Beginner kickbox workout recommendations?


I need to start adding more cardio into my workout rotation. I read in the latest M&F Hers that kickboxing is considered to be a great cardio workout for also shaping up the lower body. However, I've always been a little intimidated by it - afraid I'll do it wrong and hurt myself. I have one knee that's already had work on it.

Can anyone recommend a good kickbox workout for someone just starting out? Has anyone tried Kathy Smith's kickbox tape?


Kathy Smith's is pretty good. And if you get the DVD, there are extra advanced segments (and a Spanish language soundtrack option!).

I think one of the best tapes for learning good form is Katalin Zamir's introductory tape. It usually comes along in a pack with 2 other tapes. I don't like her actual workouts as much as the intro tape (she's sometimes off count, and has a very dry personality), but the form tape is about an hour long, and a very thorough run-through of all the punches and kicks (sorry I can't remember its name!).
I really like Cathe's Cardio Kicks and the CTX Kickbox workouts. I'm not sure if they're pure Kickboxing - but I sure have fun and they both really get my heart rate up there! Plus they're both easy to follow.
For learning form I think Kathy Smith's kickboxing workout is a good one! She teaches the punches and jabs at a safe pace and there are drills at the end for kicking. You'll outgrow it after a spell, but initially it is a good one for learning good form.
Another decent one would be PowerStrike Millenium 3. It would be okay as well, but a second to Kathy Smiths. (IMO)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Another vote for Kathy Smith's kickboxing. The co-teaching expert, Keith Cook, is easy on the eyes and both give good instruction. The tempo is slower than Cardio Kicks which allows one to focus on form. There's a nice short core section at the very end.

I personally would recommend Cathe's CTX kickboxing tape. That was the first one I tried.

Now if you have just seen the movie Bringin' Down the House with Steve Martin and Queen Latifa, you may want to try a Tae Bo tape. :)


when I started out kickboxing it was with Alain Bissanthe's BOdy Bar Kickbox Circuit video. Compared to a Cathe routine, it's at intermediate level, so probably right where you are. He does 5 minutes of strength training with the body bar, I would use dumbells or just body weight, but the neat thing is, the moves are specific to help you excel at particular kickboxing moves. Then he uses the slo-mo techniques he's taught you in a 5 min cardio routine. And then you repeat for 5 or 6 cycles, I can't remember, it's been a while..

But what I'm saying is that he will teach correct form on kicks, and strengthen your muscles to help you perform them better also. Then you practice full kicks at tempo in a mini-routine. So it all blends together.

He's a charming man, very well-muscled, less verbal-bolshiness than the Tae Bo guy, and I think it is well choreographed. Keli Roberts features with him, as she does on Kathy SMith's tape, which I also have, and she throws all her energy into it, so she's good to watch.

I got my copy from collage several years ago. DO the body bar people have their own website? Maybe you see clips from it there. And if you want to borrow my copy for a while, just email me and let me know. I haven't used it for a year now...

Stay healthy,

There is a body bar web site:

I have the intermediate level body bar tape mentioned above and I agree with you, but there's also another martial arts video with a female lead (can't remember her name) for sale there. I'm interested in trying that one, too, but I have to wait a bit until my foot heals and I can get back to kickboxing. Love it! Kickboxing, that is!

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