Back to school season is batty


Batty on the mind and on the wallet. I dont know about others but some of the things that are required school supplies are nuts..certain colors, certain brands... I have made several trips out to the stores and am still not done. Then there is the wallet is making an echoing like sound from the emptiness..anyone else experiences this?? haha...
are you required to buy the $100 calculator? i can't believe how expensive those things are. i went to target yesterday and it was already getting a little crazy in there.
I registered 2 of my kids for school Wednesday. I can't believe the expenses. You have to pay to join PTA. The school supply list was a little crazy. My oldest in 4th grade has to have oil pastels. Had a hard time finding those, can't get them at Target or Walmart, etc. I had to go to hobby lobby (didn't get the brand they suggested on the list, no one had heard of it). Chisel tip markers. There were others too. THe kids have to have seperate shoes for PE here. They cannot leave marks on the floor and they will stay at school in their locker. SO now I have to buy them each two pairs of tennis shoes. Nuts!!
Hah! I just went through this as all 3 my kids started school on August 3rd. I have paid out of pocket close to 1000. duckies, to get all 3 of them ready ...which includes supplies for class, clothes and shoes. My oldest is a freahman in HS this year and each subject had their own long list of class supplies, let's not even talk about there school lunches. Oh I also forgot that into their 2nd week in school I still had to pay for those weekly readers, fees and schlostic news plus their school agenda books which are required by all students. And the teachers even have a 'wish list' that they ask parents to supply the class with facial tissues, baby wipes and all sorts of other junk. UGH! It's not cheap! I can't even imagine when they start college; may have to get a 2nd mortage on the house to even pay for that ...sheesh.
Paying to join PTA?? Wow.

I am sending my youngest off to college in a week, and I can tell you--all the things he's going to need to live on campus---yikes. :eek:

Not to mention tuition and room and board.

O thought it was bad when he was in grade school/HS......
Yes PTA!!

I can't wait until they start. The teachers will start sending out their wish lists for things they need and I will have to go shopping again. They even ask for books. They will also ask for cold drinks and popcicles, etc too because the schools do NOT have air. I am having a hard time with this one. We were transfered 2 years ago and found out that this town is kind of a ritzy town(didn't know it until after we moved). They require you to by stickers to put on each of your trash bags or they wont pick it up. I couldn't believe it.
>Yes PTA!!

Hey McKeev,

My kids are in middle and high school now, but I remember the first year I was told I had to pay PTA dues. Plenty of us put up a stink. The solution is simple--your PTA can switch to a PTO and then, no fees. That's what we did.

What nails us this time of year are not just the clothes and supplies (my oldest needs a graphing calculator, geez those are expensive!) but also the new contacts, new lenses for the glasses and new backpacks.

Lisa TV
Yes back to school requirements are aweful, I spent $117.00 in school fees, and then another $57.00 for my son in Junior high school
And as for the calculator yes my kids were told they needed that and they are so expensive. And school clothes are getting more expensive as my kids grow.
I don't have to do the glasses yet but I imagine in time since DH and I both wear contacts. Already got the backpacks and the lunch boxes. My oldest is too picky and he wont eat at school. My middle son eats once in a while.

How many kids do you have? I have 3 boys (2, 7, 9).
I don't think the school supplies are too bad (except the calculator), but the registration fees and PTO fees are crazy. What the H*** do we pay these outrageous taxes for. I live in WI. Our property and school taxes are very high and yet we have to pay registration fees.x( I don't get it! Oh well, at least my kids love the new backpacks they just got. That's all for this week. Next week I finish the supply list.

Oh, and what is it with these "special" calculators they need. It's too expensive for a grade schooler. What's wrong with the TI for $5. Okay, now ya all have got me started. :eek: Happy back to school shopping!:7
>Isn't free public education great? Instead of No Child Left
>Behind, soon there will be No Child's Behind Left.

I am a public school music teacher and I work very hard. I asked my 5th graders to pay $5 for recorders last year because our school does not have the money to provide them. Since they are a "personal" item (they go in the mouth), I believe it is safest for each child to have his or her own instrument.

I spent about $50 of my own money to make sure that the children who could not afford a recorder had one.

The year before last, when I helped my chorus put together our "Hula Concert", complete with Hawaiian shirts for 65 kids (I went to FIVE separate thrift stores, some more than once), plastic grass for the barefoot hula dancers, and homemade hula skirts, special leis for the poi ball twirlers, the "Hula Honeys" and the "Aloha Soloists", guess who spent $500 of her own money to make the concert a success for every sweet face on that stage?

And guess how many parents from a standing-room-only all-purpose room came up to me afterward to thank me for the job well done? Two.

I am not complaining about the money I spend/spent. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Plus if I leave this school I will definitely take the materials with me. My point is that most teachers do not sit from on high and frivolously demand students buy this and that.

I think it is reasonable to ask each student to donate one box of tissue, that way the class has at least 20-25 (sometimes 30 - yikes!) boxes of tissue to share during the year. Should public school pay for facial tissue? Maybe, but as a teacher who teaches 550 different kids a week, you would be amazed at how fast they clean me out of my personal supply of tissue (about one box a week). I swipe them from the nurse's office now.

BTW, THIS public educator, along with many of my colleagues, thinks NCLB (no child left behind) is a JOKE (underline JOKE).

Susan L.G.
You ladies are SCARRRYYYING me with the calculators..My oldest (the only one of 3 in school) is entering the second grade.. but between what we pay in taxes about 60% goes to the school and the "list" certain brand artsit quality pencils to the certain color steno pad to the certain color folders...GIVE ME A BREAK.. we live out in the sticks and it is impossible to find these things, then the registration fees and the clothes...I am bleeding here from financial I forgot to mention the hypoallergenic 3 pack of 160 tissue Scottie facial tissue..haha. I certainly dont think the teachers should supply this ..god bless them ..teachers are truly wonderful giving people..who I hear spend their own money on classroom supplies.. A true shame.. I too chuckle at the saying no child left behind.. haha ..yeah as long as his/her parents can cough up the dough..what about those that can not afford supplies..what happens to those kids..I shun to think:)
***QUOTE***what about those that can not afford supplies..what happens to those kids..I shun to think:)

I teach school in an economically depressed area in Kansas, and we supply EVERYTHING for our students--paper, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, notebooks, calculators, even pencil holders. We have to; if we didn't, half the class wouldn't even have a pencil. Everyone has the same "stuff," and nobody does without, although sometimes we end up using the "tubular rolls of facial tissue" (TP) rather than the nice boxes of folded tissues, but it's a long-running joke and makes us laugh. And we teachers buy lots of backpacks (and other goodies, of course) when they're on sale.

My son also went to school in Missouri for a while, and there are (or were at the time, anyway) no enrollment fees whatsoever. I kept trying to write the lady a check, and she couldn't understand what I wanted to pay her for. Very confusing.

Guess it's different everywhere.

I'm a public school special education teacher and I can't tell you how much money out of pocket I put into my students and classroom every year. Our PTA is a HUGE help and they are so active and involved and they ususally come up with $200 for the teachers to spend every year. My parents who bring the tissue and hand soap and supplies not know what a blessing they are to me and my students. I know it's expensive and I don't ask for particular name brands...I take and use what I get and I'm thankful! So I know it is costing you mom's a lot but it is costing us teachers too so thanks in advance for anything you provide!
Holy Cow!!! This may sound old fashioned, but what the he!! does a grade schooler need a calculator for?? Don't they learn how to actually calculate on their own any more? Uggh!!

I didn't use a graphing calculator until college (mid '90's) and I was math major, for goodness sake.
I teach high school math and DO NOT require the expensive calculators.....another teacher and I aquired a set through state grants. So we have to cart them around the school a lot but when we use the graphing calculators we use the schools and leave them there. I do require the $10-$20 scientific calculators and they do everything we need except for the graphing all four years of high school.

As far as tissues, I keep a roll of tp at the front of the room that the janitor gives me. Students that want softer tissues bring their own or else use my "roll of tissue". I keep a list on my desk during the year and try to order things the kids need with my $250 budget.

I do require a 3-ring notebook but not any particular type. Matter of fact at the end of each school year I have kids leave 3-ring binders that they were going to know some kids have to have everything new every year. Kids can pick these used binders up at the beginning of each new school year. Some of the kids are VERY appreciative of this.

We are by no means a blessed school, but I really think you can "make-do" with less and be creative with what is readily and cheapily available. Kids can be so creative if they have limited resources. I'm always AMAZED at what they can come up with without spending tons of money.

Food for thought...Sami

I couldn't agree more about NCLB. I work in a public high school in rural northern California and our district is one of about 200 in California with declining enrollment. We are also the largest geographical district in the state and a lot of the land encompassed by the district is forest service or state parks which do not produce tax revenue. NCLB has made it more difficult to hire teachers, and has set up all these mandates without any funding to facilitate them. Because California pays a school per child per day of attendance we are caught in a money-losing vortex. The number of kids in the classroom may be down 5 or 6 kids per class, but it still takes the same number of total teachers to teach them. So cut, cut, cut. Teachers spend hundreds on classroom supplies, all kinds of things slip through the cracks because we are so understaffed, and everyone gets an ulcer about January each year when we begin to hear rumors of who's going to lose their job. NCLB is just another example of Bush lip service to a cause he cares nothing about.

OK, if you guys aren't mad enough, just wait til your kids are in college. Just wait! My daughter is starting her sophomore year now and it is just one atrocious expense after another.

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