Beginners Kickboxing Videos


I am trying to vary my cardio exercises. I LOVE stepping, not too crazy about hi/lo aerobics, but would like to try kick-boxing. I would like to get introductory video to learn the proper form of kick-boxing. Does any of Cathe's kick-boxing video teach the proper form to perform the moves? If not, any other instructor will be fine.

Thanks for your help.

Why not try Aerobox (Kathy Smith/Michael Olajide) although quite intense, Kickboxing (Kathy Smith) or Powerkicks (Aaron Lankford) - they all break down the various jabs etc...
I would not recommend Taebo which moves far too quickly, is overhyped (IMHO) and can be unsafe. The warm-ups aren't great on it either !

Good luck !!
I second the Kathy Smith kickboxing video. Aerobox is actually boxing, with no kicks, but it's a good workout. If you're looking for excellent form instruction, you might want to try Katalin Zamir's GI Jabb video set. The intro tape is a very thourough 50-minute "how to" session on punches and kicks. Some find her style a bit dry in the workouts (I liked them, but they are not advanced enough for me now and I sold them a while ago). Collage video has the 3-tape set and you can see more info on their site. (I hesitate to mention the following, because it's not the reason I posted and seems self-serving, but I have two beginner/intermediate kickboxing videos for sale on Ebay. Check under "Clafouti" (my seller name) and see if you like either of them. Both offer good instruction, but "Kick It" with Antoinette U. might be better for beginners. I hope this doesn't count as an infraction of the "no commercial posts" policy. If so, I apologize.
Katalin and Todd Geisher

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-01 AT 08:02AM (Est)[/font][p]OOPS...and I killed Todd's name..sorry's Todd Gheisar.

Haslina, I'd recommend Katalin's beginner/into tape as well...also Todd Geisher does a good beginner tape. The production value isn't all that great..but he really takes the time to break down the moves and show proper form.

Here's Todd's link

And Katalin's

A Good source for finding a KB tape for you might be the reviews at VideoFitness...

I don't think Cathe would mind me saying that her videos don't focus on introductory Kickboxing or does she take the time to breakdown the moves with a lot of explaination (THANK YOU Cathe;-)) because her intent (IMHO) is to make an advanced workout..breaking it down would take away from that. I believe Cathe even mentions, at the start of Cardio Kicks, taking a beginner 101 in KB if you really want to learn the moves right.

Careful, KB can be very addicting;-)
Hi! You sound a lot like me. I absolutely LOVE the step, but really don't care for random hopping up and down in hi-lo. I added kick boxing to my routine a few months ago, and I am really getting into it.

A great beginner tape is the "Kick It - Kick Butt" starring Antoinette Urcuyo, co-starring Dorian Gregory and Jaime Brenkus. Antoinette is great at explaining proper form. I got this tape at a local record/video store (Saturday Matinee?) for $5. A great investment.

Another really good one is "CIA 9902 - Kickbutt Combat" starring Kelli Roberts. Kelli uses the jump rope A LOT to get your heart rate up, but her form and technique on the kicks and jabs is superb.

My current favorite is "CIA 2K04 - Kicked up Step". I would not suggest you start with this tape since this instructor has much fancier choreography, and she does not spend a lot of time lecturing about proper form. I still love the tape because it combines the step with kickbox. It's a great workout and you get the best of both worlds!

Good luck with your selection. ;)
Thank you for all your input. I will try to find some used tapes from the Firm Video Swap. I am hoping I won't stay long on these beginner's tapes and will finally move on to Cathe's. As a fairly advanced stepper, I truly appreciates Cathe's tapes - an intense workout without wasting time on proper form.


mojolisa - I hate the hopping up-down on hi-lo too!

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