

Are light weights with many reps the best way to lean out my upper body? There is a layer of fat surronding my arms....everything else seems to be getting smaller but my arms. I have PUM and the whole gym style series....and many others too. Will someone please help?

Well I am not Cathe but I have managed to lean out my upper body. I try to eat clean, do cardio at least 5 out of 7 days and work the whole body at least 3 days per week with weights. I also found that cardio kickboxing, using a bag or with a partner (impact), is a great way to get the cardio in along with muscle conditioning and I do that about 2 to 4 times per week. I sometimes do my Taebo or Cathe kickbox workouts and use the standing bag as much as possible with the jabs and cross punches, etc. I love to work on my triceps and I can do quite alot of full pushups. It takes time and there is no way to spot reduce so be patient and perhaps track your progress with a measuring tape. I do tend to like high rep, low weight workouts and the Pyramids are very good for that. I believe in cross training as well.

Good luck,


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