Been A Long Time!


Hey everyone!

HUGE Cathe fan here! You might say she changed my life. I haven't been to the forum lately and I really didn't get the details as to how Cathe got hurt. I see she is doing well and recovered but can someone fill me in. I'm glad she is doing well and I just got my newest dvd's in the mail last week. Can't wait to get started! Hope everyone is doing great and staying fit!

Hi Gabriel,

Welcome back! To answer your question:

Cathe hurt her knee. She thinks it happened doing kickboxing, but isn't certain what caused it. She explains it on her page, and I think that post is "stuck" at the top. From my memory and understanding, something was wrong with her plica band. Her doctors could not figure out what was wrong for a long time, so she was thrilled to finally be diagnosed. She had surgery and is now told that she's all healed up. She's planning on filming 4 new workouts in a few weeks.

HTH! If you want the real details, please look at the updates at the top of her page. I am not very knowledgable about it!


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'm glad she'll be able to continue to do what she does.
Have a great weekend!

Hi Gabriel,

You're welcome! I know I didn't provide much real information, but I hope it helped.

You have a great weekend, too!


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