BFFM - week of November 6


Another week is here! Please check in and tell us of your progress.

To all who enter here, please feel free to jump in and contribute. This is not a closed thread. Anyone who is currently using or thinking of using BFFM (this is the eBook by Tom Venuto called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle) you are very welcome to join in! We'd love to hear from you.
Hey burners!

I hope everyone is still on board. We were a little quiet last week. Please check in and let everyone know how you're doing. Me, well, I'm still staying the course. With my trip to Houston and all the eating out I wasn't expecting a loss this week. However, when I stepped on the scale Friday I was elated to see that I maintained. That sugar meltdown I had on Sunday apparently didn't do the damage I thought it would. When I think back on it, I generally made better choices while I was away: fish at the Italian restaurant instead of pasta, salad at lunch instead of lunchmeat sandwiches, the bag of healthy snacks for the trip down instead of airport food, and I got up early and ran every day when I was there. The 12 hours of walking at the quilt show probably helped too LOL. I was not a complete angel by any means but I guess it could have been worse.

I had a really good restaurant experience last week (I just wish I could remember the name of the place!). My stepsister took us out to breakfast one morning and as we were driving over I was thinking to myself about the 2 slices of dry whole wheat toast I was probably going to resign myself to. Well when we got there, the menu had a large selection of healthier/lighter fare to choose from. They had egg dishes made with egg whites, served with things like whole wheat english muffins, fresh fruit, and salsa. I hate going out to eat that much because there are usually so few options, but it was so nice to see that.

This week my goal is to start mixing up my menu a little bit. To tell you the truth, I'm kind of in a food rut. Anyone have any new food ideas they'd like to share? Fitness-wise I think I'll do another 6 days of cardio with two endurance based weight workouts. Also, I need to stop neglecting my abs! I used to be do diligent about hitting them 3-5 times a week. Lately I've been rolling out of the sack a little later than I should so I end up leaving them out because I'm running late. Only been getting maybe 2 a week for several weeks.

Happy burning everyone!
Haven't checked in for awhile. Been a little under the weather. I did manage to get those calories up to about 1800. It's definitely been a challenge. I did lose another half pound and 1.3% BF. Workouts are going pretty good. I did do easier workouts because I wasn't feeling 100%. I'll get back to my rotation tomorrow.

TK - Glad to see you maintained while on your trip. It is definitely harder to make good food choices when away from home. But, you made it work for you. Hope things go well for you mixing up the menu. Maybe if we all start giving our menus everyday for a few days, it would give us all some new food ideas.

Hope everyone has a good week with BFFM.

Take care
Hello, Ladies!

TK~Glad you had a great time! Sounds like you made some great choices! Good for you!

Jamarba~Sorry you are feeling bad. I hope you get better soon. Congrats on your progress!

Hope everyone else is doing good!

Well, I haven't lost anything.:-( x( This can be so frustrating! I changed things up and will see. I am giving it a few weeks and will go from there.
I am feeling tighter and stronger though. I am doing Nov. Rotation with some of my own added. I put some weight work in too.

Have a great week!:D
Hi all..

I have not purchased the book yet, but am thinking about it. If it was in a store, I know I would have it by now. It's the E-book credit card thing and having to print it on my small not so robust printer. Did anyone take a disk or CD of it to a Kinko's or somewhere to have it printed? How much was it? Did you get the download " instantly" like it says on the site? I thought I remembered someone not getting it and being upset, sending multiple e-mails to the customer service on the site.

Any info will help me decide!

p,s the upping the calories to 1800 or more scares me silly too!
Hi all:

I just purchased the book last night. I ended up staying up a bit too late reading!! :)

So far, I love it. In the beginning when he talks about goal setting and writing it all down, that was such an eye opener to me. It seems like most of you already do that on a daily/weekly basis. You have your rotations all planned and can write down at breakfast time what you will be eating for the entire day. I now realize how important that is.

This morning I was up at 4:30 bound and determined to start working out in the morning. Of course I didn't have anything written down to do and felt tired. So, I got on the stairmaster for a few minutes and then did Stretch Max II. I now feel like it was a waste that I pulled myself out of bed so early. (I usually exercise in the afternoons, however, there are too many days that other things come up -- so I think I need to switch to mornings.)

So, I'm off to write down some goals and to read more chapters. I'm at work, but I've just got to read some more!!

Hi everyone,

fox2star, I don't have a fear of entering my cc number. I make A LOT of purchases online and pay bills. What I did, was clicked on ORDER and they instantly sent an email to me. I opened the email which had the list of downloads (BFFM book, plus the additional newletters). I clicked on Download Now. I printed the entire book out and took the paper to Kinko's to have 3-hole punched and brought my own binders. The cost from Kinko's was about $5.50.

Susan C.M.

I can sympathize with the switch to morning exercising! I was not a morning person, I've added the statement "I am a morning person and enjoying getting up early to exercise" to my daily goals. I read it every day, hopefully my subconscious will absorb it soon! LOL! ;-)

Glad you're enjoying it!
Hello everyone!

TK- great job on your trip. The last trip I took, I ate very poorly, you must have great will power! :)

jamarba- wonderful with the fat loss!

carla- I didn't lose anything this week either, I'm going to try to change things up too. Good luck with this next week!

fox2star- Welcome, I printed out BFFM at Kinko's, it was a little expensive, but so far it's been worth it to me! :)

This week I had no changes, :( . I think that the theory that TTOM effects things, has some validity. Oh well. I did readjust my calories today, as I hadn't changed them since I lost the 10lbs. I think I am also going to increase my cardio. Hopefully I'll get back on track next week! Only 20lbs and 8% body fat to go! (My goal is to get to 13% body fat-at least for a short time) UGG.

Good luck this week everyone!! :) :)
Salutation Burners!

Whew! Made it through TTOM last week. I was way off track. I will need to put a lot of planning into managing that tough week. It's the eating and cocktails (or more accurately the opposite) that are my form of self medicating through an emotional few days.

I kept up with my workout schedule through it all which is the positive side to that. But I'm back.

I have found that 1200 cal/day work well for me with a zig zag up to 1600-1800 every 4 days. That's what seems stimulate my metabolism.

Today I did LoMax for 707 cal. Tacked on about 15 minutes of KM punching drills with rhe weighted gloves and added another 100 cal! (I am psyched to do KM in full and calibrate total calories).

So 879 calories out before eating.

B-1/2 cup oatmeal, 4 raspberries, 1 egg/2 egg whites
S-Isopure 8oz
L-6oz. tuna/tbs low fat mayo/hot pepper, 1/2cup cottage cheese
S-Isopure 8oz
D-6oz. Chicken breast, sauteed spinach, SB cauliflower mashed potato

Would those of you burners who have the heart rate monitors share your total calories with your workouts? I like to get new ideas for workouts. TK whats the kcal on the "Three Amigos"?

Thanks for continuing to post as it inspires me to keep accountable.

Just a short note now because I'm at work...

X - For Low Max I have an average burn of about 275 calories. I think it's my stinkin' low resting heart rate that gives me such low calories burned numbers. For Three Amigos (that's funny because I was thinking about putting that in my rotation this week) comes in at the low to mid 300's. I have it written down at home.

This morning I did IMAX3 Blast Only followed by IMAX2 Blast Only (w/ minimal recoveries on IMAX2) and it burned 303.
Holy Moley're getting ripped off!! All that madness for 300 calories?? Are you sure? Is your monitor on the brink of demise?

I understand all about resting heart rates and metabolism, certainly a low resting heart rate is an accomplishment, but really have to work hard to burn!

I'm still surprised.


Hello Everyone!

This is my 4th week since getting the BFFM book and I have been feeling so much stronger and better. I guess the fact that something is actually working and I am finally making progress really helps. I need to take all my measurements and check my progress - but I am almost afraid too. The numbers are important - but how I feel matters so much more, and I am afraid that the number will not be 'big' enough of a difference. I know that I have lost 5 lbs - but I also know when I check my BF% I think it will reflect more of a loss in BF.

TK - Great job on your trip. It is so hard for me when I go to conferences, there is always food everywhere. Not to mention the open bar for 2 hours everynight! Luckily I dont have another trip like that until the spring. As per my affirmations I will be wearing a bikini around the pool! :)

Michelle - I was glued to the book as well. I think I got through it in 3-4 evenings.

X - Great workout. I am just starting to figure out my HR monitor. I need to establish my baselines and figure out how many cals and everything - so I will post when I start tracking the different workouts.

As for my meals -

B-1/2c egg beaters, whole wheat english muffin, simply fruit jam
B2 - 1/2c oatmeal, protein shake
L - chicken breast, brown rice, teriyaki sauce
S -??
D - my friend is coming over to workout and make something with pork (she offered since I usually make her dinner after we work out - so will hope she makes it healthy for me)

Ok - back to work for the day!
Hey x, it's always been that way since I got the darn HRM. That's why I switched to Cathe because once I figured out how low my burn rate was using Firm - don't laugh - I had to switch because a typical Firm was giving me a calorie burn rate of less than 50. I couldn't keep in my target at all.

I have checked and double checked my heart rate by taking my pulse and it is same as the HRM. I have a Polar A5, and it doesn't show any calorie burn unless it goes over 100 bpm.

When I give blood sometimes they make me go out and walk around the building to bring my HR up to their minimum of 50. My doctor isn't concerned about it but yeah I do feel ripped off in the calorie department. I guess now you understand why I go for the more intense cardio. Trust me, I am generating a huge sweat for my measly 300 burn LOL.
Good Morning again Burners...

Well - for anyone not sure about the $39 purchase of the ebook... I am very happy to report that after months of NO progress - I am seeing great results. I started BFFM mid-Oct - but didn't take any measurements until Oct 25th. Well - I checked again this morning - and as of today - I have lost 7.5 inches, 5 lbs of fat and 3.5lbs of weight!!! :) I knew I was feeling and looking better and stronger - but just seeing an inch in every arm, and just about all other places was just great!

I hvae actually lost a total of 15lbs from my highest point in September, but I just can't seem to use that as my starting number in my head - how silly is that. I just couldnt believe I was up that high - so can't even use it... if that makes sense... I just use what I was averaging for most of the year... hehe..

I hope everyone is having a great week and happy Burning!! :)
Hi burners!

I didn't post last week, too busy but I am happy to be back. Monday AM I did IMAX3, rested Tues and did Circuit Max this morning. Tomorrow maybe RS and Friday a full body weight workout with a run on the treadmill. TK this working out twice a day can be catching. I automatically wake up at 5:30am now to workout, it has become a habit!

My meals today look like this:
B-Kashi Go Lean Crunch, banana
L-Salad with cooked hamburger and cheese, low fat Rasp. Vinegrette
s-no fat yogurt, low cal crackers
D-chicken breast, brocolli, one slice wheat toast

I struggle getting enough veggies with eating at work. It doesn't work for me to heat anything up for my two snacks. Lunch works but I don't like running to the microwave on my breaks. I am trying to lower my cals as I have been maintaining. According to my caliper I lost 1% more of body fat! I only have 11 weeks to Hawaii and 9 lbs to go. I know it's possible but Thanksgiving and Christmas are in there. I get teased at work sometimes because I only eat heathly things but I know what is best for me and just ignore it. The hard part is when they put things in front of you, I have no will power. Have a great week everyone! Vicky
Hi Burners,

Anne - That's great news. And you are right about justifying the 39 bucks for the book. I always use the analogy: If I paid 39 bucks for something and lost ten pounds (or more) and got more lean because of the expenditure, then was the 39 bucks worth it? Um, yeah!

I'm hoping I'll hit my 10 pound mark this week. If I do, then it's time to reset my goals. According to the calculations in BFFM I would need to lose 3 more pounds to get to what I would consider my optimal combination of weight and body fat percentage level.

I had today off so I did a mondo workout: the cardio from 10-10-10, the cardio from Step and Intervals, followed by Meaner Legs. It ended up being a 1 hour 40 minutes session and my legs are still a little shaky. HRM reading: 369 (this statistic is for X's enjoyment LOL).

Well I'm off to the supermarket. I'm going to make a Weight Watcher recipe for chili. I've not made it before but it uses pork tenderloin for the meat and it's cooked in a crock pot. It sounded yummy and will make enough to feed us for us couple days.

Keep on burnin' everyone!
Hey burners!

Vicky: great news about the morning workouts. Once you get in the habit, your day just doesn't seem right without it. Besides, the BFFM book encourages cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. I don't know how true it is, but he says that you burn more fat that way.

Weigh in was this morning for me. One more pound is gone, so therefore I finally met my 10 pound goal (woo hoo). It was almost two weeks later than planned but, oh well at least I got there. I guess it's time to re-write the goals. I'll do the fat percentage tomorrow morning.

This morning I did the SJP and SB cardio combo premix (90 minutes). I was really running out of steam towards the end, but I did manage to finish it. HRM reading: 448. That's big numbers for me.

Have a good weekend everyone!
TGIF Burners!!!

TK - Congratulations!!! That is great that you hit your goal!! And yes - 448 is a big number for you for you workout. You go! :)

Today is my rest day thankfully. My knees could take another workout today. But right on to HSTA tomorrow. Lots of knee pressure in that one....

Eating has been going great and I am down another lb. I am down 6.5 sine BFFM a few weeks ago. I also need to get into the morning workout habit as well. I was doing pretty good there until the time change - now I can't seem to get my butt out of bed that early. Some of that is that I have a girlfriend that has been working out with me at night, so I know it would mean two workouts in a day and my knees can't take that right now.

Have a great Friday!!

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