Babies after 35?


I was just taking a poll here of those of you that have had children over the age of 35. I am going to be 35 tomorrow, DH and I have been trying for 4 years for a third, and have been told that its very unlikely to become pregnant after 35 without "heroic" measures. We have recently begun the adoption process. I guess I was just curious if anyone here managed to get pregnant after the "magic" age of 35.
I was 351/2 when I delivered my second child. It took us a year to conceive.(?sp) Not an easy pregnancy or delivery. I had HELLP when I delivered.
I am soon to be 37 and hoping to try for my 3rd as well. I have 2 boys a 5 year old and a 2 year old. I just wanted to give you some encouragement. I have many friends who had babies in their late 30's and over 40. Good luck.

I had my 3rd baby at 37 without any measures and without any problems, of course I was labeled "advanced maternal age"!
I had my last one at 32, but I know several people that have gotten pregnant after 35 and have healthy babies. I think after age 35, more tests are given (amneocentesis, sp?), etc., but more are more people are deciding to have kids at a later age now- even in the 40's.
I had my first DD a few weeks after I turned 34 and my second DD a few weeks after I turned 36. I have many friends and colleagues who had (or are having) children after 35 (including several who had a child after 40). Good luck to you and your husband.
I had my first and only child at 41 with no intervention, meds, etc. Took 5 months to conceive her. The pregnancy was problem free. She is a healthy 5 1/2 year old now.
I was an unplanned baby and my mother was 40. I find "advanced maternal age" laughable since many people I know are having their first children in their mid to late thirties. I know others who have had quite a bit of trouble. It's different for everyone I suppose.

ETA> I just spoke with a coworker who had an unplanned (her first and only) pregnancy at 45 and had a healthy little girl. A second coworker said that she has had one in every decade...17, 25, 32, and 41.
So, here's to those lucky enough to be Advanced Maternal Mamas!

I had my first at 37 and my second at 40. Conceiving didn't seem to be a problem, but there were at least two miscarriages. I was working out quite a bit back then, though maybe not so intensely. When I was pregnant with number 1, I did the firm every morning (pretty much) until the day my water broke 5 weeks early (gee, I wonder why.... duh!). The second one was then considered a high-risk pregnancy, and so I was theoretically on bedrest pretty early into it, but who can do that with a two year old?! At least I wasn't really working out.

good luck!!

I had my third child at 36. That pregnancy was actually the fastest to conceive (only took one cycle), and except for some minor spotting near the beginning, was more or less problem-free.

Good luck to you...all our best wishes.

ETA: Oh and Happy Birthday!
I"m turning 35 in July. I really would like to have number 4. We tried to conceive for over a year, and it just didn't happen. We're under a great deal of stress right now (2 mortgages--our old house isn't selling). I"m hoping to try again once the house sells. Although it might be "ideal" to have all your babies b4 35,...ultimately God is in control. ;)

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I had my DS when I was 37 and had no problem conceiving (only took one planned try)

I just think it is probably more tiring to do it the "older" you get.
My sister had her only child at the age of (drumroll please) 42 without meds and totally natural. The docs were amazed at her strength and attitude. She makes a great Mom too!!

They talked to fertility clinics but the old fashioned way worked best.
I had my first child at age 35 1/2, and then my twins at age 38, and I was also considered "advanced maternal age" with both my pregnancies. I also have friends who had their children in their late 30's and early 40's. Good luck, and happy birthday!!
I am 43 and I have and 8yr old and a 3 year old. Conception for me, was easy. I think I am very fertile! LOL. However, I found the second pregnancy extremly uncomfortable, and hard on my body. I would love another child, but (and I know its only for a short time) the stress it placed on my body and the pain I won't do it again! (if pregnancy happened accidentally I'd be pleased but its not a choice) To top it all off with both pregnancies I was morning sick 24/7 most of the way through each one. I was pretty, miserable and pathetic really. lol I am just not built for "breeding". HaHa

I choose to get pregnant later on as I was busy "living life". If I knew then what i know now, I would've had the children early on in life.
Having kids was THE GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE! But I do think the older you get the harder a preganancy is on your body. BUT I lived to tell the tale. And i am lucky, no conception problems or miscariages. My heart goes out to those who do have these issues.

My best friend - since we were in 5th grade - had to take heroic measures to get pregnant the first two times. Last year, she wasn't feeling well and it just never went away so she went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. She delivered in February and will turn 40 in May. It just happened this time - no trying at all. I know several people who have "oops" babies at this age, so I say hogwash to the heroic measures thing. Have fun trying, but don't focus on the baby part - taking out that stress seems to help :)
I was never able to have children :( , BUT, my mom was 41 when she had me and 43 when my sister was born. ;)
I had my first daughter when I was 33 snd my second daughter when I was 36. Both were quite easily conceived and deliveries were easy compared to most experiences I have heard of.

I laughed when my midwife told me I was "advanced maternal age" :) at the beginning of my second pregnancy. I declined to have any of the invasive tests that were offered and my second daughter was born healthy and happy in my bed at home.

My husband and I decided that we should stop at two girls and he had a vasectomy. It's probably a good thing, because I am sure I would have tried to have another one - I get the overwhelming urge every time I see a little baby or pregnant woman. (I LOVED being pregnant.)

From the look of the other mothers in my daughter's kindergarten class, most women are waiting until they are older to have children.
I can't thank you all enough for your responses! And they really did help more than you know. It just sucks getting older, and I think turning 35 and trying to have a baby just makes me feel even older (especially when medicine labels you as advanced maternal age, jeez I should go pick out my coffin already).
My grandmother had 10 kids, 4 before 30, 4 before 40 and 2 after 40. If she was still around, I know what she'd say, thanks for doing it for her you all!
Had my second son 1 week shy of my 37th birthday. Got pregnant naturally and quickly, even with three fibroids. Good luck!

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