BFL for Aug.19

Hey Heidi! I see you are online...I am reading today's posts and hope to post prior to you logging off!

ETA: Amelia, I see you are online too!
Heidi, weird dream! Were you watching a movie about woods last night? How much $ was in the purse! :p
Good luck on your upcoming race! I have only run 2 races...I want to do more but our rinky-dink town doesn't have any and the next "big" town is 45 minutes away, which isn't all that far I guess.
Great workout today! I don't have PS so I subbed B&G...never thought to do GS legs or Pyramids! :eek:
I agree with you "as we age it becomes ever increasingly difficult to loose those extra pounds"...when I turned 30, 10 years ago, :confused: my body changed, and has changed with each year! My weight is 131 Goal 128, (BFL start weight was 148) but I just changed that because I can't get there. Really. I have tried for over 6 months and I guess to me it's just a number I want to get to, but my body won't let me! I am very comfortable at 131. I am 5'6 by the way.
I signed up for the diet manager...have only used it for about 6-8 days though. :mad: It's hard and takes alot of time logging new food in, but they have lots of ideas for meals. I just don't have alot of time to log the food. I have studied the "grades" and have learned quite a bit.

Belinda, great workout! IMax is a toughie!

Kathy, as usual, AWESOME workout! Your meals look good! You and Heidi are full of good info on protein, food, etc!

Amelia, poor puppy! Wasn't he in a fight?
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Hi Steph,

Back again...had to drop off MIL, pick up DD and then go to the store for a couple things.

I was on-line trying to enter the recipe for turkey meatloaf and get some kind of nutrient info to show up on my menu of the day. I still don't know if it is correct or accounting for single servings. I entered my foods I did eat so far and my calories are way up there! I agree that entering all this information is very time consuming! I guess once we enter our regular foods that we eat into our favorites it will be a lot easier in the long run.

I am due for a physical and I am dreading it big time! I am not in bad shape or considered over-weight I just don't want to be weighed. The doc's scale seems to add more to what I have weighed myself at home. ;) I guess I should consider myself lucky after all I am approaching 45 and have had 4 children to boot! Oh well....those magic perfect weight numbers are just that...numbers.
If feeling good, eating healthy and your doc clears you as being healthy, you have all that much going for you. :) (Does that make sense...?)

Off to help DH make some dinner. I have already eaten so it will be for him and DD. ;)

Take Care,
BBT Heidi

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