now on with your busy day!

OK…workout doing it this morning after DS gets to school:

Abs first! Core Max with 8# Medicine ball
SH Upper (everything except shoulders)
Runnerval #6 (haven’t decided which one…a,b or c) Probably A

Hello to everyone! Have a great workout! BBL after my workout. Heidi
Hi Michelle:

Way to go on your run this morning! Did you get to run outside today? It is going to be almost 70 here today!
I haven't heard of this book yet. Might have to check it out to see what it is all about.

Have a great day! Heidi
good morning everyone!
Didn't sleep at all last night...yawn. The first night DD sleeps all night..I don't..figures.

Amelia, I used to watch the Braves with my Nana back when cousin Ted owned them..does he still own them? I was a major fan back then. Anyway, after my Nana died I just didnt get as excited..and the fact they havent been doing very well!

DD has a sore throat and slight fever so she'll be home today. My plan is PLB. BBL
Quick post for me too! I did a combo of run with iTread 26 + bike/run of iTread iTri Reverse (total of 4.5 miles running and some biking).

Me again. I'm really sorry. I hope none of you feel like I'm ditching you guys! I'm here! Now that the weather is getting nicer again (today is supposed to be 70), I'll be outside doing tons of stuff. This afternoon, I'll be cleaning out my garage and tonight we have a baseball scrimmage. I can't get to personals, but I PROMISE I'm reading everything your little fingers are posting! PROMISE!

Belinda-make sure Jean knows you're coming to Texas again. Maybe you guys can meet up? And I vote you take ALL your Cathe DVDs.

I'm headed to work/school in about 15 minutes, so I have to sign off now!

SURVIVOR, BABY! Thursday night!

Hi girls,

just a quick check in! I just did iTread 19! Had a blast! Not sure if I will get B&G in today! That's ok, because I have Saturday and Sunday to catch up!

Belinda – Great run! I’m sure you’ll be super busy getting ready for your trip!

Sherry – Thanks for the doggie recipes! Unfortunately my doggie only has about 6 teeth left! We got him in 2000 and they thought he was 2-3 years old at that time but the vet this year says he’s probably a little older than that…anyway, he’s had most of them removed (poor guy). I tell DH I may have to start blending his food for him if he keeps going at this rate. :( But I’ll tell you what, that yogurt and PB recipe looked good enough for me to eat, lol!

Amelia – Great job on beating the munchies last night! I’m always secretly happy when I fall asleep early like last night, less chance to eat…lol!

Michelle – I actually have that book somewhere….maybe in my attic? I paged through it a couple of years ago but to tell you the truth, I can’t remember much about it, lol. I do remember it was more about making the running come more from you core rather than your legs or something like that…. There were certain exercises or drills to practice. I’d check out the library first and see if they have a copy. I’ll let you know if I find mine, you’re more than welcome to borrow it.

Gayle – I thought the same thing, lol! I may try out the yogurt and PB one for myself (he,he). Great run!

Heidi – Enjoy your workout! I like using B for days when I don’t have as much energy. It’s easy to tell myself only 4 minutes versus 6.

Susan – I hope your DD feels better soon!

Melissa – I DID find a picture of that plyo board I was telling you about yesterday in the Power Systems catalog. Unfortunately I don’t remember the item number to pull it up at work, lol. It’s there though!

Hi guys. Today must be the day for quick posts!!!

My legs are soooo sore today from BFL LB last night. And that makes me very happy!! Tonight is HIIT. Not sure yet what I'm going to do.

Quick shout out to AMELIA - way to go on avoiding those evil urges last night!!

Susan - I hope DD feels better...:-(

It's beautiful here today. I want to go home and work on the yard. The town was in the neighborhood yesterday trimming tree branches that are near the power wires. They haven't gotten to our house yet and I'm nervous. We have a HUGE oak tree in the front and the last time they "trimmed" the branches, they butchered the poor thing. When I came home and saw it, I actually cried, that's how bad it was. x(

Hi girls,

just a quick check in before I take the dogs for a long walk!

I am so happy! I weight myself and didn't gain any weight in Italy! I guess all those hills and walking payed off! LOL! I was so afraid to weigh in! I ate all that pasta and sweets/ wine!}(

I will be back for personals after my walk!
Hey there! Remember me?

Belinda, glad you enjoyed iTread 19! A big YIPPEE to you for not gaining any weight! You must be on cloud nine! Have fun taking the pups for a walk!

Sherry, sounds like a good idea for your situation, having a rest day in the middle of the week. Those recipes look scrumptious! I'll have to make and try them though before I let the doggies have any, just to make sure they are good enough! ;-)

Amelia, wow, you have another tough workout planned! Good luck getting is done! Sorry about the Braves. x( When do they play next?

Michelle, great run today! Never heard of the book Chi Running. Let me know if you get it and what it is about.

Gayle, congratulations on the presidency! Have a great day!

Heidi, sounds like you have a great long workout planned! Have fun!

Susan, sorry about your lack of sleep last night! It makes for a long day! Hope DD gets to feeling better! Have fun with PLB!

Kathy, great workout girl! Your poor dog! What breed is he? Have a great day!

Melissa, have a blast doing HIIT tonight! I hope the town goes easy on the oak! They did that to mine several years ago too. Makes the tree look stupid.

Today was a steady run on the TM. Felt great! The weather seems to be breaking for all of us! It's 70.6 right now and not a cloud in sight! The windows are all open; listening to the birds sing!

Belinda - so glad the scale is being good to you!

Sherry - You have to start watching Biggest Loser at the beginning of a series. The final to this one is next Thursday and then they will be starting a new one. I think you should join us in watching it. I didn't like it at first, but now it actually motivates me.

Heidi - Yup, I did run outside, and it was beautiful!

Kathy - the book must not have been very good if you don't remember it. Maybe I should NOT be trying to find my answer in a book -- I think the true key to learning to love running, is to just keep doing it! :)

Okay, I'm at work and gotta run -- more personals later!

Quick question for you runners -- I asked this long ago on the open forum -

Do you run with pepper spray?

Since we have moved, I feel like we are in a very safe neighborhood. Today was my first run without pepper spray. It feels good not having to carry a pouch around -- but also I was a little unnerved about it.

What are your thoughts? Of course, since I am running at 5:00 a.m. it is dark.

Hi again,

Just checking in with my workout for this morning completed.

SH Tri and Bi w/abs
iTread #21 30min intervals

Kathy: With Gayle’s temptation of #21 I did this instead of R6. I did the R6 yesterday anyway but you are right about one thing….I should have done an easier interval. My legs felt kind of sluggish for picking up the speeds today. I ended up walking it out after the high speeds this time around. I just didn’t have it in me after SH.
Nice job on your iT26 and biking!

Hello Susan: I hope that your DD feels better soon. I hate sore throats!
Have a great workout later if your up for it. Maybe a catnap this afternoon is in order.

Hi Gayle: Don’t worry….we know that you are with us in spirit. We all have our days…or week with endless tasks to do.

Hi Belinda: Nice job on your iTread 19! That is quite the workout huh!? Have a nice afternoon. Ohh.. great job on not gaining from your vacation!

Hey Melissa: Enjoy the DOMS today! My thoughts exactly on wanting to get in some yard work. I have shopping to do and the usual afternoon run around. We’ll see…
Have a great workout which ever you decide to do for you HIIT.

Off to shower…BBL Heidi
Hi Stephanie!

We posted at the sametime.

It is so great to see the sun! The sounds of the birds and peepers here just cheer me up knowing that spring is finally here.

Nice run this morning. Enjoy your day!

BBL Heidi
Hi Michelle,

I have pepper spray and wouldn't go into the woods without it. We have coyote and fox here. It has to be one of the creepiest sounds hearing them in the early evenings! If you are running in the early mornings I would still carry it just in case. Ok...maybe I am paranoid but I don't take chances either. Too many weird people in this world! Another thing to keep in these times in the morning the drunks are just heading back home to sleep it off for the day. (My son told me this...he works in a restaurant and sees them everyday)

Ok..enough motherly advise! Just be safe. :) Heidi

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